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![]() September 2005 Katrina
Aftermath: Capitalist Land Grab
Black People Flooded Out, Now Kept Out ![]() Louisiana state police SWAT team drives past flood victims still trapped in New Orleans September 1, days after hurricane struck. (Eric Gay/AP) The
ravaging of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina has deeply
shocked the
country and the world. What horrified people was not the raw force of
but the proof of a man-made disaster. What they saw through the
television lens
was a monstrous crime, racist mass murder carried out by the rulers of
capitalist America against the downtrodden that they exploit and
oppress. By
now everyone knows that 100,000 people, overwhelmingly black and poor,
left to die in the “New Orleans Death Trap”: the levees that
authorities knew
couldn’t handle a big storm but weren’t repaired because the money went
to the
war on Iraq; the patients trapped in public hospitals without supplies
those in private hospitals were taken out by helicopter; the
“evacuation” that
provided no transportation for those without cars and money. The
evidence is
irrefutable that race and class determined who escaped and who didn’t,
lived and who perished there from drowning, starvation and unbearable
heat. The
images of bodies floating in the flood waters for two weeks with no one
them up are now seared into the collective memory. Together with the
photos of the torture and sexual degradation of prisoners by their
jailers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, these are an unforgettable visual
indictment of the criminal nature of U.S. imperialism. And the
conclusion is just as inescapable: We need a revolution! Today
the Big Easy is a police-state encampment, occupied by an estimated
heavily armed government men and their machine guns, patrolled by
trucks, “up-armored” Humvees, Black Hawks and Chinooks. The poor and
people of New Orleans, black and white, but mainly black, have been
across a half-dozen states. In their shelters they are wondering
whether the
government means this diaspora to be temporary, or will it attempt to
bar them
from ever returning to New Orleans. Some may be starting to feel like
Palestinians displaced by the Israeli Zionists in 1948 who are still
sitting in
their “temporary” refugee camps today. When the Federal Emergency
Administration (FEMA) tried to stuff them onto cruise ships in the New
harbor, flood survivors refused to go aboard. After being locked down
in the
New Orleans Superdome and then the Houston Astrodome, their experience
them these would quickly become prison ships. So instead FEMA is
building huge
trailer parks where tens of thousands are to be housed, “temporarily”
course. We demand the right to return of every person and family
from New Orleans! Since
the hurricane every day has brought new revelations about how the
systematically prevented doctors, nurses, firefighters and
anyone else
from reaching those marooned in the flooded city, how it blocked ambulances,
helicopters, buses and boats from evacuating the exhausted and dying
hospitals and the hellhole collection centers, how “first responders”
ordered not to respond and Air Force pilots who heroically survivors
reprimanded. Now the bourgeois media are beginning to admit that the
they broadcast and printed about thugs raping and murdering people,
rampaging “anarchy” in New Orleans, were wildly exaggerated. At most
there were
a handful of cases. A racist frenzy was whipped up, pure scare
propaganda. But
why? Because the principal objective of the government at all levels –
state but especially federal – was not to rescue the victims but to militarily
occupy the devastated city and put the population under martial law.
