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Articles From
Arab/Hebrew Workers Revolution
Biden, Sanders,
Democrats Arm Zionist Butchers
Defend the Palestinians
Against Israeli War
Arab-Hebrew Workers Revolution!
The storming of the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem by
hundreds of Israeli police on May 10 was the
opening shot of renewed Zionist war on the
Palestinian Arab people. While the imperialist
media talk of military conflict between Israel and
Hamas in the besieged enclave of Gaza, the reality
is a one-sided slaughter of Palestinians by the
Israeli war machine. Added to this is the terror
unleashed by Zionist-fascist vigilantes against
Palestinians in Israeli cities of mixed Arab and
Jewish population. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party
of U.S. imperialism has provided the weapons
Israel uses to rain death on the Palestinian
people. The horrific images – of apartment
buildings in Gaza flattened by bombs, of a father
staring at his dead children in a morgue, of an
Arab being lynched by Jewish pogromists – have set
off protests of tens of thousands worldwide. In
the face of the new outbreak of the unending
Zionist war, the Internationalist Group and League
for the Fourth International call to defend the
oppressed Palestinian people, to drive the Israeli
army and all Zionist settlers out of occupied
Palestinian territory, for labor action
against the Zionist/imperialist war on
Palestinians, and for an Arab-Hebrew Palestinian
workers state, as part of a region-wide socialist
federation of the Near East. Defend
the Palestinians Against Israeli War – For
Arab-Hebrew Workers Revolution! (18 May
Birth of the Zionist State, Part 1
(November 1973)
Birth of the Zionist State, Part 2 (May
Hail 75th
Anniversary of Soviet Army Liberation of
Expel Zionist Occupiers from the West Bank –
Defend Gaza, the New Warsaw Ghetto
No to
Trump/Israel West Bank Annexation Plan!
On January 28, U.S. president Donald Trump
unveiled his phony Middle East “peace” plan in
a joint appearance at the White House with
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
This is actually a plan to escalate the
imperialist-backed Zionist war on the
Palestinians by annexing the Israeli-occupied
West Bank. It is a
naked Zionist land grab to crush and humiliate
the Palestinians. All “two-state” plans that
have been floated since the Israeli army’s
conquest of the West Bank and Gaza in the 1967
war have been frauds to the extent that they
made any pretense of fulfilling the rights of
the Palestinian Arab population under the boot
of Zionist occupation. Trump’s “vision” is the
most cynical of all. But while opposition
politicians in both countries criticize its
timing and ostentatiously one-sided nature,
many of these same Democrats and “moderate”
Zionists support the basic elements of the
“deal.” Zionists of all stripes and their
imperialist patrons are for imposing
indefinite Israeli control of the West Bank.
Against this the League for the Fourth
International calls to drive the Zionist
occupiers out of the West Bank, and for an
Arab/Hebrew Palestinian workers state in a
socialist federation of the Near East. No
to Trump/Israel West Bank Annexation Plan!
(2 February 2020)
Defend Syria and Iran Against
Imperialist Attack!
War Looms in the Middle East
For an
Arab/Hebrew Palestinian Workers State
in a Socialist Federation of the
Middle East!
As illusions of “peace” spread over the
Korean peninsula as a result of a vague
agreement reached by U.S. president Donald
Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at
a summit in Singapore, the stage is being
set for regional war in the Middle East. On
May 8, Donald Trump withdrew from the
so-called Iran nuclear deal, cementing an
alliance with the Zionist militarists and
Saudi war hawks. Three weeks earlier, the
U.S. and its NATO partners Britain and
France launched a missile attack on Syria,
based on phony allegations of chemical
weapons use by the Assad regime. Then on May
14, the U.S. relocated its embassy in Israel
from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a brazen
provocation against the Palestinian people.
Simultaneously, Israeli Army snipers were
picking off peaceful protesters inside Gaza,
killing at least 129 and leaving thousands
wounded. And in Yemen a mass slaughter of
civilians by the U.S.-backed Saudi/Gulf
monarchist invaders looms. The League for
the Fourth International calls to defend
Syria and Iran against imperialist attack,
upholding Iran’s right to develop nuclear
power and obtain nuclear or any other kind
of weapons to defend against the Israeli and
U.S. warmongers with their massive nuclear
arsenals. To break the death grip of
imperialism, Zionism and Islamism, the
League for the Fourth International calls
workers revolution throughout the region. Regional
War Looms in the Middle East (28 June
Leftist Lecturer
Eleonora Roldán
Witch Hunt
Leftist and
recent months,
there have been
incidents of
persecution of
Jewish and
leftist groups
and individuals
in Berlin,
Germany for
views. The
attackers range
from right-wing
nationalists to
the peculiar
(and grossly
A case of
censorship that
attention is the
exclusion of
Free University
Eleonora Roldán
Mendívil, who
taught a class
on “Racism under
canceled her
contract after
rightist German
accused her of
This entire
campaign is a
Zionist witch
hunt against a
leftist, and
with attacks on
Jewish and
Israeli civil
rights and gay
defend the
proponents of
divestment and
right-wing and
Zionist attacks
and censorship.
But rather than
looking to the
imperialists, we
call for
workers action
in defense of
the Palestinian
people, and for
revolution. Germany:
Witch Hunt
Leftist and
(22 March
Witch-Hunters Support
Zionism and German
Imperialism (22 March 2017
Defeat Israel / U.S. War –
For Workers Action Against Zionist Slaughter
Gaza and the Palestinian People –
Arab-Hebrew Workers Revolution!
All Settlers Out of the West Bank!
From Egypt to Turkey, Fight for
Workers Revolution!
Every two years since Israel’s rulers
“disengaged” from Gaza in late 2005, the
Israeli military has launched a murderous
attack on the 1.8 million Palestinians
confined in this narrow strip along the
Mediterranean. As of July 29, over 1,200
Palestinians had been killed, three-quarters
of them non-combatants and at least 250
children. This is a war to terrorize the Arab
population, but it has not worked. Trotskyists
call to defend Gaza against the Zionist
onslaught while fighting for an Arab-Hebrew
Palestinian workers state. Israel is neither a
“colonial-settler state” nor an “apartheid
state,” but a client state and junior partner
of imperialism which seeks to expel the
Palestinian population. Calls for “boycotts,
divestment and sanctions” (BDS) are at bottom
appeals to the imperialists and will not bring
down Zionist rule. Instead, we call for
international workers solidarity action
pointing to workers revolution throughout the
region. Defend
Gaza and the Palestinian People – For
Arab-Hebrew Workers Revolution! (29 July
For International Workers
Action to Defeat Israeli Assault/Occupation!
Mass Murderers Strike Again: Defend Gaza!
U.S./NATO Imperialists,
Israeli Zionists and Arab Islamists: Hands
Off Syria!
Defend the Palestinian
People – For an Arab/Hebrew Workers State in
a Socialist Federation of the Near East
As soon as the U.S. elections
were over, the Zionist Israeli
governmentlaunched a rain of death against the
beleaguered Palestinian population of
Gaza. If U.S. president Barack Obama began
his re-election campaign with the murder of
Osama bin Laden, Israel's war criminal premier
Benjamin Netanyahu launched his campaign for the
January 2013 elections by the terrorist
assassination of Ahmed al-Jabari, the head of
the al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of
Hamas. This was accompanied by a full-scale
barrage of indiscriminate aerial bombing, that
killed dozens of Palestinians. Meanwhile in
Egypt, while Cairo masses denounce the Israeli
terror bombing, the Muslim Brotherhood
government is calling for a ceasefire while
continuing to keep Palestinians locked up in the
tiny Gaza Strip. The attack on Gaza is a prelude
to a wider Middle East War. We demand:
imperialists, Zionists and Islamists, Hands off
Syria. Smash imperialism and Zionism through
international socialist revolution. Zionist
Murderers Strike Again: Defend Gaza!
(17 November 2012)
For International
Workers Solidarity Action to Defend the
Oakland Picket Blocks Israeli Ship!
On June 20, mass
pickets blocked the unloading of an Israeli ZIM
Lines ship at the Port of Oakland (California) to
protest the May 31 Israeli massacre of activists
aboard a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to
Gaza. More than 800 demonstrators showed up before
dawn for the day shift picket, and hundreds
returned to block an evening shift, which was
called off. So the picketers succeeded in blocking
the unloading of the Zim Lines freighter for 24
hours – the first time an Israeli ship has been
blocked in a U.S. port. The picket was called by
labor and community groups and built by the San
Francisco and Alameda County Labor Councils, who
condemned the Israeli attack and sent out notices
urging Bay Area unionists to join the lines. A
message from the Palestinian General Federation of
Trade Unions said that the Oakland dock action was
“something we have longed for and expected,”
recalling the 1984 boycott of a South African ship
on the Oakland docks which spurred international
solidarity with the struggle against apartheid.
The June picket must be a spur to further workers
solidarity action against the murderous Zionist
regime. Oakland
Blocks Israeli Ship! (21 June 2010)
For International
Workers Solidarity Action –
Defeat Israeli/U.S. War on Palestinians!
Israel’s Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Bloody War
Israel's seizure of a flotilla
bearing humanitarian aid to Gaza on May 31 and the
Zionist commandos'cold-blooded executions of at
least nine activists aboard one of the ships
provoked outrage around the world. This was state
terrorism. While European governments made mild
criticisms of Israel and its four-year-old
blockade of Gaza, the main concern of the Obama
administration in Washington was to prevent a U.N.
resolution blaming Israel. Many protesters are
calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions
against Israel, harking back to the campaign
against apartheid South Africa. But impotent
consumer boycotts of Israeli products, calling on
businesses not to invest in Israel and for
imperialist sanctions will not stop the Zionist
mass murderers, nor did they stop the South
African apartheid regime. Rather than looking to
the capitalists and imperialists, Trotskyists call
today on the workers movement to boycott cargo,
ships and planes to and from Israel. Boycotts have
been called by South African, Swedish and
Norwegian dock workers unions and a picket is
planned in the port of Oakland,California. Israel’s
Flotilla Massacre: Bloody War Provocation
(17 June
Defend the Palestinian People and
Lebanese Shiites!
