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No. 41,
September-October 2015
of Contents
articles linked
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Sanders, Clinton –
Immigrant-Bashing, Populism and
Racist Electoral Circus Is Back
Once again
the politicians of the partner parties of
American capitalism are polluting the
airwaves with their election pitches. The
Republican debates are an orgy of racist
reaction, a competition to see who is the
most hateful boss of all. The Democrats
engage in a non-debate posing as
“progressives” even as they gear up for
the next escalation by the U.S. war
machine in response to the Syrian
refugee crisis. Meanwhile, despite months
of massive protests coast to coast, racist
murder by police continues unabated.
Hillary Clinton staked out her terrain as
a “tough-guy” militarist hawk during her
term as Secretary of State. As a candidate
she is pro-war, pro-cop and pro-death
penalty. Bernie Sanders is campaigning as
a standard-issue economic populist.
Neither said anything about police murder
of African Americans until brought up
short by Black Lives Matter protesters.
Now the machinery of Democratic Party
control and cooptation is going into
overdrive over the next period. Myriad
NGOs, non-profits and foundations are
there to grease the wheels. But to win the
struggle against racist oppression
requires a decisive break from, and
head-on political struggle against, the
capitalist Democratic Party,which has
always coined gold from the blood and
sweat of African American people going
back to slavery days. Capitalism’s
Racist Electoral Circus Is Back (29
September 2015)
Against the
Eurobanker/SYRIZA Assault – Occupy
the Banks and Ports, For Workers
Control of Production and
Distribution, Form Workers
Elections: For a Europe-Wide
Workers Revolt Against Capitalist
ramming crippling new austerity
measures through parliament in August,
Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras
called a snap election. The outcome of
the September 20 ballot was to return
Tsipras’ SYRIZA (Coalition of the
Radical Left) to office, with only
slightly fewer seats in parliament
than before. Having discarded its
earlier anti-austerity platform for
the exact opposite, rather than the
euphoria of its earlier election
victory, now there was only
resignation. But his election gambit
was successful in getting rid of
leftists in his government, whose new
coalition, Popular Unity (LEA), failed
to get enough votes to make it into
parliament, a potentially devastating
blow. LEA is simply a return to an
earlier version of SYRIZA, with one
difference: it favors leaving the euro
(“if necessary”). Yet the hard truth
is that inside the EU or outside, with
the euro or a new drachma, only
socialist revolution will end
capitalist austerity. The struggle in
Greece is far from over. The
Eurobankers’ program of extreme
austerity will inevitably fail once
again. The key is revolutionary
leadership, and the task of the hour
is to cohere the nucleus of an
authentic Trotskyist party in
Greece. Greek
Elections: For a Europe-Wide Workers
Revolt Against Capitalist Austerity
(23 September 2015)
Wages, Hours,
Jobs Cut – Union Health Plans
Screws Workers,
Windfall for Insurance
Class Struggle Workers –
Affordable Care Act (ACA),
commonly known as “Obamacare,”
survived a key legal challenge
in the U.S. Supreme Court last
June. If reactionary
troglodytes oppose the ACA, it
does not follow that
class-conscious workers should
support it. This law gives
billions to the insurance
industry out of the pockets
working and poor people in the
U.S. Obamacare is a far cry
from universal health
coverage. The “insurance” it
does provide for millions of
working and poor people is
often illusory, it excludes
undocumented immigrants, many
of whom work in dangerous
conditions, and many plans do
not cover elective abortions.
And while it is a bonanza for
insurers, it has had its
intended effect of eliminating
hard-won union health
insurance coverage. This is
literally “insurance” for the
insurance companies. Militant
workers oppose the ACA and
fight for a universal,
socialized health care system
while implacably defending
every health care benefit that
workers have won as a
concession from the employers.
As union tops throw their
support to the Democrats in
the upcoming elections, the
health care fiasco shows the
need for a class-struggle
workers party. Obamacare
Screws Workers, Windfall for
Insurance Companies
(September 2015)
“Radical Left” In
Shock After SYRIZA Flip-Flop
Road for Greece: Perpetual
Debt Peonage
or Workers Revolution?
Following Greek prime
minister Alexis Tsipras’ abject
surrender to the austerity
demands of the Eurobankers’
Troika, there has reportedly
been a general mood of
resignation in the Greek
population. Among leftists in
and around the governing
Coalition of the Radical Left
(SYRIZA) there has been mounting
anger. And internationally there
is disappointment and confusion
among the opportunist left which
not so long ago was singing
hosannas for Tsipras and SYRIZA.