head of the Pentagon’s National Guard Bureau, Lt.-Gen. Steven Blum,
stated in a September 3 Defense Department briefing that “we waited
until we
had enough force in place to do an overwhelming force” and that they
the convention center” (although he admitted that “there was absolutely
opposition”). The general called the whole operation “a great success
story – a
terrific success story.” These were not the demented ravings of a
General Jack
D. Ripper out of the movie Dr. Strangelove but the official
for the U.S. military. The units sent into New Orleans were not
units but National Guard Military Police, the Army’s 82nd Airborne and
Cavalry divisions and the 1st and 2nd Marine Expeditionary Forces, back
Iraq where they “stormed” Baghdad in the 2003 U.S. invasion. Many of
tactics were the same in both cities, only here they were engaging in
operations” (against mythical “insurgents” who put up no resistance) as
part of
a program for internal war. This
is no exaggeration but a precise description of the plans drawn up by
Defense (War) Department long before 11 September 2001, which led to
establishment of the U.S. Northern Command. Once fatuously described as
“office in search of a mission” (Christian Science Monitor, 25
February 2002), NORTHCOM is now larger than the command center for all
operations in Latin America (SOUTHCOM). Its mission is to set the stage
junking the legal prohibition against using the military to police the
population, the proscriptions of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which
have been
increasingly skirted by Republican and Democratic administrations alike
(as in
the Clinton administration’s murderous 1993 attack on the Branch
religious sect in Waco, Texas). The Pentagon used the 9/11 attack on
the World
Trade Center as the pretext for putting Lower Manhattan under martial
law for
weeks. Now in New Orleans the generals have seized the opportunity to
lock down
an entire city indefinitely. In
his September 15 speech pledging unlimited federal aid to rebuilding
Orleans, Bush declared that such a “challenge” “requires greater
authority and a broader role for the armed forces.” As of September 14,
U.S. had more than 68,000 troops on the ground or on ships in the New
area, a city whose police force totaled a little over 1,500 cops
(two-thirds of
whom have since quit or left town). NBC-TV Nightly News anchor Brian
reports in his Internet “web log,” or blog: “It is impossible to over-emphasize the extent to which this area is under government occupation, and portions of it under government-enforced lockdown. Police cars rule the streets. They (along with Humvees, ambulances, fire apparatus, FEMA trucks and all official-looking SUVs) are generally not stopped at checkpoints and roadblocks. All other vehicles are subject to long lines and snap judgments and must PROVE they have vital business inside the vast roped-off regions here.” In addition, mercenary outfits like Blackwater USA (the “contractors” whose professional killers in Iraq were strung up in Falluja in April 2004, leading to Washington’s decision to destroy the city), the Steele Foundation (which helped facilitate the kidnapping of Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide last year while ostensibly protecting him) and Wackenhut Security (specialists in scab-herding) are protecting the properties of their various capitalist clients. In
2001, the Bush administration used the 9/11 attack to implement its war
for an invasion of Iraq, preceded by the occupation of Afghanistan, as
well to
implement a battery of police-state repressive laws, all dutifully
voted for by
the Democrats. Now it is using the Katrina hurricane and ensuing flood
of New
Orleans to implement its domestic agenda. No-bid contracts worth
billions have
been handed out to Bush/Cheney cronies such as the Halliburton
notorious for its Iraq war profiteering; the “prevailing wage”
requirements of
the Davis-Bacon Act have been suspended, facilitating the use of
non-union companies; requirements for affirmative action plans
employment of minorities have been dropped. Mayor Ray Nagin has invited
Wal-Mart to build a superstore. But while big corporations will get
tax breaks in “opportunity zones,” the impoverished population of the
percent black Lower Ninth Ward will not be allowed back into their
which will probably be bulldozed. As David Banner rapped at an Atlanta
the Hood” fundraising benefit, “Bush is giving his homeboys Halliburton
rebuilding contracts to our cities.... They
been waiting to tear our ghettos down and separate us
from our
land.” As
usual, this operation is carried out under the pretense of “aiding” the
victims, building better homes than the “shotgun houses” with no
hallways that
were common in poor black neighborhoods of New Orleans. Of course, they
out the little fact that the former residents of Bywater and the Ninth
won’t be able to afford the new housing. Barbara Bush, matriarch of the
dynasty, sounded like Marie Antoinette (“Let them eat cake”) when she
hurricane relief centers in Houston. With bourgeois condescension
toward the
