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![]() November 2008 No to Capitalist “Third Parties” – For a Revolutionary
Workers Party
Socialists in
Bourgeois ElectionlandMarxists
have long exposed the charade of bourgeois elections. “To decide once
every few
years which member of the ruling class is to repress and crush the
through parliament – this is the real essence of bourgeois
parliamentarism, not
only in parliamentary-constitutional monarchies, but also in the most
democratic republics,” wrote Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin in his 1917
work The
State and Revolution, laying out the theoretical framework
for the Russian
October Revolution only a few months later. The division of powers
parliamentary talk-shops and all-powerful executives only creates the
of “democracy,” or government by the people (demos in Greek),
while in fact it
is capital that rules. Communists seek instead to build a state like
1870-71 Paris Commune, which was, as Karl Marx described it, “a
working, not a
parliamentary, body, executive and legislative at the same time,” whose
were recallable at any time. This was the model for the soviets
(councils), on which the Russian Revolution was based until political
power was
usurped by a conservative bureaucracy with Stalin at the helm. Under
normal conditions there is enormous cynicism in the U.S. population
elections, so that in recent years barely half the potential voters
bother to
vote (55 percent in 2004, 50 percent in 2000). Since the winners
usually have
around half the vote in the divided electorate, this means that barely
one-quarter of the adult population can elect a president. This gives
considerable clout to well-organized minorities, like right-wing
Christians who organize political machines out of their churches. But
this is
only if the real rulers, the owners of capital, permit it. They may
negate the
popular vote, as in 2000, when the Republican party nullified hundreds
thousands of votes, then got the conservative U.S. Supreme Court to
George W. Bush president by a vote of 5 to 4. Otherwise, the outcome is
influenced if not determined by the power of money (see our article,
Buying of the Presidency 2008: U.S. Imperialism Seeks New Face on
System of War
and Racism,” The Internationalist No. 27, May-June 2008). In
the current
election, Barack Obama raised over $660 million dollars, more than all
candidates combined in the 2004 elections. This
year in contrast to most, enormous expectations have been aroused by
candidacy of Barack Obama, who is leading in the opinion polls and is
the first
African American to be the candidate of one of the two major capitalist
parties, Democrats or Republicans. Many youths, blacks, opponents of
the Iraq
war, unionists and millions fed up with the deeply unpopular Bush
regime have
deposited in Obama their hopes for “change,” however they define it.
will see in the election of Obama a breaking of a color bar that has
blacks from the highest elected office. As we have repeatedly
stated, these hopes are in fact illusory, for Obama is very much a
politician, who will wage imperialist war and rescue Wall Street banks
governing against the interests of poor and working people. But such
illusions place tremendous pressure on socialists to capitulate to the
bourgeois candidate. Reflecting these pressures, in 2008 most of the
left is
trying in different ways to navigate in the slipstream of the Obama
at a time when it is more vital than ever for revolutionaries to swim
against the stream and oppose
all the capitalist candidates and parties. Anti-Communist
Immigrant Basher Nader and His Socialist Hangers-On “Obamamania”
has not blinded everyone to the reality of the Democratic Party,
however. In
New York City, many unions are urging their members to vote for Obama
on the
line of the “Working Families Party,” which is not a workers party at
all but
simply a vehicle to vote Democratic while holding your nose. On the
other hand, some liberals and
reformists have been attracted to “third party” or “independent”
candidates. First up is the perennial populist Ralph Nader, who is
running for
president once again, this time without party backing (the Greens
