Labor's Gotta Play Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
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Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
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June 2017
Anti-Communist Witch Hunt
in NYC School
The following article is reprinted from the Class
Struggle Education Workers website,
For the past several months, the Office of Special
Investigations of the New York City Board of Education has
been conducting an ominous “investigation” in the Park
Slope Collegiate school in Brooklyn. The principal, Jill
Bloomberg, and four teachers are charged with communist
organizing in the school! This is a throwback to the
McCarthyite witch-hunting of the 1950s when over 1,100
teachers in the New York City public schools were
investigated and close to 400 were fired or forced to
retire over accusations of communist associations. People
asked, how could this be happening in this day and age?
But it is, and it has to be fought tooth and nail.
The OSI is a sinister cabal that goes after teachers the
administrators want to get rid of. Its specialty is
framing educators on sex charges of the sort that tabloids
like the New York Post feast on. Bloomberg has
long complained of segregation of NYC schools. She was
singled out because of her official complaint to the
D.O.E. in January of race discrimination against the
girls’ basketball team on the John Jay HS campus. Although
New York schools are the most segregated in the country,
according to a 2014 study by the University of California,
Los Angeles Civil Rights Project, Mayor Bill de Blasio
refuses to use the word “segregation,” instead using the
deliberately ambiguous term “diversity.”
The 21st century Savanarolas in Tweed Courthouse (the
D.O.E. headquarters behind City Hall) have accused
Bloomberg and other teachers of “belonging to the
Progressive Labor Party,” an ex-Maoist group (New York
Times, 5 May). Yet there is nothing illegal in being
supporters of a leftist political group. Nevertheless, in
early May a federal district judge refused to grant a
preliminary injunction blocking the OSI snooping on
grounds that it violated First Amendment rights and the
Civil Rights law. So the bogus “investigation” continues.
Parents at Park Slope Collegiate have strongly supported
the principal and teachers. They called a rally to defend
them on the steps of the DOE headquarters on May 31.
Marjorie Stamberg, a delegate of the United Federation of
Teachers (UFT) in District 79 and a supporter of Class
Struggle Education Workers, spoke at the rally. Here are
excerpts from her remarks:
“I was at the court a couple of weeks ago – that
outrageous thing that was called a hearing –and it gave us
some education about what the capitalist courts in America
will do. We have to defend Jill Bloomberg and stop the
McCarthyite witch hunt. The fact that we have a
red-baiting witch hunt going on in the D.O.E., the likes
of which has not been seen since the Cold War, is
certainly connected to what is going on in Washington and
it has to be stopped.
“We have another big challenge in front of us,
and that is to defend our immigrant students. In my school
we have formed a UFT committee of students and parents and
teachers and all school staff to defend and protect all of
our immigrant students. We say – I.C.E. out of the
schools, I.C.E. out of New York! And finally, here we are
60-plus years after Brown v. Board of Education
[the landmark Supreme Court decision ordering school
integration] and New York City schools are the most
segregated schools in the country.
“But how are we going to stop it? My group,
Class Struggle Education Workers, thinks it’s not just a
question of the schools, not just a question of Trump. I’m
a proud member of the UFT and the 100,000-plus teachers.
But we need a change in leadership there, and we need to
know that the UFT itself was forged in anti-communism, in
the anti-communist purge of left-wing teachers in the
original Teachers Union.
“So we need a fighting class-struggle leadership
in the unions that can bring a revitalization of all of
labor. And most important, we need a class-struggle
workers party! No support for Democrats or Republicans,
because [Obama’s “education czar”] Arnie Duncan paved the
way for [Trump’s education secretary] Betsy DeVos! All
honor and defense of not only Jill Bloomberg but all of
the teachers and students there who are fighting against
the sinister inquisitors of the OSI.” ■