newly “homeless” of New Orleans, she remarked: “What I’m hearing which is sort of scary is they all want to stay in Texas.... And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this – this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them.”In the 1950s and ’60s, as real estate interests, city hall pols and Washington bureaucrats got together to tear down inner-city ghettos to replace them with middle-class housing, business districts and Interstate highways, protesters chanted that “urban renewal is Negro removal.” Today, as U.S. wages its terrorist “war on terror,” what we are seeing in New Orleans is “ethnic cleansing” American-style. The not-so-liberal bourgeois media and the Democratic Party, long intimidated by the hard-ball conservative politics of the Bush gang, have shown unaccustomed gumption over the New Orleans disaster, complaining of the “slow pace” and “incompetence” of the Bush response. This is an echo of John Kerry’s 2004 “we can do better” Democratic presidential campaign. The White House tried to dismiss this as a “blame game,” while Bush repeatedly scurried back to the Gulf Coast to rescue his presidency. Appealing to common ruling-class interests, the New York Times (2 September) editorialized: “America clearly needs a larger active-duty Army. It just as clearly needs a homeland-based National Guard that’s fully prepared and ready for any domestic emergency.” Yet for the dispossessed, it’s not that the Bush regime was too slow in sending in the 82nd Airborne, but that the imperialist military – under both of the twin parties of U.S. capitalism – exists to serve the rich and powerful, the ruling class. For them, the two-thirds black population and working people of New Orleans are the enemy. \ FEMA:
“First Responders Urged Not to Respond”
![]() Soldiers examine dead body still lying on New Orleans street September 7, nine days after hurricane hit city. FEMA privatized collection of corpses, giving contract to company that was big Bush campaign contributor. (Photo:Nicole Bengiveno/New York Times) As
the first televised news reports of the flooding following Hurricane
came out, viewers could not believe what they were seeing. One hundred
exhausted people were left stranded in New Orleans without sufficient
food and
fresh water to survive. Many were the sick and elderly from nursing
homes and
hospitals; most were the city’s poor and mainly black residents, who
did not
have their own means of leaving town nor a place to go when the mayor
the evacuation order a day and a half before the hurricane hit. As
heart-wrenching scenes were shown day after day and conditions
deteriorated in
the Superdome, called the “shelter of last resort” by Mayor Nagin,
asked: Where is the government? Where are the rescuers? Critics are now
accusing the Bush regime of “incompetence” over the “botched rescue
The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Michael
Brown, has
been dumped as a sacrificial lamb. But the feds weren’t slow to
respond, they
immediately organized a gigantic military operation to keep out all
those who
were attempting to help. As
a division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the post-9/11
police superagency, FEMA was intent on locking down New Orleans from
the moment
Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. That very day, August 29, FEMA issued an
bulletin titled “First Responders Urged Not to Respond to Hurricane
Areas Unless Dispatched by State, Local Authorities” (available on the
Internet site). On September 2, the Red Cross told astonished reporters
the “Homeland Security Department has requested and continues to
request that
the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans.... Right now
access is
controlled by the National Guard and local authorities. We have been at
table every single day [asking for access]. We cannot get into New
against their orders” (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3 September).
That didn’t
stop the Red Cross from cashing in on the disaster, however. The
agency raised almost three-quarters of a billion dollars in relief aid
it had no shelter in New Orleans and refused to build shelters in the
flood plains. The
FEMA bulletin and DHS directives discouraged many would-be aid workers
those who rushed to the rubble of the World Trade Center on September
11 trying
to pull out survivors. But the Bush regime did far more to keep
rescuers out.
They established a military cordon around New Orleans to make sure no
could get through. Take the following
incidents, only a few among many reported in the bourgeois media:
offers of aid have been routinely ignored or rebuffed by the U.S.
Cuba, the world’s most advanced country when it comes to hurricane
has offered to send over a thousand of its highly trained and respected
doctors, each equipped with a specially developed 50-pound hurricane
pack. The State Department refused the offer, and then lied that it was
made. The U.S. also refused Venezuela’s offer of gasoline, heating oil,
doctors, and Sweden’s offer of thousands of working cell phones so
refugees in
shelters could contact relatives and friends (Democracy Now! WBAI
September 7). As
the toll of confirmed dead climbs over 1,000, the fact that at least
154 of the
bodies were recovered in New Orleans hospitals and nursing homes has
caused an
uproar. There may be cases of negligence by individual operators, but
doctors, nurses and hospital workers acted heroically to save the
patients. A New
York Times (19 September) investigation showed that in facility
facility, the feds turned around or commandeered trucks, buses, boats
helicopters that had been sent to aid the patients. Memorial Medical
Center (35
dead): on Day 3, hospital officials were told by Office of Emergency
Preparedness that they were “on their own”; at that point they could
not get
buses or drivers. Methodist Hospital (16 dead): the company which runs
the hospital
contracted two trucks with food, water and fuel – “confiscated by
authorities” – and hired two helicopters – “officials refused to let
them fly.”
