All Out in Solidarity with the Palestinian
Day 2024:
International Workers Action Against
the Genocidal U.S./Israel War on Gaza!

Labor activists of S.I. Cobas, the CALP (Autonomous
Collective of Port Workers) and other "rank-and-file"
unions blockade the port of Genova, Italy on February
23-24, preventing loading/unloading of an Israeli Zim
Line ship.
S.I. Cobas)
With the barbaric war on Gaza now in its sixth month,
it is utterly clear that this is an actual genocide,
targeting the entire Palestinian Arab population of what
has been termed the world’s largest open-air prison.
After over 40,000 killed,1 the destruction
of more than half of all homes in the densely populated
enclave, the bombing of schools and universities and
attacks on hospitals, now more than one million people
face the spectre of imminent starvation.2
It is also clear that this is a joint U.S./Israeli war,
as all the heavy bombs and all the
warplanes from which they are dropped are supplied by
the Pentagon, while Washington funnels billions in U.S.
aid to Israel annually. Millions have marched worldwide
to denounce the slaughter and calling for a ceasefire,
to no avail. Every appeal to the Zionist/imperialist
warmongers has come to naught.
What’s desperately needed is the mobilization of power
that can bring the slaughter to a halt, the power of the
working class, in the United States and around the world.
This coming May 1, the workers
day, should become a day of militant international
workers action – including strikes and labor-led
mass mobilization – to stop the genocidal
U.S./Israel war on Gaza. It should be
followed up with labor action worldwide to shut
down all flights and shipping to and from Israel so
long as the Zionist war on Gaza continues.
Workers should demand: stop the bombing, stop the
massacres, Israeli military and settlers get the
hell out of Gaza and all the Occupied Territories

This is what genocide looks like. Residents of Gaza City
gather at site of destroyed building, March 2024
(Photo: Agence France-Presse)
Last October, the Palestinian General Federation of
Trade Unions (PGFTU) in Gaza and more than two dozen
Palestinian unions and professional associations issued
an urgent appeal to labor internationally to refuse to
build or transport arms for and to Israel. In the U.S.,
over 200 union bodies have since passed resolutions
calling for a ceasefire – but with no action beyond
joining “peace” marches. In some cases, notably the
AFL-CIO, these appeals are actually support for Israel,
denouncing Palestinians for starting the war, not
demanding that Israel get out of Gaza and
calling for release of all Israeli hostages but nothing
about the over 9,000 Palestinians being held hostage in
Israeli jails (plus another 4,000 workers from Gaza who
were in Israel when the war began and are now being held
in military camps).3
The League for the Fourth International and its U.S.
section, the Internationalist Group, have called from
the outset to “Defend the Palestinians Against
U.S./Israel Genocidal War on Gaza!” (The
Internationalist, 10 October 2023), “For Workers
Action Against Zionist Terror” and “against the shipment
of arms to Israel and Ukraine,” where the U.S. and its
NATO allies are waging an imperialist proxy war against
Russia. We have underlined that, so far, calls for labor
solidarity have been mainly on paper, and what port
shutdowns there have been were mostly called by
community groups rather than the unions, as long-time
maritime labor activist Jack Heyman pointed out in his
recent article reiterating the call “Dock
Workers: Block Military Cargo to Israel” (The
Internationalist, 15 February).

Motion calling for
ILWU Local 10 to stop work on May 1 in solidarity with
the Palestinian people and against genocidal war on
Last week, Heyman and others put forward a resolution
for International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
Local 10 in the San Francisco Bay Area to stop work on
May Day, the international workers day, “calling for
international workers action in solidarity with the
besieged Palestinian people, in opposition to the
genocidal Israel/U.S. war on Gaza and to stop the flow
of arms to that war.” The motion also urged the rest of
the union and dock workers internationally to join in
taking May Day Palestinian solidarity actions.
Now the Palestinian General Federation of Labor, Gaza
has issued a May Day appeal to unions in the United
States calling to do just that. The PGFTU statement says
frankly that “we have encountered shocking silence and
neglect by the international labor movement.” It spells
this out:
“The international labor movement … retreated
to verbal positions without taking measures on the
ground or pressuring the decision-makers to stop this
war of extermination, limiting union activities to
conferences and statements and not delving deeply into
the need to guarantee humanitarian aid, or influencing
international public opinion to expose the truth about
Zionist crimes and the practices of the allied countries
that continue to support Israel.”
(Click here
or on image below for the full text of the PGFTU, Gaza