dumped him in
2004 after being embarrassed over siphoning votes away from Al Gore in
2000, leading
many Democrats to blame them for the election of Bush). This
millionaire lawyer is no socialist for sure, as he would be the first
insist. Nader has taken advantage of the popular outrage at the bailout
of the
biggest Wall Street firms to promote a program for tinkering with the
market. He is not against the bank bailout, but only wants to
attach a
few conditions. His miracle cure is a small tax on stock transactions,
so-called “Tobin tax,” named after the Yale University economist who
it. This would dampen speculation and finance a variety of public works
projects and social programs, according to Nader. Nader staged an
October 15
rally in New York City against the payout to Wall Street on under the
“Socialism Saves Capitalism” – as if the rescue of the biggest
capitalist banks
and investment firms had anything to do with an economy planned to meet
the needs of working people. Public
Enemy No. 1 in Nader’s populist-nationalist demonology is the
“communist dictatorship”
in China. Nader fulminates at the danger of imported Chinese apple
“Apple juice from China is pouring into the United States. Is there
left that cannot be imported into what was once the greatest food
exporter the
world has ever seen?” (Counterpunch, 10 July 2007). China has
long been
a bugbear for Nader. Recently he has been accusing
China of committing “genocide” in Tibet, a favorite cause of Democrats
House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi. Nader hails Tibetan
leader” Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama, for his “noble attempt to resist
attempt to wipe out Tibetan culture.” The would-be “God King” Gyatso is
“asset” whose feudalist lieutenants staged a failed revolt in 1959 with
the aid
and instigation of the American spy agency. Earlier this year, Tibetan
nationalists tried to take advantage of the Beijing Olympic to stage
another revolt,
but it too failed ignominiously. What’s going on here is that U.S. imperialism
is trying to use the
banner of “free Tibet” in order to build international repudiation of
Chinese deformed workers state, a propaganda campaign using Hollywood
stars and liberal Democrats to prepare “public opinion” for war. The
regime has certainly engaged in Han Chinese chauvinist policies toward
Tibetans, as it has to other national minorities. But it isn’t even
like genocide, or even the massive slaughter the U.S. carried out in
Korea (2
million killed), Vietnam (3 million dead) and now Iraq (600,000+ killed
counting). After it defeated the 1959 revolt and Gyatso fled to Indian
the Chinese Stalinists revised their policy of coexistence with the
monarchy, and abolished the feudal peonage of the Tibetan peasants.
unlike under the rule of the Lamas, Tibetans have schools, health care
facilities and are no longer born to be slaves of the idle monk class.
for the “Free Tibet” crusaders would be as apocalyptic as the victory
of the
U.S. sponsored “holy warriors” was in Afghanistan in 1989, and would
set the
stage for counterrevolution throughout China. Nader
is also notorious for teaming up with Hitler apologist Patrick Buchanan
to bash
“illegal immigrants.” Nader’s campaign platform
(www.votenader.org/issues/immigration/) blames “illegal” immigration
“driving down wages” and the “expansion of poverty.” Nader calls for
“enforcement” which he claims is “nearly non-existent.” In 2004, he
against “amnesty,” writing: “We have to control our immigration and our
borders. We have to limit the number of people who come into this
illegally” (see our article, “Capitalist
Nader’s “Socialist” Foot Soldiers,” Revolution
No. 2, October 2004). Although Nader claims to be for enforcement
corporations as opposed to individual immigrants, such law-and-order
always lead to mass firings, Gestapo-style immigration police raids and
deportations. As opposed to Nader’s xenophobic fear mongering,
demand full citizenship rights for all immigrants. Socialists
should protest against this enemy of the international working
yet Nader has the support of Socialist Alternative (SAlt), U.S.