Maison Hospitalière (4 dead): “FEMA officials had told drivers
it was too
dangerous to enter.” Many
of those who died were drowned in the rising waters, after days of
waiting for
promised rescue boats that were never permitted to get near them. Flood
survivors with nowhere else to go were directed by local authorities to
Louisiana Superdome and the New Orleans Convention Center. The
thousands who
streamed in from the flooded city slums, through chest-deep oily and
sewage-filled water, were abandoned to their fate. When National Guard
arrived they treated the survivors like prisoners and trained their
guns on
them. After
officials locked down the filled Superdome and Convention Center,
refugees tried to get out on foot. Many were told to walk to the
Expressway and cross the Mississippi River to the West Bank, where they
be met by buses. Thousands tried to make this trip, but there were no
buses at
the other side, only a cordon of Gretna sheriffs, who fired volleys
over their
heads. Some set up a camp on the expressway, in the hopes that they
would be
noticed and rescued. At dusk, however, a police chopper used its
backdraft to
blow away the flimsy shelters the refugees had built against the
pouring rain,
while a Gretna sheriff aimed his gun and screamed “Get off the fucking
freeway.” As the frightened flood victims retreated, the sheriff loaded
truck with their meager supplies (Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth
Slonsky, New
Orleans Indymedia report, September 7). “Troops
Begin Combat Operations in New Orleans”
would lead local, state and federal authorities to adopt such a
response toward the surviving victims of a disaster? Gut racism,
from sheriffs on the bridges over the Mississippi, or the squads of
armed white cops and others who cruised through the streets of New
Orleans in
pick-up trucks hunting down black residents. “Ninth Ward n_____rs” were
problem now, remarked one caught on a reporter’s tape recorder
(Democracy Now!
September 6), referring to the thousands of evacuees who were
eventually bused
from New Orleans’ Superdome to Houston’s Astrodome. The mood was
captured by
one of the state’s grinning gun thugs, who jokingly told a reporter,
“if you
wanted to kill someone here, this was a good time” (New York Times,
September). It has been widely noted (except by Bush’s black front
woman, the
despicable secretary of state Condoleezza Rice) how the callous
disregard for
black lives shown by the government in New Orleans contrasts with their
attitude toward white suburbanites hit by hurricanes in North Carolina
there was more to it than a bunch of racist yahoos run amok, much more.
deliberate, racist mass murder in New Orleans was official
policy coming straight from Republican Bush in the White House and
down to Democratic senator Mary Landrieu, Democratic governor Kathleen
and the black Democratic mayor Nagin in New Orleans. The tragic events
of the
last two weeks are a brutal object lesson in the class nature of the
state. As
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote a century and a half ago, “The
of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs
of the
whole bourgeoisie” (The Communist Manifesto [1848]). As Engels
spelled it out in his book, The Origins of the Family, Private
Property and
the State (1884), the state consists of a “special, public power”
consisting of “armed men” as well as “prisons, and institutions of
coercion of
all kinds,” by means of which “the economically dominant class ...
becomes also
the politically dominant class, and thus acquires new means of holding
down and
exploiting the oppressed class....” During
times of slavery, black people by law “had no rights which the white
man was
bound to respect,” as Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney held in
infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision which denied that people of African
were or ever could be citizens. Today the United States claims to
bourgeois “democracy” at gunpoint around the globe, to make the world
safe for
exploitation by ExxonMobil, Halliburton and Citibank. Then and now, the
capitalist state, as a special body of armed men dedicated to “holding
down and
exploiting the oppressed class,” is the enemy of black people and all
poor and
working people. The state of siege in New Orleans is no isolated
episode, but
is closely tied to the U.S. war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As we
have repeatedly emphasized, imperialist war abroad means racist
repression “at home.” The imposition of martial law in New Orleans
and the
removal of its entire population is not an exercise in “emergency
It is a first taste of long-standing plans by the U.S. bourgeoisie to
order” in America’s inner cities through preventive internal war
against the
exploited and oppressed. We
noted in our previous article (“New Orleans Death Trap,” see page 6)
that “the
occupation of New Orleans resembled nothing so much as the U.S.
