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October 23 2010, Oakland rally demanding justice
for Oscar Grant, murdered by the cops.
(Photo: Steve Rhodes/Flickr) |
Articles From
Black Liberation
Through Socialist Revolution
Shoot Jacob
Blake in the
Back, Shackle
Him to
Hospital Bed,
Murdered by
Feds and
Unleash Racist
Terror in
Blake lies
paralyzed in
his hospital
bed, shackled
by hand and
foot, after
being shot
with seven
bullets to his
back by police
in the streets
of Kenosha,
Wisconsin on
August 23. Two
days later,
Anthony Huber
and Joseph
Rosenbaum were
murdered by a
vigilante from
Illinois, Kyle
Donald Trump
has dispatched
hundreds of
forces to lock
down Kenosha,
descended on
Kenosha. But
it was the
mayor and
governor who
unleashed the
racist police
imposed a
curfew and
brought in the
National Guard
to suppress
the protests.
Feds and
Unleash Racist
Terror in
(28 August
Millions Take the
Streets in Upheaval Against Cop
Murder Machine
Uproot Racist
Oppression: Socialist
The murder of George
Floyd by a Minneapolis cop
set off a wave of outrage
that swept across the United
States and has continued for
weeks. Millions of people
took to the streets to
denounce the racist police
murder of black people. As
protests spread cops geared
up for battle attacked
demonstrators. Democratic
mayors and media screamed
about “looting” to justify
“law-and-order” crackdowns,
while the incendiary racist
Trump called to shoot
looters and brought in
thousands of troops to the
capital. These have been the
largest sustained protests
in U.S. history. Seeing the
shift in public opinion,
Democratic mayors, who are
“the bosses of the racist
killer cops,” tried to coopt
protests by pretending to
shift some funds from the
police to social programs.
Yet none of the many plans
to “reform” the police have
ever succeeded because
racist and
repression is the essential
function of the police. The
only way to put an end to
the cop murder machine is
through socialist
revolution. The combustible
material that can fuel a
revolution is everywhere.
What’s urgently needed is
revolutionary leadership. To
Uproot Racist Oppression:
Socialist Revolution
(10 July 2020)
Power Against Cop Terror!
Shutdown of West
Coast Ports Points
the Way Forward
The International
Longshore and Warehouse
Union (ILWU) has
announced that it will
shut down all 29 ports
on the U.S. West Coast
on June 19, in honor of
George Floyd and to
protest “police
brutality and systematic
racism.” This is a big
step forward, as daily
and nightly mass
protests of thousands
continue across the
United States weeks
after Floyd was brutally
murdered by a
Minneapolis cop. From
the outset of the
protests, the
Internationalist Group
has called to mobilize
action against racist
police terror. In
addition to the outrage
over the police murder
of Floyd, the initiators
of the ILWU port
shutdown were impelled
to take action by
President Donald Trump’s
threats of gunfire
against protesters, and
Democratic and
Republican governors
calling in the National
Guard to suppress
demonstrations. The ILWU
action has been called
for Juneteenth, which
celebrates the day – 19
June 1865 – that slavery
was formally abolished
in Texas, the last of
the Confederate slave
states to be occupied by
the Union Army, bringing
the Civil War, the
second American
Revolution, to a close.
The only way to break
the death grip of the
killer cops today is to
smash the whole racist
apparatus of the
capitalist state through
socialist revolution. ILWU
to Shut All West Coast
Ports Against Racist
Police Brutality
(16 June 2020)
The Racist
Police Murder
of George
Revolution Can Bring
Gordon Barnes
Amidst the
unprecedented Covid-19
pandemic, the United
States has been wracked by
nationwide protests
against racist police
brutality and murder.
Nightly we hear the
helicopters overhead;
daily come new images of
police violence,
repression, curfews,
arrests, and the threat of
martial law. Why is it
that, despite the waves of
protest and cyclical
pledges of “reform,” the
police keep murdering
black people? The list of
their names is endless. As
marchers chant them, some
of us add “It never
stops.” Born as a
professionalized force
from the slave patrols in
the U.S. South, the police
serve the ruling elite and
protect their property and
social order. That is the
fundamental role of the
cops under capitalism.
What is in danger of
occurring again during the
current cycle of fervent
protest, is the funneling
of dissent into the
Democratic Party.
Democratic mayors largely
control the urban centers
in this country, and their
police forces. It is these
Democratic mayors who have
instituted the various
curfews and police
crackdowns, and a series
of Democratic Party
governors have, along with
their Republican
confreres, deployed the
National Guard. To
overcome the racial
oppression which is, and
always has been, part of
the bedrock of American
capitalism, the power of
the multiracial working
class must be mobilized. When
Will It End? The Racist
Police Lynching of
George Floyd (3 June
Action to
Fight Racist
Fury Over Minneapolis Police Murder of
George Floyd
“I can’t
George Floyd
kept saying as
a Minneapolis
police officer
dug a knee
into his neck.
For millions
across the
country and
the world, it
recalls the
last words of
Eric Garner,
the Staten
Island, New
York man that
a cop killed
by chokehold
in 2014. The
racist cop
murder of
George Floyd
set off
protests in
that soon
spread to
other cities.
This latest
racist outrage
occurs in the
midst of the
which is
Americans and
Latinos at
high rates.
The African
American, poor
and oppressed
communities in
the Twin
including a
have long been
targeted by
the police.