But what’s lacking is a clear
program for militant class
struggle against this
unmitigated disaster for Greek
working people. Now leaders of
the Left Platform of SYRIZA
(which includes co-thinkers of
the International Socialist
Organization in the U.S.) are
calling for a “Grexit” (Greek
exit from the euro) under
capitalism. Yet the SYRIZA
debacle is not just due to the
government’s commitment to the
euro but to the fact that there
will be no end to anti-worker
austerity under capitalism,
which a “left government” will
enforce with the repressive
apparatus of the bourgeoisie.
What is required is to mobilize
for a program of transitional
demands preparing the way to
Europe-wide socialist
revolution, and building a
Leninist-Trotskyist party to
lead it. What
Road for Greece: Perpetual
Debt Peonage or Workers
Revolution? (12 August
ISO/Greek DEA:
Theoretical Flim-Flam Greased
Skids to Sellout
Capitalist “Left
Government” vs.
Workers Government
order to prepare ostensible
socialists in and around SYRIZA
for participating in a “left
government,” supporters of the
social-democratic ISO in Greece
and the U.S. have cited the call
for a “workers government” by
the Fourth Congress (1922) of
the Communist International as
justification. While they
distort the Comintern's call for
united-front action by the
workers movement into an appeal
for political alliances with
reformist and bourgeois forces,
there were important weaknesses
in the Fourth Congress
resolutions. Trotskyists insist
that “workers government” must
be based on bodies of
working-class power in struggle
against the institutions of the
bourgeois parliamentary regime.
“Left Government” vs.
Revolutionary Workers
Government (12 August
ICL on Greece: Goodbye Trotsky,
Minimum Program
latest installment in the step-by-step
renunciation of key programmatic positions
of Trotskyism by the International Communist
League is dropping Lenin and Trotsky’s call
for a revolutionary workers government
precisely when and where it is most urgently
posed today. An agitational leaflet by the
ICL's Trotskyist Group of Greece is aimed at
attracting left-of-SYRIZA reformists with a
program that makes no mention of revolution,
the overthrow of capitalism or a
revolutionary party, and whose ultra-vague
governmental slogan is hardly
distinguishable from those of other
opportunist socialists. The
ICL on Greece: Goodbye Trotsky, Hello
Minimum Program (12 August 2015)
on Workers and Peasants Government
Debacle: “Leftists” Enforce
the Bosses’ Austerity
Greece: The
Naked Rule of Finance
Workers: Sink the
Bankers’ Memorandum,
Occupy the Banks and
Build a Trotskyist
Party to Fight for
International Socialist
mid-July, the Greek parliament
cast the fateful vote to
accept the draconian austerity
measures dictated by Europe’s
central bankers. The
“Agreement” by Prime Minister
Tsipras and his Coalition of
the Radical Left (SYRIZA) was
a groveling surrender by these
purported radicals who won
office in January on a program
to reverse the cutbacks and
layoffs that have devastated
Greek working people over the
last five years. Worse yet,
the populist left is now
enforcing anti-working-class
measures even more brutal than
what its conservative
predecessors tried and failed
to carry out. The Eurobankers
used SYRIZA to get what the
right couldn’t deliver. This
spectacle is the most dramatic
illustration that imperialist
democracy masks the
dictatorship of finance
capital. Despite the regime’s
capitulation the battle is not
over. Greek workers have the
power to defeat the vicious
European Union chiefs, but to
use it they require not
another SYRIZA but a
leadership with the
revolutionary program and
determination to sweep away
all the imperialist
exploiters. Greece:
The Naked Rule of Finance
Capital (18 July)
Syriza Government Caves
In to Eurobankers’ Assault
Only Socialist Revolution Will End
Capitalist “Austerity”
Workers: Defeat the Bankers’
Occupy the Banks and Ports!
Ever since the January 25 elections
brought the Coalition of the Radical
Left (SYRIZA) into office in Greece,
there has been a bitter struggle between
the new regime and the “troika” of the
European Central Bank, European
Commission and International Monetary
Fund. The Eurobankers insist that Athens
comply with their program of brutal,
anti-working class austerity which has
devastated the Greek economy for the
last five years. SYRIZA has sought to
bargain for less onerous terms and for
debt relief. Now this has come to a head
in a July 5 referendum called by Greek
premier Alexis Tsipras to say “yes” or
“no” to the troika’s latest extortionate
demands. A “yes” vote would mean abject
surrender to the ECB-EC-IMF diktat.