takeover of
Baghdad” – no accident since it was carried out by some of the same
units. Taking their cue from the feds, the makeshift headquarters of
notoriously racist and corrupt New Orleans Police Department was
nicknamed the
“Green Zone,” after the fortified HQ area of the U.S. occupiers in the
capital. Outside the Green Zone, whether in Baghdad or New Orleans, the
are in the gunsights of the government’s war machine. In Iraq, the
subjects have yet to be “pacified” – a determined insurgency has
frustrated the
U.S. expeditionary forces and the Iraqi puppet “government” and army.
that the endless bloodbath in the Near East could stir unrest in the
U.S., as
occurred in the ghetto upheavals of the late 1960s during the Vietnam
War, the
imperialists have been sent stormtroopers to subdue the minority
under the iron heel of martial law. New Orleans is intended as a bloody
to the rest of us. The
day before President Bush entered the city, the semi-official Army
Times (2
September) announced that “Troops Begin Combat Operations in New
Orleans.” This
was not just a headline writer’s exaggeration. The article said a
citywide security mission” had been mounted to “fight the insurgency in
city.” The article quoted Brig. Gen. Gary Jones, commander of the
National Guard’s Joint Task Force Katrina, saying: “This place is going
to look
like Little Somalia.... We’re going to go out and take this city back.
will be a combat operation to get this city under control.” Take the
city back
. . . from whom, from the hapless and helpless people who were stranded
On the face of it, this is demented. The supposed “insurgency” consists
of a
couple of potshots against helicopters. The reports of rampaging murder
mayhem in the darkened city have been shown to be wildly escalating
Gunfights in the Superdome? Not a shred of evidence of this has been
In any case, it would have been pretty difficult since all those going
that giant holding pen were searched. As
for the talk of turning New Orleans into “Little Somalia,” this refers
to the
U.S. military’s psychosis about the fiasco of the U.S. racist invasion
of the
African country of Somalia in 1993 (under the Democratic Clinton
administration) lyingly mythologized in Black Hawk Down. What
gung-ho movie did not show, of course, was the string of murderous
committed against unarmed Somali civilians by the U.S. military before
resisters shot down two helicopters and killed 18 Army Rangers in a
fierce gun
battle in the capital Mogadishu. The American forces, enraged at being
by people they considered an inferior race, showed their cowardice and
depravity by murdering hundreds of unarmed Somali men, women, and
children. Now
the racist military officers want to avenge themselves for that
humiliation by
suppressing the black population of New Orleans. And they are backed by
government officials who issued “shoot to kill” orders against
referring to the flood victims trying to get water, food and diapers
waterlogged stores. “These troops
are fresh back from Iraq, well
trained, experienced, battle-tested, and under my orders to restore
order in
the streets,” declared Democratic governor Blanco. “They have M-16s and
are locked and loaded. These troops know how to shoot and kill and they
more than willing to do so if necessary and I expect they will” (ABC
News, 2
September). While Washington expressed mild displeasure at Blanco’s
refusal to
hand over command of the Guard to the Pentagon, her blood lust seemed
to please
the feds. National Guard bureau chief Blum declared that the trapped
of New Orleans was violent and would be put down “in a quick and
manner.” The troops, Blum said, had just come from Iraq and Afghanistan
were “highly proficient in the use of lethal force” (Washington Post,
September). How many atrocities have
been committed by U.S. forces in New Orleans? Reporting is sketchy,
photographing of bodies is forbidden, and guns have been pointed at
who are too nosy. But
all the talk of combat, insurgency and the reference to Somalia reveals
something more. In our article, “American Gestapo” (The
Internationalist No.