The names
Jamar Clark,
Chiasher Fong
Vue are
testimony that
the police
never stop. We
call for mass
workers action
joining with
the black
population and
all the
oppressed to
shut the Twin
Cities down.
fact is that
justice for
George Floyd
and all those
killed by this
racist system
can only be
achieved by
revolution. Fury
Police Murder
of George
Floyd (28
May 2020)
Apples, Broken
Windows and
Other Myths
About the
Crow “Justice”
and the
“American Apartheid” by Design
Review of
Rothstein, The
Color of Law:
History of How
Our Government
Brover, Class
After more
than a decade of
hard struggle and
the passage of laws
in the mid-1960s
against official Jim
Crow segregation,
the civil rights
movement suddenly
stopped. What was
termed de facto
segregation was
deemed off-limits,
or at least had to
be left for another
day. Rothstein’s
book conclusively
proves that rigid
segregation and
against African
American, Latino and
Asian minorities was
always de jure,
sanctioned. This has
had a devastating
effect on everything
from school
integration to
murderous police
repression. But
while laying out key
elements of the
foundation of black
oppression in the
U.S., The Color
of Law fails
to go to their root
in the system of
racist American
capitalism. In the
United States in
2016 there were 2.3
evictions: 6,300 a
day, four every
minute. And with
over 3.5 million
homeless people in
the country, there
are 19 million
dwellings. This
powerful essay from
Class Struggle
Education Workers
demonstrates that it
will take nothing
short of a socialist
revolution to solve
the housing
question. “American
Apartheid” by
Design (21
November 2018)
The Boss,
Mayor Rahm
Blames Black
Community for
Cops Continue
Racist Killing
For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution
On July 14,
Chicago police
gunned down
yet another
black person,
Augustus, a
known as a
peaceful man,
was stopped on
the pretext of
exhibiting the
of an armed
person,” and
was shot dead
even though he
had a valid
gun license.
For the police
in this
city, and
this country
founded on the
bedrock of
slavery, it is
always open
season on
black people.
And on
Americans …
the list goes
on. Moreover,
in Chicago and
almost every
other big
Democrats are
the bosses of
the racist
killer cops.
This is all
coming to a
head in the
upcoming trial
of killer cop
Jason Van Dyke
for the murder
of Laquan
McDonald in
October 2014.
And Democratic
mayor Rahm
running for a
third term, is
stoking racist
reaction by
blaming lax
“morals” in
the black
community for
the violence
engendered by
and brutal
Yet some of
the same
themes are
echoed in
where instead
of denouncing
racist police
repression the
focus is on
opposition to
“gun violence”
in general.
Talk of
the police or
guns only
serves to
divert protest
away from a
and to
strengthen the
agencies of
the capitalist
state, while
into the
dead-end of
politics. The
stark fact is
that there is
no solution to
war, poverty
and racist
capitalism. Chicago:
Cops Continue
Racist Killing
Kill Far More Every Week
Exploit School Shooting to Push
Racist Gun Control
The horrific slaughter of 14 students
and 3 teachers at the Marjory Stoneman
Douglas High School in Parkland,
Florida set off a national uproar.
With young survivors of the massacre
in the forefront, a mobilization for
gun control was launched. This
immediately became part of the liberal
campaign to get out the vote for
Democrats in the November mid-term
elections. The shooting was a heinous
crime, but the “movement” for
more restrictions on ownership of
firearms is a reactionary drive,
thoroughly orchestrated by the
Democratic Party, to strengthen the
repressive apparatus of the capitalist
state. This will not stop a deranged
and/or racist mass murderer. Gun
control in the United States has from
the beginning had a racist character,
to disarm African Americans, and in
recent decades derived from the
backlash against Malcolm X and the
Black Panthers in particular. Weapons
searches have been used as the excuse
for police persecution of black youth
(“stop and frisk”) and for outright
police terror, such as the 1993 Waco
Massacre by Democrat Bill Clinton. The
Internationalist Group has from its
inception opposed gun control and
upheld the right of self-defense, and
in particular the right of black armed
self-defense. We have called on
class-conscious workers to begin the
work now of building workers defense
guards, based on the mass
organizations of the working class and
oppressed, to counter the threat of
violent racist and outright fascist
forces. Democrats
Exploit School Shooting to Push
Racist Gun Control (April
Armed Self-Defense Stopped a Lynching
(April 2018)
Aiding and
Abetting the Capitalist Democratic
“Socialists” Chase
After Anti-Gun Movement
The cynical exploitation of
traumatized youth by the Democratic
Party to further its agenda of gun
control has provided an X-ray into
the politics of a panoply of left
groups. When key sectors of the most
powerful ruling class in world want
to disarm the populace, slashing a
key democratic right in order to
leave the oppressed defenseless, how
do socialists respond? In the last
few weeks, as liberals, police
chiefs and Democratic mayors (“the
bosses of the racist killer cops”)
push for gun control, almost the
entire U.S. left has marched in
lockstep with them. Why? Because
they are chasing after the young
marchers who have been enrolled in
this campaign to bolster the
capitalist state. The bourgeoisie’s
rule is made possible in large part
by its ability to perpetrate
violence against those it rules
over. Gun control has historically
been used to disarm black people and
intensify racist repression. While
some opportunist leftists voice
qualms or reservations about some
gun control measures, they all end
up supporting them. A “left” that
plays into the hands of the
Democratic Party can only lead to
defeat. A struggle
for revolution is
counterposed to this
“movement” for gun
control and for the
Democratic Party of
imperialist war, mass
deportations and
racist police terror.
Chase After Anti-Gun
Movement (April
Labor/Black Mobilization Against Racist Cop
Racist Vendetta Against Black Athletes
Donald Trump
has been on a racist tear this season, engaged
in an furious vendetta against protesting
black athletes of the National Football
League. It started in 2016 when Colin
Kaepernick, then quarterback for the San
Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for the
“Star Spangled Banner” in protest against the
ongoing racist police murders of black and
Latino people. Kaepernick has been blacklisted
by the NFL, but the “Kaepernick effect” hasn’t
gone away. The protests of 2017 became more
widespread in response to Trump’s blatant
racism. Last year there were at least 1,188
people killed by cops. Part of the reason for
the prominence of protests by black players
has been the dearth of mass protests like
those in 2014 and the beginning of 2015. Many
of the main leaders of the Black Lives Matter
movement have channeled support into the
Democratic Party and diverted the protests
into electoral politics. There should be tens
of thousands in the streets mobilized against
racist police murder. But to actually have an
effect requires much more, above all breaking
the political stranglehold of the partner
parties of capital. Trump’s
Racist Vendetta Against Black Athletes
(January 2018)
I Am
Not Your Negro
James Baldwin in
Racist America
I Am Not Your Negro is a documentary film
based on two works by the great black gay
novelist, playwright and essayist James Baldwin
(1924-1987). It is directed by Raoul Peck, the
Haitian-born film maker who also directed Lumumba,
about the assassination of the Congolese
independence leader, and The Young Marx.
