Shippers Call for Biden to Intervene in Longshore
Out on Juneteenth,
And Stay Out to Win!
for Workers Control of Safety and Technology!

In ILWU 19 June 2020 shutdown of all 29 West Coast ports
against police brutality and systemic racism, thousands
marched through the Port of Oakland as the giant cranes
in the distance stood idle with booms up.
(Bay Area News Group)
By members of the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union
On Friday, June 2, the Port of Oakland shut down after
a reported breakdown in contract negotiations with the
bosses’ Pacific Maritime Association. On the morning
shift, SSA and TraPac terminals closed, and by Saturday
a.m. nothing moved in the port, the hiring hall was
empty. Also on Friday and into the weekend there were
reports of terminals shutting down in Los Angeles, Long
Beach and Puget Sound. In Tacoma employers fired a gang
working a ship for following the safety code. On Monday,
TTI, the largest terminal in Long Beach, locked out its
a.m. shift. And in Seattle, starting on the night of
June 1, port bosses fired whole containership operation
shifts, continuing these twice-daily mass firings for a
week and counting (as grain and cruise ships continued
to work).
Negotiations have been going on with the PMA since May
2022. The employers are offering “raises” far less than
the rate of inflation (= pay cut), and are balking on
retroactive pay, let alone a COLA (cost of living
adjustment) to compensate for inflation. “No contract,
no work” used to be a principle for the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union, but our members have been
working without a contract for almost a year. The
International is saying there is no breakdown, no
slowdowns, no nothing: all quiet on the Western docks.
Except it isn’t. In April, Local 13 shut down L.A./Long
Beach docks over safety issues. This time, after Local
10 in the Bay Area led off, it was echoed up and down
the coast. Seattle Local 19 has braved employer
sanctions for days on end, and even some bananas sat in
ships’ holds in Port Hueneme.
A year ago, ILWU International president Willie Adams
met with the PMA and Joe Biden aboard the USS Iowa
and issued a joint statement with the PMA, promising
that “Neither party is preparing for a strike or
lockout.” Until June 1, the International issued
periodic press releases saying that negotiations were
going well, we’re getting close to a positive outcome,
all without any need for major industrial struggle on
the docks. So much for the naïve illusion that the
employers might treat us benevolently, or at least
reasonably! Now that the phony question of whether
such struggle must occur has been dispelled, we can
finally have the real discussion of how our
side, that of labor, should organize ourselves to win
this class struggle with capital.
On June 2, ILWU Local 13 issued a press release
stating: “the rank and file members of the Southern
California ILWU has taken it upon themselves to voice
their displeasure with the ocean carriers’ and terminal
operators’ position. However, cargo operations in the
ports continue as longshore workers remain on the job….”
This, unfortunately, is pretty accurate. It was the
action of the ranks, which was quickly called off, but
all the ILWU longshore division should be out on the
picket lines. Meanwhile, jobs are threatened by PMA’s
plans for wholesale automation in the ports. There
should be coordinated walkouts in all 29 West Coast
ports NOW, and the
ILWU should call a coastwise strike demanding union
control over job-killing technology.
After the initial struggle of the first weekend in
June, the National Association of Manufacturers and
National Retail Federation, two of the top business
cartels in the country, along with Amazon, Walmart and
other big shippers are “imploring the White House” to
step in and broker a deal” (Washington Post, 6
June). They’re looking for Democratic president Biden to
do what he did to railroad workers last December when he
banned an impending strike by imposing a contract on
them which a majority of the union members had voted
against! The workers were fighting for safer conditions
in a dangerous industry like ours and for time off for
doctor visits. They never got these basic demands.
We say, “Hell no Biden!” We remember what he did in
the Obama administration in 2012 when they sent an
armed Coast Guard cutter down the Columbia River to
escort a scab grain ship to break our action to shut
down the scab EGT grain terminal in Longview,
Washington. The truth is that both Democrats and
Republicans represent the bosses – any reliance on them
is bad news for us.
Retro pay is an important issue, especially since ILWU
members have been working without a contract since July
1 last year. Also wages, and a COLA as workers’ real
incomes (after accounting for inflation) have been
falling across the country. But the key item in this
bargaining is automation. At issue is the future of our
jobs. If we fight for 4 shifts of 6 hours with pay
equivalent to an 8-hour day that will add another shift.
Use automation to protect our livelihoods and open jobs
for new workers. We must fight for union control
of technology. and safe working conditions.
The PMA complains about red-tagging unsafe equipment? We
should make a bottom-line demand that no
red-tagged equipment goes back into service until
the union says it’s okay.
To make sure these demands are met we need an elected
union strike committee, which can be
recalled by the membership at any time. And bring back
“fishbowl negotiations” so we can all see what’s being
bargained for.
This is not pie in the sky. We can win it if we stick
together. Since 1934, ILWU has won contracts setting
wages and working conditions all along the coast, but
lately there has been no coordinated coastwise action.
It’s all port by port. We need to say: if one port
goes out, we all go out! We can’t allow employers
to fire the gangs on the ship while the yard longshore
workers continue working, as happened in Tacoma and
other ports. To show real unity, Tacoma Local 23 should
join Local 19 in Seattle for the Juneteenth rally. The
whole ILWU should also take the lead fighting for all
working people and defending the oppressed, as our
action pointed to on Juneteenth 2020, shutting down the
whole coast to demand an end to systemic racism and
police terror.
This Juneteenth, 19 June 2023, the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union should again shut down
all West Coast ports, and keep them shut until our
demands are met! And we should call
on the International Longshoremen’s Association
(ILA) and its locals to join us on Juneteenth in
what would be a historic coast-to-coast dock strike
commemorating the final abolition of chattel slavery
in the U.S. and continuing the fight against racial
Yes, it will take a hard-fought strike to win this. To
make sure the shipping bosses don’t undercut it by
shifting cargo to Gulf and East Coast ports (as they
have been doing in anticipation of labor turmoil on the
West Coast), ILWU must call on the ILA to refuse
to work cargo of ships diverted because of labor
struggle. When workers are in struggle, diverted
cargo is scab cargo. In 2000, ILWU took
solidarity action to support the Charleston longshore
struggle. Now it’s time for East and Gulf Coast
longshore workers to reciprocate, especially since the
ILA is itself facing the threat of job-killing
And against the threat of bringing in the White House
(and Congress!) to crush our fight, as they did with
railroad workers, we need alert all of labor and
organizations of the oppressed to prepare to unleash
powerful union-led mass action to bust
the union-busters! The potential for
widespread workers action and solidarity
is also highlighted now with 340,000 UPS Teamsters
taking a strike authorization vote. Teamsters and
longshore workers together – that’s the kind of power
that can shake the country. Right now ILWU Canada is
taking a strike vote, while the APWU (American Postal
Workers Union) is closer to a potential strike situation
than at any time since the early 1970s.
It all takes leadership. For working people to win, it
is necessary to break with the Democrats and
build a class-struggle workers party to lead
the multiracial, multiethnic and international fight for
a workers government that will put the
bosses out of business for good. If we stick together
and mobilize our forces, the ILWU can galvanize millions
to fight. We can do it!
June 9, 2023
Jack Heyman Local 10 Oakland (#8780
David “Newt” Newton Local 10 Oakland (#101386)
Dan Coffman (#92556 past president of Longview, WA Local
Jack Mulcahy Local 8 Portland (#82013 retired)
Larry Wright Local 10 Oakland (#8534 retired)
Leith Kahl Local 19 Seattle (#57956)