19, Summer 2004), we detailed the extensive planning by the U.S.
military for
carrying out “Military Operations on Urban Terrain” (MOUT) inside
the United
States. We noted: “This has pushed aside earlier doctrines on Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW): the army isn’t just planning for ‘peacekeeping’ during ‘civil disturbances’ in places like Los Angeles, they’re planning for war.”A book-length study of urban counterinsurgency tactics published by the Institute of Strategic Studies of the U.S. Army War College, titled Soldiers in Cities (2001), cited the fighting in Mogadishu as a prime example of “Recent MOUT Failures.” The authors lament: “the outcome of this battle represented a major political defeat for the United States, spelling the beginning of the end of U.S. efforts to stabilize the situation in Somalia.” The study pointedly notes that “coincident with the end of the Cold War, the likelihood of U.S. military operations in the continental United States itself has also increased,” and that “the new national strategy of Homeland Defense gives the U.S. military a number of potential missions in cities and other urban areas within the United States itself.” The
volume is a series of case studies of “urban warfare” from the
standpoint of
counterrevolutionary counterinsurgency: it studies problems the
encountered in their 1982 occupation/destruction of Beirut, Lebanon,
the 1968 battles of Hue and Saigon in Vietnam, lists where the German
screwed up in the Battle of Stalingrad, etc. The chapter on the Los
“riots” of 1992 following the acquittal of the racist cops who brutally
black L.A. motorist Rodney King notes in particular the “significant”
“limitations” on police actions by federal troops by the Posse
Comitatus Act.
It is doubly significant, therefore, that in requesting that Louisiana
Blanco hand over command of the National Guard to Washington, the Bush
administration asked her to federalize the Guard under the provisions
of the
Insurrection Act of 1807, which would remove such restrictions. That is
what is
behind the reference to mythical “insurgency” and “combat” in New
Orleans: the
feds ominously wanted to declare that an “insurrection” was under way
that had
to be suppressed. A
Permanent Black Diaspora?
black population has been the prime target of internal repression since
republic was founded on the economic basis of chattel slavery. During
period of Radical Reconstruction following the defeat of the Southern
slavocracy in the Civil War, the freed slaves attained some genuine
rights. But after 1876 as the Ku Klux Klan nightriders sowed terror in
communities and rigid Jim Crow segregation was instituted. Louisiana
was in the
vanguard of states that passed laws declaring that “one drop” of “black
was enough to classify a person as “colored.” Limited gains were won
with the
civil rights movement in the 1950s and ’60s, formally outlawing most
forms of
legal segregation but doing nothing about the endemic poverty which
the black poor. Even those gains are constantly being eroded as schools
resegregate and the 1965 Voting Rights Act itself is under attack. In
the “war
on drugs” millions of black men have been jailed and permanently
disenfranchised. Democrat Clinton abolished “welfare as we know it,”
millions of black women into increased poverty. Given the racist legacy of
American capitalism, past and present, in which black people have been
corralled into hellish ghettos, north and south, are hounded by the
cops, lack
access to quality education and health care, are “last hired and first
it is not surprising that blacks have been victimized in the aftermath
Hurricane Katrina. Although New Orleans currently has a black mayor,
the local
rulers are infused with racism. In the home of jazz music and the Mardi
the elite white “krewes” (Comus, Rex, Proteus, Momus) derived from
19th-century secret societies, tightly controlled the parades and
lorded it
over the black Mardi Gras “Indians.” When ordered to desegregate in the
1990s, most of them stopped parading but continued their exclusive, by
invitation, whites-only balls. Now the business elite is moving with
speed to remake the city by emptying out the ghettos and expelling the
poor. What is looming is a
diaspora of New Orleans blacks. A clue
to the ruling class’s intentions for post-Katrina New Orleans was
revealed by
unofficial Bush administration mouthpiece David Brooks, in a New
York Times (8
September) column outrageously titled, “Katrina’s Silver Lining.” The
lining for the capitalists, it seems, is the opportunity presented by
the fact
that Katrina “separated tens of thousands of poor people from the
isolated neighborhoods in which they were trapped.” Like the Bushes,
Brooks is
exultant at the idea that this government-enhanced disaster is turning
of thousands of black residents into homeless evacuees, to be hunted
down as
looters or rounded up and deported to heavily policed “shelters.”