But a “no” vote cannot strike a blow
against anti-worker austerity because
the Greek government has already agreed
to carry out almost all the demands of
the imperialist financiers. While the
bulk of the Greek left has joined in the
campaign for a “no” vote, the Communist
Party (KKE) has opposed both the
“troika” and the government’s austerity
programs. But the KKE’s opposition is
purely parliamentary and nationalist. A
revolutionary Marxist opposition to the
bourgeois populist SYRIZA regime would
call for militant workers action
challenging capitalist rule and pointing
to socialist revolution in Greece and
throughout Europe. Greek
Workers: Defeat the Bankers’ Diktat,
Occupy the Banks and Ports! (4
July 2015)
Down with the Racist
Dominican Nationality Law –
For Haitian-Dominican Workers
Stop Expulsion of
Haitians from the
Dominican Republic
the U.S. and D.R.:
Full Citizenship
Rights for All!
Workers Mobilization
Against Deportations
and Racist Attacks
Beginning this week, the
government of the
Dominican Republic intends
to start mass expulsion of
Haitians and Dominicans of
Haitian descent. Based on
a racist nationality law,
hundreds of thousands of
Dominicans have been
deprived of their
citizenship and are at
risk of being seized on
the street, at their
workplace or in their
homes in desperately poor
bateyes (shantytowns), and
dumped across the border
in Haiti. An emergency
protest was held on June
15 outside the Dominican
Consulate in New York City
where Internationalists
called for workers action
against the deportations,
and for full citizenship
rights for all living in
the Dominican Republic ...
and the United States.
Dominican-Haitian tensions
are fueled by U.S.
imperialism, which set up
the system of importing
Haitian workers to toil on
sugar plantations with no
rights. Washington also
set up the Dominican
border police as part of
militarization of U.S.
borders. The struggle for
Haitian-Dominican workers
unity can begin in New
York City where hundreds
of thousands of Dominicans
and Haitians are also
subject to racist
immigration laws. Stop
Expulsion of Haitians from
the Dominican Republic
(16 June 2015)
Bronx Protests Against the
Deportations of
Dominicans with
Haitian ancestry and
Haitian migrants
June 2015)
¡Abajo la racista ley
dominicana de nacionalidad!
¡Solidaridad obrera haitiano-dominicana!
¡Alto a
la expulsión de haitianos de la
República Dominicana!
En EE.UU. y en RD: Plenos derechos de
ciudadanía para todos
Movilización obrera contra las
deportaciones y los ataques racistas
A partir de esta semana, el gobierno de la
República Dominicana pretende iniciar la
expulsión en masa de haitianos y dominicanos
de ascendencia haitiana. Sobre la base de
una racista ley de nacionalidad, cientos de
miles de dominicanos han sido despojados de
su ciudadanía y corren el riesgo de ser
detenidos en la calle, en sus centros de
trabajo o en sus casas en los terriblemente
pobres bateyes en que habitan, para ser
arrojados al otro lado de la frontera con
Haití. Una protesta de emergencia fue
realizada el 15 de junio frente al consulado
dominicano en Nueva York donde los
internacionalistas llamamos a favor de
acción obrera contra las deportaciones y
exigimos plenos derechos de ciudadanía para
todos los que residen en la República
Dominicana ... y en Estados Unidos. Las
tensiones entre dominicanos y haitianos son
azuzadas por el imperialismo norteamericano,
que erigió el sistema de importación de
trabajadores haitianos para realizar las
labores más duras en la República
Dominicana, careciendo de derecho alguno.
Asimismo, Washington estableció la policía
fronteriza dominicana como parte de su
empeño para militarizar las fronteras
norteamericanas. La lucha por la solidaridad
obrera haitiano-dominicana puede originarse
es precisamente la ciudad de Nueva York,
donde cientos de miles de inmigrantes
dominicanos y haitianos carecen por igual de
derechos en virtud de las racistas leyes
migratorias. ¡Alto
a la expulsión de haitianos de la
República Dominicana! (16 de junio
2015) |