The film is important for young revolutionaries to
see. It powerfully combines dramatic historical
footage and Baldwin’s stirring, courageous
denunciation of the centrality of racism to U.S.
society. Thus, while the movie doesn’t put forward
a revolutionary program – nor does it claim to –
it vividly dramatizes why the “color-blind”
liberalism and tepid reform schemes for a “juster”
capitalism under a refurbished Democratic Party
put forward by the likes of Bernie Sanders cannot
overcome racism. The material reality of black
oppression continually generates the racist
ideology that America’s rulers use to divide the
working people. As opposed to the lilberal
integrationism embodied by Martin Luther King, or
the dead-end of black nationalism, we fight for
revolutionary integrationism, to pull up
capitalism’s system of racial oppression by its
roots. That requires learning the lessons of
history, and this honest film can be a powerful
aid in learning those lessons. I
Am Not Your Negro, James Baldwin in Racist
America (January 2018)
a Multiracial Revolutionary Party
Imperialist Social
Democracy vs. Black Liberation
As the civil rights movement picked
up in the U.S. South in the 1960s,
the images of Ku Klux Klan night
riders and cops with German shepherd
dogs fire-hosing black marchers,
many of them children, revealed the
ugly reality of U.S. “democracy.”
This undercut Washington’s effort to
counterpose itself to British
colonialism in Africa and what the
imperialists saw as the Soviet
“Communist threat.” In stepped the
virulently anti-Soviet Cold Warriors
of U.S. social democracy, dominated
by followers of one Max Shachtman.
The Shachtmanites, grandfathers of
today’s DSA, talked of “realigning”
the Democratic Party as an alliance
of organized labor and the Southern
black population. In practice, they
acted to keep civil rights activists
subordinated to the Democratic
Kennedy and Johnson administrations
which rested on support from the
Dixiecrats. As soldiers in this
reactionary cause, Shachtman
deputies Michael Harrington and
Bayard Rustin sought to tame,
sideline or drive out radical
elements from the struggle. The
Trotskyists, in contrast, fought for
the program of revolutionary
integrationism. Imperialist
Social Democracy vs. Black
Liberation (December 2017)
There Is
No Justice for Black People in the Racist
Capitalist Courts
Black America Under the Gun
Workers Revolution Will
Avenge Philando Castile
The acquittal of the cop who
gunned down Philando Castile on 6 July 2016
as he sat in his car in suburban St. Paul,
Minnesota, is proof positive that the whole
system is rigged so that police can kill
with impunity. Anyone who saw the
heart-wrenching Facebook Live video by his
girlfriend Diamond Reynolds, as millions
did, knows. Anyone who saw the horrifying
police dashboard camera video and audio, as
the jury did repeatedly, of the frenzied cop
pumping bullets into Philando with Diamond
and her four-year-old daughter in the car
with him, can have no doubt. Philando
Castile was executed, the ultimate penalty
of “driving while black.” And his
executioner walked. It’s the way the system
works. Kill-crazy cops are an expression of
the fact that American capitalism is based
on the oppression of black people, which has
continued from the days of chattel slavery
through Jim Crow segregation to today’s mass
incarceration. Nothing short of workers
revolution will change that. Today the
police kill with abandon under Republican
Trump. Yesterday they did the same under
Democrat Obama. Various liberals and
opportunist pseudo-socialists call to join
together in a broad “resistance” to Trump,
meaning they want to make a “popular front”
with the Democrats, chaining black people to
the party whose mayors preside over police
murder across the country. Changing which
capitalist party is in office will not alter
things. We must fight instead to build the
nucleus of a multi-racial and multi-ethnic
revolutionary workers party that can attack
the scourge of racial oppression at its
roots. Black
America Under the Gun (27 June 2017)
Freedom for Black Lives Matter
Organizer Jasmine Abdullah!
California “Lynching”
Conviction Is a Threat to All!
Labor/Black/Immigrant Power – Only
Revolution Can Bring Justice!
On June 1, 28-year-old Black
Lives Matter organizer Jasmine Abdullah
(Richards) was grotesquely convicted in near-by
Pasadena under a
California law until recently known as “felony
lynching.” At her trial, an entirely non-black
jury accepted the prosecution’s outrageous
claim that Jasmine’s non-violent effort to
protect a young black woman from police
brutality was a crime legally equivalent to
participating in a KKK lynch mob for the
purposes of murdering that woman.
Jasmine’s conviction sets a new precedent for
the criminalization of protest activity, and
is a threat to all those who would speak out
against injustice. As we have seen time and
time again across the country, this latest
drive in California to further repress black
activists on behalf of the capitalist rulers
is spearheaded by a black Democrat: Los
Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacy.
Across the country there has been a push to
draw Black Lives Matter activists into the
electoral circus of American capitalism, and
the Democratic Party in particular. Illusions
in the Democrats serve as a roadblock to class
struggle against racist repression. We call to
break with the Democrats and all capitalist
parties, and for labor-black-immigrant
mobilizations against racist cop terror. California
“Lynching” Conviction Is a Threat to All!
(7 June 2016)
Chicago, Baltimore,
Cleveland, Minneapolis…
Are the Bosses
of the Racist Killer Cops
Labor-Black-Immigrant Power – Build a
Revolutionary Workers Party!
If 2014 was the Year of Mass Protest
Against Racist Cop Terror, 2015 was the Year of
More Racist Cop Terror. After drawing up the
annual balance sheet of official murder in the
United States, the bottom line is 1,202 killed by
the police. 2015 also underscored how the entire
capitalist “justice system,” from top to bottom,
works seamlessly to protect the killers. As the
year drew to a close there was a drumbeat of legal
decisions in which cops were not charged or not
found guilty in the deaths of their unarmed black
victims. What is hardly ever mentioned is that the
police have bosses, namely mayors and city
councils, which in cities across the U.S. are
almost all Democrats. It is the Democratic Party
of racist repression and imperialist war that is
running the country on behalf of Wall Street.
Racist state terror has been a cornerstone of U.S.
capitalism throughout, and it is this system that
must be shut down, by workers and the oppressed
mobilizing our class power, leading to socialist
revolution. Democrats
Are the Bosses of the Racist Killer Cops (9 January 2016)
Bring Down “King Rahm” with Workers
Chicago: “16 Shots, 400
Chicago is where it all
comes together. The cold-blooded
execution of Laquan McDonald by 16
bullets from a cop’s gun in October
2014, and the suppression of the police
cruiser dashcam video of it for more
than 13 months, has generated outrage
pointing straight to mayor Rahm Emanuel,
who engineered the cover-up. The deadly
racism of the police, their regular use
of deadly force against unarmed
civilians, the impunity of killer cops
are part of the M.O. of the political
machine that has ruled Chicago for
decades. They are also part of a
nationwide system of racist repression
and mass incarceration devised to
maintain control of the Northern ghettos
following the enactment of formal equal
rights in the 1960s Civil Rights laws.
The bottom line is you can’t fight cop
terror without breaking the stranglehold
of the Democratic Party that presides
over it. If mobilized independently of
and against all the capitalist parties
and politicians, the power of the
working class can shut down “the city
that works.” The Chicago Teachers Union
is key. What is needed is a fight to
throw out all wings of the labor
bureaucracy, old-line business unionists
and reformers alike, who keep the unions
chained to the Democrats. Chicago:
“16 Shots, 400 days” (9 January
Cleveland: “The
System Is Rigged”
on December 16, a Baltimore
judge declared a hung jury in
the proceedings against
the first of the police
officers to go on trial for
the death of Freddie Gray last
April, and when on December 28
in Cleveland a grand jury in
Cleveland brought no charges
against the trigger-happy
officer who gunned down
12-year-old Tamir Rice, the
rulings were no surprise.
While leftists leading
protests against police murder
have popularized the chant,
“Indict, convict, send the
killer cops to jail,” that
almost never occurs. And for a
very simple reason: the job of
the police is to “serve and
protect” capital, and the job
of the capitalist courts is to
protect the police. Baltimore,
Cleveland: “The System Is
Rigged” (9
January 2016)
Minneapolis: “Cops
and Klan Go Hand in
The police
execution of Jamar Clark
last November 15 showed that
even in “progressive”
Minneapolis, police murder
unarmed black men in plain
view on the street. A few
days later, white
supremacists attacked a
protest encampment, wounding
five, whereupon the cops
attacked the
protesters. Some local
politicians of the
Democratic Farmer-Labor
Party, which runs the city
and state government, at
first feigned support to
Black Lives Matter. But when
demonstrators refused to go
home, the liberal Democrats
ordered police to remove the
anti-racist protesters.
Significantly, hundreds of
trade unionists have come
out to protest the murder of
Jamar Clark. Much more is
needed. Unions must move
beyond gestures and bring
out the economic and social
power to shut down the Twin
Cities. We need to dump the
Democrats and build a
revolutionary workers party
to sweep away the racist
terrorists (in and out of
uniform) the only way
possible, with socialist
revolution. Minneapolis:
“Cops and Klan Go Hand in
Hand” (9 January
It Will Take Workers
Revolution to End It
Killer Cops,
Vigilantes: Racist Terror
Stalks Black America
For Labor / Black
/ Immigrant Mobilization Against Police Killings
Through the
summer and fall of 2014 there were
explosive protests against racist
murder of black men by the police, and
then over the refusal by the
authorities to charge the killer cops
with any crime at all. Then suddenly
the mass marches stopped after two New
York cops were shot by an enraged man.
With their rhyming reformist chants,
organizers blinded demonstrators to
the fact that the enemy was not just
some racist cops but the capitalist
system and its apparatus of racist
repression. Understanding the class
nature of the state, and the inherent
impunity of its enforcers, is key.
Attempts to build a mass reform
movement are stymied by the fact that
virtually every every conceivable
measure, from body cameras to civilian
review boards, has already been tried,
yet the killing goes relentlessly on.
Calls for “community control of the
police” are a dangerous illusion, for
the ruling class will never let the
exploited and oppressed have a say
over the forces that that enforce
their oppression. Well over 1,000
people are killed by the police across
the U.S. every year. Racist vigilantes
act as auxiliaries to this murder
machine. Revolutionary Marxists call
to mobilize the power of labor, of
black, Latino and immigrant and all
working people against racist terror.
But ultimately, nothing short of
socialist revolution can put a stop to
the racist terror that is inherent in
American capitalism. Killer
Cops, Vigilantes: Racist Terror
Stalks Black America (30 June 2015)
bonapartism (30 June 2015)
Murder of Nine African
Americans by White Supremacist
Massacre and Cop Terror:
It’s Racist American
the Civil War with Workers
the lynching of Trayvon
Martin, after the cop murders
of Eric Garner, Mike Brown,
Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice,
Walter Scott, Freddie Gray and
so many others – and after the
mass protests coast-to-coast
unleashed by those racist
murders – now comes the
horrific massacre of nine
African Americans in a church
in Charleston, South Carolina.
It doesn’t stop, and for a
reason: ever since slavery,
violent racist suppression,
repression and oppression of
black people is part of the
DNA of American capitalism.
That heritage and that reality
is what was shown in
Charleston. The authorities
and official manufacturers of
public opinion try as they
might to portray this gruesome
slaughter as the work of a
lone, deranged gunman. But the
fact is that this massacre was
no aberration, it was an
integral part of a rising line
of murderous racist reaction,
and a bloody history going
back to the slave South.
Charleston was not only the
center of the slave trade, it
was the site of the planned
slave revolt led by Denmark
Vesey, a founder of the
Emanuel AME Church where the
June 17 massacre took place.
It is also where the first
black unions were formed after
the Civil War. Today, the
power of labor must be brought
to bear in the fight against
racist terror, whether by the
police or vigilantes as in
Charleston. Charleston
Massacre and Cop Terror:
It’s Racist American
Capitalism (22 June
Baltimore Rises
Up Over Police Murder of Freddie Gray –
National Guard, State Police Impose
Emergency Rule
Black Baltimore, Cops and Troops Out!
For Labor / Black / Immigrant
Mobilization Against Police Killings
Stamp Out Racist Cop Terror – Fight for
Workers Revolution
The nationwide
outrage over the orgy of racist police murders
reached the flashpoint in Baltimore, Maryland.
Every day for more than a week there were
protests over the cop killing of Freddie Gray.
Then following the funeral service for
Freddie, black youth were confronted by a wall
of police and the frustration boiled over. As
the media screamed “riots,” the mayor declared
a curfew. The governor imposed a state of
emergency, ordering in the state police,
thousands of cops from other jurisdictions and
the National Guard. As black Democrats join
with Republicans to enforce racist “law and
order” against those who rise up against
injustice, black Baltimore must not stand
alone. Across the country, police unleash
their pathological violence against the black,
Latino and immigrant poor and working people
in order to intimidate. To defeat the forces
of repression, we need to bring out a more
powerful force, that of the organized working
class leading all the oppressed. A real fight
against the killer cops must be directed
against the ruling class, its repressive
forces and the capitalist system which spawns
racist police terror. Defend
Black Baltimore, Cops and Troops Out! (30 April 2015)
Dock Workers to Shut Port of Oakland
& March on City Hall
South Carolina AFL-CIO Calls for
Workers Solidarity Across U.S.
Unions to
Mobilize on May Day Against
Racist Police Killings
Police murders of
unarmed black and brown people
continue without letup across the
United States. Over 350 civilians have
been killed by cops so far this year.
Working people across the country are
outraged, and now key unions have
decided the time has come to act. In
the wake of the April 4 killing of
black worker Walter Scott, the South
Carolina state AFL-CIO is reaching out
to “workers around the country to join
with us on May 1st in actions to
protest the continuing unjustified
killings.” Also on May 1, ILWU Local
10 of San Francisco Bay Area dock
workers will hold a stop-work meeting,
shutting down the Port of Oakland and
marching on city hall to demand “Stop
Police Killings of Black and Brown
People.” Class-conscious workers and
all opponents of racism should seize
this opportunity. Turn May Day 2015
into a massive display of the
working-class power that can bring the
wheels of society to a stop in protest
against the police murder machine. Unions
to Mobilize on May Day Against
Racist Police Killings (20 April
Mumia Gravely Ill
Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!
Don’t Let Them Kill Him in
Mumia Abu-Jamal is in grave medical
condition. After earlier being taken
from the hospital over objections from
his family, and then two days ago
removed from the prison infirmary and
placed in the general prison
population, Mumia’s medical condition
is worsening. Readers are urged to
contact prison authorities and demand
that he be seen immediately, and not
be left to go into a diabetic coma.
For decades the ruling class whose
crimes he has relentlessly exposed and
denounced has tried and failed to
silence “the voice of the voiceless”
by execution. Now they seem bent on
killing him through deprivation of
urgently needed medical attention. Free
Mumia Abu-Jamal Now! Don’t Let Them
Kill Him in Prison (24 April
Teacher Whose Students Sent
Get-Well Cards to Mumia
Defend Marylin
Zuniga (24 April 2015)
Uproot Racism – Only
Revolution Can Bring Justice!
From Ferguson to New York: All Out Against
Police Terror!
Across the
country, hundreds of thousands anxiously
awaited the news from Missouri. Then came the
dreaded announcement: white killer cop Darren
Wilson would face no charges for gunning down
18-year-old black youth Michael Brown in the
St. Louis suburb last August. Mixed with the
outrage, fury and indignation, many felt
devastated by the inescapable truth: there is
no justice in racist America. That night,
November 24, thousands protested in at least
90 U.S. cities; by the next night there were
tens of thousands of protesters in 170 cities
nationwide. And they haven’t stopped. The
grand jury gave a green light for police
brutality and murder of black and Latino
youth, particularly young men. Many chant that
“the whole damn system is guilty.” We say that
system is capitalism, which from the days of
chattel slavery to Jim Crow segregation to
mass incarceration today has been built on
black oppression. And the only way to end cop
terror is through revolution – socialist
revolution – to bring this racist system down.
The Internationalist Clubs at the City
University of New York (CUNY), along with the
Internationalist Group and Class Struggle
Education Workers, marched in the protests
from the outset and called a speak-out the
next day which drew over 100 students, faculty
and workers at Hunter College. We put forward
a revolutionary, working-class program,
declaring “No Justice in the Capitalist
Courts” and calling for worker/black/immigrant
mobilization against police terror. We linked
cop terror in Ferguson with the police
massacre of students from Ayotzinapa in
Mexico. While many repeated, “No justice, no
peace,” we chanted “Only revolution can bring
Ferguson to New York: All Out Against Police
Terror! (December 2014)
Outrage: NYPD Cop Who Killed Eric Garner Walks
Garner, Michael Brown – Shut the Whole
System Down!”
A week after the
grand jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri, a
Staten Island grand jury announced that no charges
would be filed against the NYPD cop who
chokeholded Eric Garner to death in late July. The
fact that the murder of Eric Garner was caught on
video and still the murderers got off exposes all
the phony talk by NYC Democratic mayor de Blasio
and Democratic president Obama about “retraining”
police and putting body cameras on cops. As tens
of thousands went into the streets nationwide in
the next days, protesters chanted Eric’s last
words, “I can’t breathe.” The CUNY
Internationalist Clubs joined in the protests from
the first hour and held a speak-out the next day
to denounce this racist atrocity. Our chants,
“Eric Garner, Michael Brown – Shut the whole
system down!” and “Only revolution can bring
justice!” were widely picked up. The stark fact is
that to do away with racist police terror for
good, we must kick out the racist ruling class
that the police “serve and protect.” “Eric
Garner, Michael Brown – Shut the Whole System
Down!” (December 2014)
Outrage Over Cop Murder of
Michael Brown Throws Capitalist Rulers Into
National Crisis
Mobilize Across
U.S. Against Racist Police Terror in Missouri
For Labor/Black/Immigrant
Mobilization Now!
Stand with Protests Against
Military / Police Occupation
Drop Charges Against All Arrested Protesters
All Cops and Troops Out of Ferguson, Mo.!
When a police
officer in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson,
Missouri shot down an unarmed black teenager,
Michael Brown, and cops left his body lying in the
street for hours, it set off an explosion of mass
anger that hasn’t stopped. Despite massive
deployment of military weaponry and armor,
demonstrators brave racist repression by local and
state police and the National Guard. What has
happened in this white-ruled black Missouri town
is not just the result of local racism, it is also
a reflection of the rampant militarization of
police forces across the U.S. The federal
government has poured tens of billions of dollars
into arming police for internal war, and we the
poor, oppressed and working people are the target.
The Internationalist Group stands with the
embattled people of Ferguson, and hail the
courageous youth who have refused to be
intimidated by everything the racist rulers have
thrown at them. Racist repression is a bedrock of
American capitalism. Nothing short of socialist
revolution will end it. Mobilize
Across U.S. Against Racist Police Terror in
Missouri (August 2014)
Mobilize Workers Action Against
Police Terror!
NYPD Murder of Eric Garner
The racists in blue
uniforms of the New York Police
Department are at it again. Eric Garner,
43, was standing on a corner in Staten
Island when he was set upon by cops.
When he complained of harassment, they
put him in a chokehold. “I can’t
breathe, I can’t breathe” he said over
and over, but this didn’t stop the
killer cops. In the aftermath,
protesters have called for the ouster of
NYPD top cop William Bratton, whose
policy of massive arrests for minor
infractions targeted Garner. But
liberals and reformist leftists have
given Bratton’s boss, liberal Democratic
NYC mayor Bill de Blasio, a free pass.
We said at the time of his election last
fall, “De Blasio Will Be ‘Bloomberg
Lite’.” And so he has been. As a
capitalist Democratic Party politician,
he takes his orders from Wall Street and
Washington. The response to heinous
crimes like the murder of Eric Garner
should be to massively mobilize NYC
workers and the oppressed in
class-struggle action. It will
take nothing less than workers
revolution to put an end to this system
of racist police repression. Racist
NYPD Murder of Eric Garner (26 July
No Justice in the Racist
Capitalist System
Revolution Will Avenge Trayvon Martin
Mobilize Workers Power to Shut Down “Stop
& Frisk”!
For the Right of Armed Black Self-Defense!
Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old black youth, was
lynched twice, first last year by a racist
vigilante in a gated community in Sanford,
Florida, and now once more in a legal lynching in
court where prosecution, defense, judge and jury
worked together to acquit the murderer, George
Zimmerman. For the second time in two years, angry
protests swept the country, as thousands chanted
“the whole damn system is guilty." That system is
racist American capitalism, and it will keep on
claiming the lives of African Americans, Latinos
and other oppressed groups until it is swept away
by workers revolution. While liberal capitalist
politicians, black and white, try to channel the
outrage into calls for more gun control and
appeals to the Obama administration, and many
reformist leftist groups tag along, the
Internationalist Group marched in demonstrations
calling for workers mobilizations to stop racist
police and vigilante terror. Workers
Will Avenge Trayvon Martin (25 July 2013)
No to Gun
Control: Racist Ruling-Class Ploy to Disarm
the Population
Controls the Guns?
In the wake of the
horrific Newtown school shooting
and a shooting spree at a
shopping center in Clackamas,
Oregon this past December,
President Barack Obama and the
Democratic Party have joined
with Republicans like New York
City mayor Michael Bloomberg and
the liberal media in launching a
drive to tighten gun control
laws. There is a division among
the capitalist rulers over gun
laws, but they all agree on
intensified police repression
across the board – as well as
U.S. imperialist war in
Afghanistan and murderous drone
strikes in half a dozen
countries. So-called
“progressives” want to further
strengthen the repressive
apparatus by disarming the
population. All historical
evidence shows that “gun
control” will not reduce violent
crime or prevent rampages by
deranged individuals. It will,
however, embolden racist police
rampages in impoverished African
American, Latino, Asian and
immigrant areas. The police are
there to “serve and protect” the
interests of the capitalist
rulers and to keep their victims
down. That’s why they want a
monopoly on violence. Gun
control has always targeted
exploited populations in order
to undercut their ability to
resist. In the United States,
from colonial times to today, it
is an incontrovertible fact that
gun control kills blacks. The
Internationalist Group says no
to gun control and other schemes
to keep the working class and
the oppressed disarmed in the
face of a rapacious ruling class
and its murderous, racist state.
Controls the Guns? (April 2013)
1965: Deacons for Defense (April 2013)
Promise and Betrayal
The 150th anniversary of
the Emancipation
Proclamation went by
with as little public
acknowledgement as
possible. Unlike the
signing of the
Declaration of
Independence on July 4,
1 January 1863 was never
going to be a holiday in
racist, imperialist
America. In the U.S.
rulers’ campaign of
historical amnesia, the
issue of how slavery was
abolished tops the list
of events to be
mystified. The second
American Revolution –
the Civil War – went
beyond political rights
to pose questions of
property. Karl Marx
recognized from the
outset that for the
Southern Confederacy,
this was “a war of
conquest for the spread
and perpetuation of
slavery.” Slavery was
not abolished by a
stroke of Lincoln's pen
but by victory on the
battlefield, in which
freed slaves played a
fundamental role. But
the northern bourgeoisie
refused to turn over
plantation land to the
freedmen. As a result,
the former chattel
slaves were reduced to
wage slavery or worse,
sharecropping and debt
peonage, setting the
stage for KKK terror and
Jim Crow segregation.
The struggle for
emancipation had run
into the limits of a
bourgeois revolution.
Only a new, socialist
revolution can achieve
genuine black liberation
and bury the heritage of
slavery once and for
all. The
Proclamation: Promise
and Betrayal
(April 2013)
and the Abolition
of Slavery
Lincoln has been
called a history
lesson in film.
Dealing with the
formal abolition of
slavery, it was timed
to coincide with the
150th anniversary of
the Emancipation
Proclamation. The
problem is that
history is a casualty
of war in Lincoln. At
bottom, the film is a
political tract
billing the United
States as an eternal
beacon of freedom, and
hailing Obama-style
liberalism and
compromise. Works of
art often take
liberties with
historical details in
order to dramatize a
point, but the
important historical
inaccuracies in
Lincoln go to the
heart of its message.
Most striking is the
near total absence of
African Americans,
except for a handful
in peripheral roles,
and in particular of
black slaves fighting
for freedom from
bondage. Lincoln the
movie deliberately
excludes the role of
blacks in the struggle
to crush the slave
system. Showing
Frederick Douglass
would have made it
harder to ignore the
200,000 black soldiers
who signed up to fight
against the slavocracy
– and whose
contribution was
termed “indispensable”
to Union victory and
emancipation by
Lincoln the man – as
well as the more than
50,000 among them who
gave their lives on
the battlefield or in
Confederate captivity
in this cause. Lincoln,
Lincoln, and
the Abolition of
Slavery (April
2013) |
Out Workers’ Power to Stop “Stop and Frisk”
Flatbush Police
State: Racist
NYPD Kills Again
It Will Take Workers
Revolution To Avenge Kimani Gray!
On March 9,
16-year-old Kimani Gray
was murdered in cold
blood by two
plainclothes NYPD cops,
shot to death with three
bullets to the back.
Police officials praised
it as a “good
shooting.” Four days
later, police arrested
almost 50 people
protesting this wanton
killing. Councilman
Jumaane Williams
denounced “outside”
forces for stirring up
trouble. But it is the
NYPD who shot an
innocent youth, guilty
of nothing, and have now
turned East Flatbush
into a police state. We
demand that all arrested
demonstrators be freed
and the charges dropped,
and call for police to
get out. The murder of
Kimani Gray will amplify
the outcry against the
NYPD’s racist “stop and
frisk” policy, but the
pressure groups linked
to the Democratic Party
only want to clean it
up. Police brutality and
black oppression will
not be reformed away by
cop watches, civilian
review boards, civil
rights lawsuits or
lashing out in desperate
acts of impotent rage.
They are written into
the bedrock of racist
American capitalism.
There should be a mass
mobilization of union
power along with the
millions of oppressed
black, Latino and
immigrant residents
against police brutality
and murder. Not just
another Sunday parade,
but surround City Hall
and really occupy Wall
Street until the NYPD’s
racist “stop and frisk”
is stopped cold. East
Police State: Racist
NYPD Kills Again (19
March 2013)
Lynch Law
U.S.A.: State Defends Murderer of
Trayvon Martin
Outrage over the murder
of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin
compounds daily as the killer
remains free, facing no criminal
charges for gunning down the
unarmed black youth from Miami
Gardens, Florida. On February
26, George Zimmerman, a white
self-appointed captain of a
"neighborhood watch" team in a
gated community in the Orlando
suburb of Sanford, shot Martin,
a black high-school student, who
was returning to the home in the
development where he and his
father were staying. Police and
local prosecutors never charged
Zimmerman and accepted his
cynical claim that he shot the
unarmed youth in "self-defense."
Thousands have demonstrated
around the country, particularly
after police tapes of 911 calls
by Zimmerman were released,
showing that he was stalking
Martin. But the main thrust of
liberals is to divert the
protests into a movement for gun
control laws and to get rid of
"Stand Your Ground" laws. The
ruling-class response seeks to
take the heat off the police and
tries to obscure the key fact
that this was racist
murder.Trayvon Martin was killed
for the "crime" of "walking
while black."
U.S.A.: State Defends Murderer
of Trayvon Martin (26
March 2012)
Workers’ Power Against Racist Cop
Shuts Ports
Justice for
Oscar Grant
At 2 a.m. on
New Year’s Day 2009, Bay
Area Rapid Transit cop
Johannes Mehserle stood
over Oscar Grant and
shot him in the back,
killing the 22-year-old
black man. It was the
kind of cop murder,
particularly of African
American and Latino
young men, that happens
over and over in racist
capitalist America. But
last October 23, Local
10 of the International
Longshore and Warehouse
Union (ILWU) shut down
the port of Oakland,
California for the day
shift and led a rally of
600 outside Oakland City
Hall to protest the
insulting “involuntary
manslaughter” verdict
against Mehserle (by a
jury in Los Angeles on
which there was not one
black person) and demand
“justice for Oscar
Grant.” A number of left
groups were pushing the
slogan “Jail Killer
Cops,” one of the main
demands of the
demonstration. The
reformists are
propagating the
bourgeois democratic
myth that under
pressure, the state can
be made to serve the
interests of the masses.
Still, although mainly
symbolic, the ILWU
action points toward a
real mobilization of
workers’ power in
militant class struggle
against the brutal
enforcers of capitalist
“law and order.” ILWU
Shuts Ports
Justice for
Oscar Grant
What “Post-Racial”
Barack Obama vs.
Black Liberation
For Black Liberation
Through Socialist Revolution!
The election of
Barack Obama as president of the United
States was widely hailed as the
culmination of the Civil Rights
movement. Obama’s
campaign was based on the illusion that
the United States had moved “beyond
race.” The ruling
class used the occasion to claim that
this proves that racism in the United
States has been overcome. But racist
discrimination and oppression are woven
into the fabric of American capitalism.
Racist police brutality is ever-present.
Obama and the Democratic Party political
operatives who shaped his election
campaign stayed away from any mention of
struggle against racism. Now black
people are being told to be patient. Yet
patience will not bring freedom any
closer for any sector of the oppressed.
Gains won through struggle can also be
taken back so long as social, economic
and political power remains in the hands
of capital. We only have to look at the
history of the Reconstruction period
following the Civil War. Installing a
black president won’t change the racist
nature of American capitalism, any more
than having Colin Powell as chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff made the
U.S. any less imperialist. Today,
“diversity” is being promoted as an
alternative to equality, which
capitalism cannot provide. Genuine
freedom and actual social, economic and
political equality for blacks in America
can only come about through a socialist
revolution. Barack
vs. Black Liberation (23 February
Mobilize Working-Class Struggle to
Free Troy Now!
Abolish the Racist Death
Penalty! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Troy Davis Must Not Die!
There Is No Justice in the
Capitalist Courts
On October 24, the 11th
Circuit Court of Appeals granted a last-minute
stay of execution for Troy Anthony Davis. He had
been scheduled to be murdered by the state of
Georgia three days later. Now the deadline has
been pushed back at most to November 18, but it
could come well before then. Davis, a
40-year-old black man, was convicted of the
murder of a Savannah police officer in 1989. His
conviction rested solely on the testimony of
witnesses. Since the trial, seven of the nine
eyewitnesses have recanted their testimony,
several saying they were coerced by the police
into fingering Davis. Three witnesses have said
that another man admitted to killing the
policeman. That won’t even get Troy Davis a
hearing, much less set aside the guilty verdict,
under the 1996 Antiterrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act, signed into law by Democratic
President Bill Clinton, which puts
impossible limits on the admissibility of
exculpatory evidence. Troy Davis is innocent,
but Troy Davis is black and this is capitalist
America, where black oppression is “enshrined”
in the system of racist repression. The death
penalty is a direct legacy of slavery. The power
of the working class must be brought to bear,
yet the labor bureaucracy and civil rights
groups leaders are mobilizing their members and
resources to vote for Democrat Barack Obama, who
defends the death penalty. The
Internationalist Group calls on working people
and the oppressed to mobilize to stop this legal
lynching, to free Troy Davis and abolish the
barbaric death penalty! Troy
Must Not Die! (27 October 2008)
Sean Bell
Gunned Down on His Wedding Day –
Mobilize Workers’ Power Against Police State
Bullets: Racist NYPD Cop Execution, Again
In the early
morning hours of November 25, a squad of New York
City police surrounded a car of three unarmed
black and Latino men, and unleashed a hail of 50
bullets. The killer cops murdered the driver, Sean
Bell, on the day he was to marry his fiancée and
badly wounded Joseph Guzman and Trent Benefield.
As the New York Police Department desperately
tries to find someone to frame for the bloody
crime their cops perpetrated, angry demonstrators
recalled the 1999 murder of Amadou Diallo in the
doorway of his home by a police death squad that
fired off 41 shots. Democratic politicians rushed
to line up behind Republican mayor Bloomberg to
head off mass protests and keep a lid on New York.
What’s needed is to mobilize power – the power of
the multiracial working class along with black,
immigrant and other oppressed “minority”
populations who together are the overwhelming
majority of New York – to put a stop to police
brutality. And that will take nothing less than
socialist revolution. 50
Racist NYPD Cop Execution, Again (5 December 2006)
New Orleans Police
“Ethnic Cleansing” American-style
By now
everyone knows that 100,000 people, overwhelmingly
black and poor, were left to die in the New
Orleans death trap. Why?
Because the principal objective of the government
at all levels was to occupy the devastated city
and put the population under martial law. Today
the Big Easy is a police-state encampment,
occupied by an estimated 14,000 heavily armed
troops and cops and private security companies.
It is a first taste of
long-standing plans by the U.S. bourgeoisie to
“impose order” in America’s inner cities through
preventive internal war against the exploited
and oppressed. Bush cronies in
companies like Halliburton, Bechtel and Fluor
Corporation are cashing in, while the old-line
families are working out
plans for a new New Orleans that is
“completely different ...
demographically, geographically and
politically.” In other words, a
city “cleansed” of poor black people. This
racist attack, like the war on Iraq, has been
unleashed by both capitalist parties. To defeat
it, it is necessary to break with all the
bourgeois politicians and fight to build a
revolutionary workers party. New
Police State (20 September 2005)
Hurricane Shows Race and
Class Decide Who Lives and Dies in Capitalist America
New Orleans Death Trap:
Thousands of
Black Poor Left to Die
We Need A
destruction in the wake of Hurricane Katrina
is being called the worst natural disaster in
U.S. history. But the devastation of New
Orleans was not natural, nor just the result
of callous, criminal neglect – it was mass
murder by the racist rulers of capitalist
America. The authorities knew exactly what
would happen in a major storm, and did nothing
to prevent catastrophic damage. They
knew the floodwall was vulnerable precisely at
the point it was breached. They
knew that over 100,000 people would be
stranded in the city, and they left them there
to die. In the aftermath, the survivors of
Hurricane Katrina have been held prisoner in
the flooded city. The hue and cry over looting
is a racist ploy: desparate flood survivors
scavenge for good while the oil companies loot
on a massive scale. As has frequently
happened through the ages, a natural
phenomenon laid bare the fault lines between
the classes in a rotting, decaying society.
The real response to this outrage is not to
call on criminals in power to improve
preparations for the next disaster, but to
fight for socialist revolution to bring down
the system that perpetuates war, racism and
poverty. New Orleans
Death Trap: Thousands of Black Poor Left to
Die (5 September 2005)
From Baghdad to
Harlem and Oakland: Imperialist War
Breeds Racist Cop Terror
Alberta Spruill:
Victim of NYPD Killer Elite
Alberta Spruill is dead because she was black. The
57-year-old church-going city worker was preparing
to leave for her job when a squad of New York cops
burst in the door of her Harlem apartment without
warning and threw a deafening flash grenade.
Alberta had a heart condition and screamed that
she couldn’t breathe. She died on the way to the
hospital. These Gestapo-like no-knock raids are
now routinely carried out in black, Latino and
immigrant neighborhoods. Like the brutal police
assault on antiwar protesters and longshore
workers in Oakland last month, this war on working
peopleand oppressed minorities is the domestic
reflection of the imperialist war and colonial
occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. The same day
Alberta was murdered, layoff notices were sent to
thousands of NYC workers. The power of the workers
movement, at the forefront of all the oppressed,
should be mobilized against killer cutbacks and
racist cop terror. Alberta
Victim of NYPD Killer Elite (20 May
Key Battle for Labor Rights
and Black Freedom
Defend the Charleston
Defeat the Racist
Union-Busters with Hard Class Struggle
The fight to defend the Charleston
Five is a key battle linking labor struggle with
the cause of black freedom. These members of
International Longshoremen’s Association Local
1422 are facing years in prison on federal
charges of “felonious riot.” They are targets of
a racist anti-union assault as the bosses seek
to break a key outpost of black labor in the
South, Charleston, the second largest port on
the U.S. East Coast. On 20 January 2000, the
unionists picketing a scab operation were set
upon by 600 state and local riot cops and prison
guards, who used tear gas, rubber bullets,
concussion grenades as well as armored cars,
helicopters, sniper details, police boats and
attack dogs. Three days before the police riot,
ILA Local 1422 participated in a march of tens
of thousands in Columbia, the state capital,
demanding that the Confederate flag be taken
down from above the statehouse. The brutal
attack in Charleston was in good part a
“payback” from the racist state government. In
the face of the persecution of the Charleston
Five and the escalating attack on union rights,
what’s called for is a solid longshore strike to
shut down all three coasts. Defend
Charleston Five! (June 2001)