Brooks says
government must prevent them from ever coming back: “If we just put up
buildings and allow the same people to move back into their old
then urban New Orleans will become just as run down and dysfunctional
before.” House
Speaker Dennis Hastert took some flak for saying too bluntly what large
of the American bourgeoisie thinks, sneering that restoring largely
black New
Orleans “doesn’t make sense” and that “It looks like a lot of that
place could
be bulldozed” (Washington Post, 1 September). That he
isn’t alone
in this was shown by the comments of James Reiss, head of the New
Business Council. As head of the Regional Transportation Authority, he
responsible for seeing to it that city buses were not marshaled in an
evacuation effort. Reiss got out safely just before the storm hit, and
choppered back a few days later – with Israeli security guards – to his
in the gated Uptown millionaires’ community of Audubon Place. While
tens of
thousands were still stranded on rooftops and in the Superdome, Reiss
a secret conclave of business leaders in Dallas to work out the plans
for a new
New Orleans, “cleansed” of poor black people. Through the house organ
of American
capital, Reiss issued a threat on behalf of his class: “The new city must be something very different, Mr. Reiss says, with better services and fewer poor people. ‘Those who want to see this city rebuilt want to see it done in a completely different way: demographically, geographically and politically,’ he says. ‘I’m not just speaking for myself here. The way we’ve been living is not going to happen again, or we’re out’.” Similarly, Washington Post reporter and editor Joel Garreau wrote: “The city of New Orleans is not going to be rebuilt. Meanwhile,
Bush cronies in companies like Halliburton, Bechtel and Fluor
Corporation are
cashing in, with huge no-bid contracts ranging from $100 million to
million. On FEMA’s recommendation, some of the donated aid money has
flowing into the coffers of “Operation Blessing,” run by Pat Robertson,
ultra-right-wing religious fanatic who recently called for the U.S. to
assassinate Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez. Robertson, it may
be remembered,
together with fellow zealot Jerry Falwell hailed the 2001 attack on the
Trade Center as god’s punishment on New York gays and abortion-rights
supporters. Robertson is notorious for looting his “charities,” having
$500,000 in donations on a jet he used to visit his African diamond
mines, and
channeling half of all donations to his Christian Broadcasting Company.
And the
rightist Heritage Foundation is helping (for a hefty fee) develop the
government’s recovery plan, calling for waiving environmental rules,
capital gains taxes and permitting private ownership of public school
buildings. “Crony
capitalism,” it turns out, doesn’t just sprout in semi-colonial
countries like
Indonesia. The Bush gang are not only bloody-minded imperialist
depraved mass murderers, front men for a sinister military-industrial
hypocritical Christian bigots and scions of a capitalist robber baron
helped finance Hitler (Prescott Bush), they and their ilk are also
corrupt. The idea that conservatives are for “small government” is a
myth to
keep the small-town Chamber of Commerce businessmen of Main Street
tied to the financiers of Wall Street who bleed them dry. All these
corporations live off the public trough, and their political
loot the “public” till with abandon. Just drive around northern
Virginia some
time to see all the estates and McMansions built by right-wing
with the proceeds of their lucrative “cost-plus” government contracts. The
corruption, lies and cronyism are what most of the liberals and
reformist left
focus on in their comments on the New Orleans catastrophe. More far-out
focus on conspiracy theories (maybe Bush ordered the planes to hit the
Trade Center, was there a plane at all at the Pentagon, what about W’s
Laden connection, etc.). What they have in common is that they seek to
discredit the Bush regime within the political framework of
politics. Most fundamental, however, is the fact that, from Iraq to
Louisiana, the government acts as the “executive committee” of the
capitalist class. Democrats and Republicans may have disputes over
which one is
too “soft” in going after the current nemesis (Iraq’s Saddam Hussein
North Korea’s Kim Jong Il tomorrow), over whether tax cuts are
“reckless” or
the Iraq invasion “ill-prepared.” But they all seek to further the
interests of
U.S. imperialism, which is the greatest threat to working people around
globe and the future of humanity.