Israel Launches Regional War on the Road
to World War III
the Zionists Out of the Occupied Territories!
Drive the U.S. Imperialists Out of Iraq and All
the Near East!
On July 14, Israel began a full-scale assault
on Lebanon, bombing targets, military and
civilian, throughout the country. Particularly
hard-hit in the Israeli onslaught against Lebanon
have been the Shiite Muslim communities where the
Islamic organization Hezbollah is strong. There,
the Israeli air force is massacring the civilian
population, including many children, killing whole
families in their homes, bombing refugee columns.
the pretext used by Israel to justify its
aggression, the international workers movement
must stand squarely for defense of the
Palestinian people and Lebanese Shiite
population under attack, and for the defeat of
the Israeli assault. The current invasion of
Lebanon is part of an overall plan by the
Zionist expansionists to unilaterally redraw the
borders of the Near East and could easily engulf
the entire region in the flames of war.
Trotskyists defend the Palestinian people and
Shiite population and stand with those resisting
the Zionist occupiers, while calling for an
Arab/Hebrew workers state in a socialist
federation of the Near East. Israel
Regional War on the Road to World War III
(21 July 2006)
the Palestinian People –
Defeat Israel’s Genocidal
Drive Zionist Army/Settlers
Out of the Occupied Territories!
For Arab/Hebrew Workers Revolution!
Defend Afghanistan, Iraq
Against Imperialist Attack!
U.S./NATO Out of the Near East and
Central/South Asia!
The Israeli government has launched a genocidal
war against the Palestinians. Its purpose is
to “decapitate” the Palestinian Authority, kill
thousands of those who oppose Israel’s brutal
rule, and “ethnically cleanse” key areas of the
West Bank and Gaza by driving out tens of
thousands of Palestinians. The Zionist leadership
has received a green light from the United States
government to carry out this terrorist war. The
U.S. and its NATO allies meanwhile are keeping
Afghanistan under the iron heel of occupation as
they prepare a new war against Iraq. The League
for the Fourth International issues an urgent call
to defend the Palestinian people against the
Zionist “final solution”! Drive the Zionist
occupiers out of the West Bank and Gaza – Bring
down the Zionist state through Arab/Hebrew workers
revolution, in a socialist federation of the Near
East! Defend Afghanistan and Iraq against
imperialist occupation and attack! Defeat
imperialism through international socialist
revolution! Defeat
genocidal Blitzkrieg! (30 March 2002)
Defend the Palestinian People
Rulers Prepare All-Out War
all the talk of non-existent cease-fires, the
sudden trips by top U.S. officials to the Near
East and Israeli calls to “remove” (assassinate)
Yasir Arafat lies the fact that the Zionist
leaders are systematically gearing up to launch
a full-scale attack on Arafat’s Palestinian
Authority (PA). The PA was the make-believe
government set up in the Occupied Territories by
the 1993 Oslo “peace” accord in order to police
the Arab masses and put an end to the first intifada
(uprising). The whole Oslo
“peace” fraud was a product of the
U.S.-dominated New World Order in the aftermath
of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The
idea that the NATO chiefs who bombed Belgrade
and Baghdad could or would somehow pressure
Israeli warmongers into making concessions is a
dangerous illusion. Class-conscious
people around the world must defend the
oppressed Palestinian people against the Zionist
oppressors, all the more so in an outright war.
look to the international working class to
defend the Palestinian Arab people whose rights
and lives have been trampled on by the Zionists’
jackboot. Defeats for imperialism around the
world will have a direct impact in the area. A
proletarian upheaval against the decrepit Arab
regimes anywhere in the Near East would directly
threaten both the Zionists and the Arab puppets
of imperialism. Israeli
Prepare All-Out War (Summer 2001)
The Fight
for Trotskyism in Palestine
of the Revolutionary Communist League,
reprinted from Fourth International May 1948.
the Stream (Summer 2001)
Defend the
Palestinian People!
an Arab/Hebrew Workers Republic in a
Socialist Federation of the Near East!
Thousands of Palestinian
youths daily confront the Israeli
murderers. The Zionist state engages in
large-scale assassination. Barak sends tanks
against children, Israeli army sharpshooters
shoot to kill youth holding stones, helicopter
gunships fire on Palestinian cars and homes.
Now Sharon, the butcher of Sabra and Shatila,
is at the helm. The new intifada (uprising)
led by Arab youth is a courageous act of
defiance by those who have nothing to lose.
Class-conscious workers around the world must
demand that Israel get out of all the Occupied
Territories. But a Palestinian pseudo-state in
the West Bank and Gaza presided over by Arafat
would be no more than a glorified ghetto to
imprison the Palestinian people. The League
for the Fourth International fights for
Arab/Hebrew workers revolution and a socialist
federation of the Near East. Defend
the Palestinian People! (February 2001)