In response to the PGFTU’s urgent appeal to unions and
trade-unionists in the U.S. and internationally “to be
our voice and advocate inside and outside America,” the
League for the Fourth International urges labor
militants around the world to mobilize workers’
power in hard-hitting labor-led actions on May 1 in
solidarity with the besieged Palestinian people
against the genocidal U.S./Israel war. Such
actions can and should include not only focusing May Day
marches on Palestine solidarity and organizing workers
aid to Gaza, but blocking arms shipments and carrying
out labor boycotts of flights and shipping to and from
Israel, and wherever possible, strike action and
shutting down production. Such actions
should demand an immediate stop to the bombing,
forced population transfers and any restrictions on
emergency aid to Gaza; an end to all aid to Israel,
and for Israel’s complete withdrawal from Gaza and all
the Occupied Territories.
In the U.S., it is crucial to fight for the workers and
oppressed to break with the Democrats,
who are financing, advising, arming and jointly waging
war on the Palestinians in Gaza together with the
Israeli government of hardline Zionists and outright
fascists; and to oust the class-collaborationist
labor bureaucracy, which for decades has
chained the unions to the bosses’ parties. A prime
example of this is the leadership of the United Auto
Workers (UAW), which in response to clamor from the
ranks, particularly in the Detroit area with its large
Arab American population, called for a ceasefire in
Gaza, and then turned around and endorsed “Genocide
Joe” Biden for president! For their part, the
Teamster tops are currently flirting with Donald Trump,
who said of the war in Gaza that he would tell Israeli
prime minister Netanyahu to “finish it up and do it
quickly” (Haaretz, 17 March).
The contours of effective solidarity action with the
Palestinian people vary from country to country. In
Germany, labor action against the genocidal war must
necessarily oppose not only the ferociously pro-Zionist
Social Democrat/Free Democrat/Green government (which
has banned many pro-Palestinian protests) and the
equally rabidly pro-Israel right-wing “opposition” but
also the Left Party, as all the parliamentary parties
explicitly support “Israel’s right to self-defense,” the
formula justifying the mass murder in Gaza. In Italy,
where fascists lead a far-right-wing government,
organizing effective labor solidarity will require
united action by the normally fractious “rank-and-file”
unions and bringing out key industrial sectors in a
direct challenge to the “mainstream” confederations,
which despite talk of a ceasefire are solidly
Everywhere, the opportunist left seeks to build a
“broad antiwar movement,” typically centered on calls
for a ceasefire, in order to include dissident liberal
or “progressive” elements from the bourgeois and
reformist parties, who don’t necessarily oppose the war
on Gaza but only its “excesses.” Rather than such
“popular-front” coalitions pushing impotent pressure
politics, what’s urgently needed is independent,
militant class struggle against all the capitalist
and governing social-democratic parties,
which are all cogs in the imperialist system, and
therefore, one way or another, complicit in the genocide
being carried out in Gaza. Classless appeals for “peace”
are a diversion in the face of implacable U.S. and
Israeli mass murderers, who can only be stopped by
international socialist revolution.

Activists of Class Struggle Workers Portland (above at
11 November 2023 Palestine labor solidarity rally) call
to defend Gaza, defeat U.S./Israel war on Palestinians.
Four Portland area unions have passed motions demanding
an end to Israeli bombing of Gaza, for Israel out of
West Bank and Gaza and to end to U.S. arming and
Highlighting the urgency of this independent
class-struggle policy are resolutions that have been
passed by four unions – Iron Workers Local 29, IUPAT
(Painters) Local 10, IBEW (electrical workers) Local 48
and AFT (education) Local 111 – in the Portland, Oregon
area of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Rather than calling
for a ceasefire, which would leave the Israeli in
control of Gaza and which plays into the hands of the
Biden administration that is now toying with the word,
the resolutions, introduced by supporters of Class
Struggle Workers – Portland, call for labor action to
stop the shipment of arms to Israel, for “the immediate
end to Israel’s bombing of Gaza, for Israel to vacate
Gaza and the West Bank, and to end all arming or funding
to it now” (click here
or on reproductions below to read resolutions on the web
site of Class Struggle Workers – Portland).
Above all the fight to halt the genocidal U.S./Israel
war against the Palestinian people requires a political
fight against the capitalist parties. This was addressed
by the Portland Painters, who in a 2016 resolution
called to break with all the bosses’ parties and build a
class-struggle workers party. The call in that
resolution for the national union to repudiate its
endorsement of the Democratic presidential candidate
should be a beacon to worker militants today as unions
in the U.S. join calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, and
then endorse war criminal Democrat Biden who is
responsible for arming, financing and directing the
genocidal war.
2016 Resolution of International Union of Painters
Allied Trades (IUPAT) Local 10 for a
Class-Struggle Workers Party
across the country, from Oakland to Baltimore, police
under Democratic mayors regularly murder black men and
women with impunity, and
the 2016 presidential election offers us the “choice”
between a raving, bigoted clown and a career
representative of Wall Street, and …
Democrats and Republicans are and have always been
strike-breaking, war-making parties of the bosses, and
so long as the labor movement supports one or another
party of the bosses, we will be playing a losing game,
therefore be it
IUPAT Local 10 does not support the Democrats,
Republicans, or any bosses’ parties or politicians,
we call on the International Union to repudiate its
endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, and
we call on the labor movement to break from the
Democratic Party, and build a class-struggle workers
The embattled Palestinian Arabs have been subjected to
“ethnic cleansing” for more than three-quarters of a
century, following subjugation by the British
imperialists and the Ottoman Empire – and now to
outright genocide by the Zionist state of Israel and its
U.S. patrons. It will take a revolution to put an end to
this oppression, a revolution that can only be
successful by splitting and exploding Israeli society
from within. This requires intransigent,
internationalist class struggle, throughout the entire
region. As the League for the Fourth International has
emphasized since the beginning of that war, and long
before that, the bottom line is that defenders of the
oppressed and opponents of imperialism must stand
foursquare with the Palestinian people against the
Zionist oppressors and their state, and that
the only solution that promises a just and equitable
future to the two peoples inhabiting this tiny land is
for an Arab-Hebrew Palestinian workers state, in
a socialist federation of the Middle East.
All out for militant international workers action
on May Day in solidarity with the Palestinian people
against the genocidal U.S./Israel war!
with the “Labor” Operatives of Imperialism and
One of the calls in the PGFTU appeal is to “ban the
occupation’s trade unions internationally, as they are
partners in the war of genocide,” and in particular
for “American unions to boycott these unions.” The
reference is to the Israeli Histadrut, which is not a
genuine workers union but an institution integral to
the operation of the Zionist state since its
inception, that perpetuates the superexploitation of
Palestinian and immigrant workers, notably those in
the West Bank under Israeli occupation. Unions should
certainly boycott the Histadrut, but the “AFL-CIA,” as
the U.S. labor federation’s international operations
are widely known, is even more sinister. (The AFL-CIO
“Solidarity Center” is financed by the government, and
has been key to many U.S.-instigated attacks on
leftist unions and coups.)
In many European countries as well, the main unions
have longstanding ties to the Zionist “labor” body. In
Germany, the DGB labor federation immediately
supported the Zionist war and even today (in its
appeal for the traditional Easter “peace marches”)
does not even mention Gaza or the mass slaughter by
the Israeli military, instead lambasting Hamas (and
attacking Russia over the U.S./NATO imperialist proxy
war in Ukraine). In France the CGT union confederation
has called for a ceasefire and an “end to the massacre
in Gaza,” but raises this only in the form of appeals
to President Emanuel Macron rather than action by the
unions themselves (for example, stopping arms
shipments). In Italy, the once leftist CGIL raises
calls for a ceasefire and to end the genocide, usually
in conjunction with Catholic “peace” groups like Pax
Cristi, but again, such pacifist invocations mean
The PGFTU appeal notes that “there have been some
exceptional examples of unions, clearly demonstrated
in leading protests denouncing the Zionist war of
genocide being waged on the Gaza Strip.” This is
particularly the case in Italy where the
“rank-and-file unions” (comitati di base), in
opposition to the bureaucracies of the CGIL/UIL/CISL
labor federations, have held workers solidarity
actions. Last November 17, S.I. Cobas held a
nationwide strike shutting many transport hubs in
solidarity with the Palestinians, followed by a
demonstration in Bologna against the war on Gaza. On
February 23-24, a general strike was called by several
of these smaller militant unions, blocking the port of
Genova with Israeli Zim Line ships in the harbor,
followed by a labor-led pro-Palestine demonstration of
several tens of thousands in Milan the next day.

Gaza solidarity protest in Port Botany, Australia,
November 2023. To bring to bear the power of the
workers movement, it is crucial that unions lead
protests to shut down shipping to and from
Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney Branch)
On the U.S. West Coast, in Australia and elsewhere,
“block the boat” actions have been called by
“community pickets” (often including numerous
trade-unionists), which dock unions then respect on
“health and safety” grounds, or not. But to mobilize
the power of the workers movement, it is vital that the
unions declare Israel cargo “too hot to handle”
and themselves lead such “hot cargo” actions. In
Australia, the Labor Party government is seeking to
chain waterfront workers ever tighter to the state,
with a “Military Strategic Fleet” of commercial
vessels that can be requisitioned by the government
“in times of need,” as these social democrats gear up
for war on China via the AUKUS (Australia, United
Kingdom, United States) imperialist alliance.
The subordination of labor officialdom to the
capitalist state reflects, as Lenin emphasized during
World War I, that with the advent of imperialism a
“labor aristocracy and bureaucracy” has arisen for
which “morsels of the loot” from the oppression of the
rest of the world served as “a justification of their
alliance with their ‘own’ national bourgeoisie,
against the oppressed masses of all nations.”
This privileged layer is the social basis of
opportunism, and in “the stage of revolutionary action
… the time has come for a complete break with
opportunism” and to oust these agents of the
bourgeoisie in the labor movement (V.I. Lenin, “The
Collapse of the Second International” [June 1915]).
Today, real solidarity action with the embattled
Palestinian people requires a class-struggle fight
against the labor bureaucracy that marches in lockstep
with the imperialists and Zionists. That, in turn, is
only possible on the basis of a program connecting
today’s burning issues with the struggle for socialist
revolution. ■