various reformist pseudo-socialists call on the government to “do more”
for the
hurricane victims, calling for “money for relief, not for war,”
respond that this is not a matter of “priorities” but of class
Communists do not call to “bring the troops home” to send them to New
but to drive the U.S. out of Iraq and defeat the
occupation. Indeed, the example of Hurricane Katrina, where troops
“brought home” and then used to impose martial law on black New
Orleans, is a
perfect example of what is wrong with reformist “troops out” slogans
appeal to imperialist liberals who want to cut their losses in Iraq in
order to
focus on other “priorities” such as “disaster relief.” In the 1960s,
and reformists called to “bring the troops home” and “send them to
supposedly to defend civil rights protesters. But in reality, U.S.
troops were
sent into Little Rock, Arkansas and Birmingham, Alabama not to defend
but to put down incipient black rebellions against racist terror! Authentic
communists seek to mobilize the mass of the exploited and oppressed
their exploiters and oppressors, fighting for a class
opposition to the
rulers who are laying waste to Iraq and are responsible for the
visited on New Orleans. We have called for the tens of thousands of
black poor
and working-class families who have been deprived of their homes and
to march on Washington on a class-struggle program. There must be a
fight to
rebuild New Orleans in the interests of those who with their toil make
the city
run. The ruling class wants to to line the pockets of racist Uptown
the California and Texas megacorporations who live off juicy government
contracts, the Arkansas retailers who milk profits from slave labor,
and the
New York banks who will make billions in interests on the loans that
will be
floated to pay for the reconstruction bonanza. We demand a massive
of public works, hiring the jobless at full union-scale wages and under
control, to provide social services and decent housing, free of cost,
for every
single family driven from New Orleans. Demands
must be raised as well to cancel the debts of all flood victims.
Otherwise they will not only be left without homes and jobs but will
also be
thrown into permanent penury by the relentless grinding of the
market. As city rulers use the absence of hospital facilities as an
excuse to
prevent New Orleans residents from returning, there should be a
mobilization to
provide free quality medical care to all. Accept the offers of
aid from
Cuba and Venezuela! Let in the hospital units that FEMA kept out!
the private hospital corporations! While Bush & Co. use the Katrina
disaster to push vouchers and private schools, there must be a fight
for high
quality public education under teacher-parent-student control. The
workers movement along with civil rights organizations and all
defenders of
black rights and democratic rights should mobilize for the right of
for the entire displaced population of New Orleans. This will
be a
potentially explosive confrontation that comes directly up against the
imperialist drive toward a police state. After
the last hurricane thousands of Mexican and Central American workers
the back-breaking labor to rebuild. While untold numbers of
immigrants have had to flee from New Orleans, staying away from
shelters for
fear of deportation, defenders of labor, minority and immigrant rights
demand full citizenship rights for all immigrants. To defend
the victims
of the Katrina disaster from being victimized again in the
reconstruction, councils
of working people and residents of poor neighborhoods should be
formed. Blacks
and working people across the country have the power to repulse the
against the hard-hit population of New Orleans. This racist attack,
like the
war on Iraq, has been unleashed by both capitalist parties. To defeat
it, it is
necessary to break with all the bourgeois politicians and fight to
build a revolutionary
workers party. To avenge the deaths of the brothers and sisters, the mothers and fathers that the ruling class left to die, to achieve genuine social equality and a decent life for blacks and all working people, we will have to get rid of this whole rotten system. Capitalism is racist to its core, and the struggle against racism must therefore be a struggle against capitalism. Organizing each group of the oppressed on a narrow sectoral basis only aids the class enemy, the rulers who seek to keep us divided. Only a revolutionary, internationalist workers party can organize and lead the oppressed to victory by sweeping away the capitalists and establishing a socialist society based on the principle of production for use and not for profit. The Internationalist Group and League for the Fourth International calls upon all the oppressed to join in the struggle. Remember New Orleans! Black liberation through socialist revolution! n To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |