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Articles From
Free Abortion on Demand!
Populist President Correa Attacks Women’s Right to Abortion
For Women’s
Liberation Through Socialist Revolution!
There is an onslaught against women’s right to abortion underway, extending from the
U.S. to Central and South America. This is notably the case in Nicaragua, El Salvador
and now Ecuador, all three countries under supposedly leftist governments. Ecuador’s
president Rafael Correa, a bourgeois populist who came to office in 2007, recently let
loose a tirade to squelch any talk of reform on abortion. He thundered, accusing women
legislators of his own party of “disloyalty” and “treason” for daring to the minimal
reform of permitting abortion in cases of rape. Correa’s tirade was immediately saluted
by some of the most reactionary anti-women forces. This onslaught against women’s
rights reflected the increasingly authoritarian character of Correa’s
presidency, in which all manner of left-wing dissent is subjected to state repression.
Against the unholy alliance of right and populist “left” against women’s rights, the
League for the Fourth International call for the repeal of all laws penalizing
or restricting abortion, and fight for free abortion on demand, in safe, high-quality
medical facilities.
Populist President Correa Attacks Women’s Right to Abortion (December 2013
“Civic” Revolution or Workers Revolution?
Ecuador Needs a Workers, Peasants and Indian Government
Forge a
Leninist-Trotskyist Revolutionary Workers Party!
For an Andean Federation of Workers Republics!
the last two decades, Ecuador
has found itself in an almost
constant state of upheaval and
revolt. Yet practically
nothing has changed in the
direction the country is
headed: it is still subject to
the dictates of Yankee
imperialism, the dollarization
of the economy, the U.S.
Southern Command’s occupation
of the Manta Air Base... By
all accounts, Ecuador needs a
revolution. But the question
is posed, what kind of
revolution? President Rafael
Correa, a bourgeois populist,
calls for a “civic
revolution.” However, he
ferociously opposes any class
actions, particularly the
struggle for a workers
revolution to bring down the
capitalist system. He called a
Constituent Assembly in order
to “refound” the couintry. Yet
on the very day the Assembly
was inaugurated, he unleashed
a brutal repression against
peasants of the Amazonian
parish of Dayuma for shutting
down production at an oil
well. The Ecuadorian working
masses need a struggle for a
workers, peasants and Indian
government, which launches
international socialist
Ecuador Needs a Workers, Peasants and
Indian Government (25
December 2007)
See also “Ecuador: The ‘Rebellion of the Outlaws’ – A Marxist Analysis,” The Internationalist No. 21 (Summer 2005)
and “Marxism and the Indian Question in Ecuador,” The Internationalist No. 17 (October-November 2003) in the issues in pdf form on this web site.
A Spanish-language compilation of articles from the LFI on Ecuador can be found in Cuadernos de El Internacionalista, July 2003.