June 2014
Don’t Fall for
Democrats’ Campaign Promises
Fight Low-Wage
Mobilize Workers’ Power

Demonstration outside McDonald’s restaurant near Times
Square, New York City, during May 15 fast food workers
“strike.” (Internationalist
For Class Struggle
Against Capitalism
Build a Revolutionary Workers Party!
Even $15
Is Poverty Pay
What “economic recovery”? You seen any recovery in your
pay lately? Rents are up – along with food, transportation
and everything else – and wages are down. Better-paying
jobs are being replaced by low-wage jobs. Despite the
government’s lying statistics, mass unemployment hasn’t
gone away. The reality is that we are well into the sixth
year of a capitalist economic crisis with no end in sight.
But workers won’t take this forever: an outbreak of class
struggle is coming.
“Recession”? No way. A recession is a cyclical dip. This
is a depression: the economy went down and it’s
staying down. Sure, the bosses are making money hand over
fist, while we the workers pay the price – low-wage
workers most of all. The fight against poverty wages must
be the fight of all working people – and it must be waged
first and foremost against the Democratic Party,
from the White House to the State House and City Hall.
President Obama’s call to raise the federal minimum wage
from $7.25 to $10.10 is peanuts. The Republicans won’t
even agree to that, which is why the Dems proposed it, as
a ploy to get votes in the 2014 elections. But even the
$10.10 Obamawage would leave workers stuck deep in
poverty. The Democrats are no “friends of labor”: like the
Republicans they are a capitalist party that represents
the interests of the bosses who exploit low-wage workers –
and all workers.
Over the last year and a half there has been a
groundswell of calls to raise the minimum wage to $15.
Beginning in 2012 with nationwide rallies outside Walmart
stores and a fast food workers “strike” in New York City
that December, protests in numerous cities against low
wages have coalesced around the demand for a $15 minimum
wage. On June 1, the Seattle City Council voted to raise
the local minimum to $15 but taking four to seven years to
reach that level.
$15 would be a raise rather than an insult, but one that
is wholly inadequate. Low-wage workers chant, “we can’t
survive on $7.25” and call for a living wage. But you
can’t live on $15 either and make ends meet, particularly
with a family. A worker in Seattle would have to put in
two and a half weeks full-time to pay the average monthly
apartment rent ($1,540) – and that’s before taxes! In NYC,
a one-bedroom apartment ($2,666) would be more than a
month’s pay!!
Fact is, $15 is still a poverty wage. You would
have to triple the current minimum wage to
$25 an hour and more to even begin to climb
out of poverty. But beyond the numbers, the rulers will
use every trick in the book to whittle it down (in NYC the
liberal hope Bill de Blasio is talking $13.33), delay it
and load it up with all sorts of exemptions like health
care. Appeals to the Democrats are a dead end:
workers are going to have to use their power to strike.
Yet the various campaigns (15 Now, Fight for 15, Fast
Food Forward, etc.) all focus on pressuring the Democrats.
Even when led by ostensible socialists, they are basically
electoral gimmicks. The “strikes” that have been called
are purely symbolic: very few low-wage workers actually
join in for a simple reason – without union protection
they run a huge risk of being fired. To counter that
what’s needed isn’t appeals to “elected officials” but to
mobilize union power.
Workers today are being told not to expect a secure
retirement, steady employment or decent and affordable
housing. We are beset by an aggressive police apparatus
armed for civil war that lays its bloody hands on one in
three black men in this country and persecutes the 12
million undocumented immigrant workers, breaking up
families and throwing them into concentration camps
awaiting deportation. Unions are under constant assault
yet they are shackled by a sellout, flag-waving
bureaucracy that seeks to chain the workers to “their”
capitalist bosses.
Straining under this burden of exploitation and
oppression, insulted by the gross inequality that subverts
any promise of “democracy,” the working class is heading
for an explosion that will make the middle-class Occupy
protests look like a firecracker. The question is not
whether a labor revolt will break out, but what will be
its result. Will its energies be sapped by symbolic
actions, will there be a rotten compromise that leaves
low-wage slavery intact? The will to struggle is there.
The outcome depends on two things: leadership and program.
The issue here is power. The opposition to
raising the minimum wage is not being led by mom-and-pop
delis and the corner bodega, it’s coming from
multi-billion-dollar corporations like McDonald’s and
Walmart. The sky-high profits of these mega-capitalists
depend on rock-bottom wages. They will never be defeated
by business unionists whose stock-in-trade is class
collaboration. Real victories for low-wage workers
require forging a leadership based on a program of
unflinching class struggle.
“Stick Together for $15 and a Union” read the signs
outside the Wendy’s on Fulton Street in Brooklyn last
December 5. Wendy’s response was to close the store. Yet
for all the media attention and hopes incited by low-wage
worker protests, these have not organized a single shop.
Why not? Because the goal of the union bureaucrats and the
reformist “socialists” who tail after them is to contain
the class struggle and use it as a bargaining chip for
political influence within the ruling party of racist
American capitalism, the Democratic Party.
The fact is, the union tops are not trying to
unionize workers in low-wage industries. They even
say so. On 29 January 2013, the Organization United for
Respect at Wal-Mart (OUR Walmart) and its backer the Food
and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW), threatened by a suit
brought against them by Walmart, called off picketing for
60 days and categorically promised the National Labor
Relations Board that they did not, and would not, seek to
unionize Walmart workers. All they’re trying to do is keep
Walmart out of the urban centers.
Meanwhile, despite the millions of dollars in members’
dues poured into the project, the Service Employees
International bureaucracy behind the “Fast Food Forward”
campaign limits itself to cheap stunts where a handful of
workers are used as stage props for Democratic politicians
to promote their undeserved reputations as “friends” of
the workers. But millions of low-wage workers are fed up
with empty promises, want real results and have all the
courage and initiative that the struggle requires.
A class-struggle fight against poverty wages would seek
to build fighting unions, beginning with assemblies of
low-wage workers. It would appeal for working-class
support to picket and, where there is sufficient support
among workers, shut down particular
businesses (particularly of national chains) that don’t
pay at least $15 per hour. Opposing bureaucratic
sellouts, it would insist on mass mobilization and
independence from the Democrats and all capitalist parties
and politicians, who are the servants of the bosses and
the patrons of the racist, strikebreaking cops.
A class-struggle offensive must not limit itself to
narrow “bread-and-butter” economic demands. Recognizing
that a majority of low-wage workers are women, it would
call for free, 24-hour child care. Particularly since a
huge percentage of low-wage workers are undocumented
immigrants, it would demand full citizenship rights for
all immigrants. Well aware that young African American
workers are targets of police terror the minute they walk
out the door, it would call for workers mobilization
against racist repression. And it would oppose the drive
to war.
Above all, we must fight for political independence from
the bosses’ parties, to begin building a workers party now,
not just to fight back against capitalist attack but to
lead a counteroffensive for a workers government that can
do away with modern wage slavery and begin the work of
international socialist revolution. $15 is not enough. Low-wage
workers, and all workers, need a whopping raise,
fighting unions, and a revolutionary workers party! ■
“$15 Later” Law –
A “Historic Victory”? Hardly
Last November, the liberal “socialist” Kshama Sawant
was elected to the Seattle city council, on a platform
for a $15 an hour minimum wage. The victorious
Democratic candidate for mayor, Ed Murray, also called
for $15/hr., as did his Democratic rival.1
After some weeks deliberation a select “Inequality
Advisory Committee” of corporate lobbyists and labor
bureaucrats produced a bill that do that … by anywhere
from 2017 to 2021. The Seattle Times
(2 May) headlined, “Mayor’s plan lifts minimum wage to
$15 – eventually,” saying the “lengthy and complicated”
route “lacks the punch of ’15 now’,” but had business
and labor support. On June 2, the bill was approved by
the city council as activists chanted “we are
unstoppable, another world is possible.”
The Seattle Times (3 June) called it
“historic,” as did Sawant. Her party, Socialist
Alternative (SAlt), had earlier denounced the lengthy
phase-in (only after 11 years – in 2025 – will
workers who receive tips catch up to the rest) and
elements on the “big business wish list.” Sawant (who
was on the advisory committee) presented a series of
amendments to eliminate provisions for a lower “training
wage” for teenagers and disabled workers, as well as
delays for tips and health care benefits. All were voted
down. She then joined her Democratic colleagues to make
the final vote unanimous, later calling it “an
absolutely historic movement” (Democracy Now, 5 June).
An article on the SAlt website hailed the “victory” as
“an historic achievement.”
Was it? Sawant said the measure “signifies a transfer
of income of $3 billion from the richest in the city to
the bottom-most workers,” and the SAlt article claimed
that that “one hundred thousand workers will be lifted
out of poverty” Nonsense, workers earning $15 an hour won’t
even be able to pay the rent, which by 2017-21 is
bound to be quite a bit higher. Certainly the vote shows
that Democrats are feeling the need to do something to
defuse unrest over inequality. Ballot measures calling
for minimum wage hikes are being proposed in San
Francisco, Oakland, Chicago and other cities. Yet
“Council members acknowledged it would take more than a
gradual pay increase to make the city more affordable,”
the Seattle Times account noted.
Democracy Now journalist Juan Gonzalez questioned
Sawant about her turnaround on the mayor’s plan, and the
International Socialist Organization (which is every bit
as reformist as Socialist Alternative) took her to task
for proclaiming it a historic victory and for “abruptly
dropping the campaign for a ballot measure to win a
stronger law” (socialistworker.org, 13 June). SAlt’s
answer is given in its headline on the city council
vote, “Victory for $15 in Seattle! How Socialists Built
a Winning Movement.” For the social democrats – whether
SAlt, ISO or the other brands – what’s key is not
mobilizing the working class against capitalism but
projecting the image of a “winning movement” (led by
them), no matter how paltry the gains.
Revolutionaries can support reforms that significantly
improve conditions for the working class and oppressed,
while emphatically denouncing their limitations and
underscoring the need to bring down the whole system of
production for profit. But the ballot initiative being
pushed by Socialist Alternative was not, in fact, better
than the mayor’s bill. In particular, it included a
provision, similar to one in Proposition 1 to establish
a $15 minimum wage in the Seattle-Tacoma Washington
“airport city” of SeaTac last November, that allowed
unions to agree with employers to contractually
exempt their members from the higher minimum wage.
This grotesquely anti-union clause was written into the
law by the labor bureaucrats who drafted it!
In SeaTac, a county judge struck down the $15
ordinance, agreeing with Alaska Airlines that the city
had no right to set wages at the airport. In Seattle,
SAlt’s “15 Now” campaign drafted a ballot initiative as
a pressure tactic against waffling by the Democratic
mayor and city council. But at the request of Hotel and
Restaurant Workers (HERE) union bureaucrats, at an April
26 conference SAlt included a clause similar to SeaTac’s
allowing lower union wages. Trying to hide its
capitulation to the sellout bureaucrats, SAlt cynically
called this sub-minimum wage clause “language defending
the family health care plans won by unionized Seattle
hotel workers” (“$15 in Seattle is not the end – It is
the beginning!”, socialistalternative.org, 30 April).
The HERE labor fakers no doubt figured they could offer
sweetheart deals of lower wages and lousy medical
insurance to the bosses in exchange for union
recognition. But while filling union coffers with dues
money, this would fatally undermine the unions as a
defense of workers against unlimited capitalist
exploitation. For ostensible socialists to support such
a dirty deal is shameful. So when SAlt tries to cover
its left flank with cheap criticisms of the “corporate
loopholes” in the Seattle minimum wage law it voted for,
just keep in mind that it wrote the mother of all
corporate loopholes into its “alternative” proposal.
P.S. Now that Socialist Alternative has dropped its
ballot initiative and hailed the mayor’s law as
“historic,” perhaps it should rebrand its campaign from
“15 Now” to “15 Later.” ■
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