supporters of
the Committee for a Workers International (CWI), who call Nader’s
immigrant-bashing campaign an “insurgent campaign for President as an
independent to challenge the corporate stranglehold over U.S. society”
with the Two Parties of War and Big Business: Vote Nader!” Justice
September-October 2008). Still, it must be conceded that Nader is a
choice for the CWI, which supports cop “unions” and hailed the
anti-Chinese riots in Tibet last March, grotesquely comparing the
monastery-organized mobs that burned ethnic Han Chinese homes and shops
to the
Palestinian intifada (“Tibet Erupts!” 28 March). When supposed
and union bureaucrats clamor for Congress to impose sanctions on
imports and protections for “American” jobs, they are pledging their
loyalty to
the imperialist drive to throw China back to its pre-1949 status as an
impoverished semicolony. McKinney
and Her Socialist Backers Pressure Obama The
Green Party presidential campaign of Cynthia McKinney, a former
Congresswoman from Georgia, is also attracting support on the left, and
left liberals. McKinney has the endorsement of the Workers World Party
of the San Francisco-based Socialist Organizer (S.O.) group, supporters
of the
international current of the late Pierre Lambert; and of the Workers
League (WIL), supporters of the International Marxist Tendency led by
Allan Woods, who seeks to be a tutor on (pseudo-)Trotskyism for
bourgeois nationalist colonel Hugo
Chávez in Venezuela. McKinney
calls for freedom for death row radical political prisoner Mumia
Abu-Jamal and
denounces the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2001, however, this
“peace candidate” did her duty as a Democratic Representative of the
capitalist class and voted for the Congressional authorization of the
war on
Afghanistan. Today, McKinney calls for an “orderly withdrawal” from
calling in a June 11 press release for a federal “Department of Peace”
with “overseeing the orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops from the more
than 100
countries around the world where they are stationed” and for “slashing
not eliminating] the budget for the Pentagon.” In contrast, the
Internationalist Group calls for “Not One Person, Not One Cent for the
Imperialist War Machine!” (Internationalist No. 26, July 2007)
and in an
article for the 2008 May Day West Coast longshore workers strike
against the
war, we wrote: “In
order to defeat the imperialist war abroad and the bosses’ war
home,’ class-conscious workers must oppose all the capitalist
and politicians, and build a class-struggle workers party.
Revolutionaries fight to drive the U.S. out of Iraq and
– which will be anything but orderly, as the U.S.’ exit from Vietnam
showed –
by workers action. We would like to see the “diplomats” (spies) and
“contractors” (mercenaries) clambering onto the roof of the U.S.
desperately trying to helicopter out of the “Green Zone” in Baghdad. A
there would put a damper on U.S. imperial adventures around the world,
would aid the struggle of working people, immigrants and oppressed
in the United States itself.” –“All
Out on May Day,” The Internationalist special issue, 27
April 2008 When
McKinney switched to the Greens, she remarked: “I had a place to go
when the
Democratic Party left me.” As we commented in the above article:
“Exactly. The
red, white and blue Greens are nothing but a home for homeless
Democrats.” Now
the time may not be right yet for her to go home again, but she is
using her
campaign to pressure Obama. In her June 11 press McKinney effusively
congratulated Obama clinching the Democratic Party nomination for
commander-in-chief of U.S. imperialism, while drawing his attention to
her issues: “Coming
from Barack Obama, the word ‘change’ did not appear as just another
empty campaign
slogan. It galvanized millions of people.... Sen. Obama called for
healing the
wounds inflicted on working people and the poor in our country after
years of a corrupt and criminal Bush-Cheney Administration.... Across a
swath of the people of this country, and from those who are impacted by
foreign policy, there is a real expectation, a real desire, for
While congratulating Sen. Obama for a feat well done, I would also like
bring home the very real need for change and a few of the issues that
must be
addressed for the change needed in this country to be real....” WWP,
ISO: Holding Obama “Accountable” Thus
the McKinney campaign is a perfect vehicle for the pseudo-socialist
opportunists who are seeking to ride the coattails of a popular
bourgeois war
candidate, Obama, while maintaining a fig-leaf of formal
“independence.” Her
liberal politics are in line with Workers World’s history of
support for bourgeois candidates whose brief affairs with
“independence” lead
their unfortunate supporters straight back into the death trap of the
Democratic Party. WWP campaigned for Democrat Jesse Jackson and
McKinney when she ran as a Democrat for Congress. Today Workers
World (6
November 2008) counsels Obama supporters, “As president, Obama will not
be able
to effect change without the cooperation of the people and without
demands on
him for accountability.” So there is WWP’s real politics –
“cooperation” plus
“accountability” – which add up to a backhanded virtual endorsement of
I don’t think Dr. King would endorse any of us. I think what he would
call upon
the American people to do is to hold us accountable….. I believe change
not happen from the top down. It happens from the bottom up. Dr. King
understood that…. Arguing, mobilizing, agitating and ultimately forcing
officials to be accountable – I think that’s the key.” The article concludes: “For candidate Obama,
these may
have been just good debating points. But for the rest of us, acting on
spirit of these words will be crucial in the next period….” So there
you have
it, despite its talk of “socialism” and whatever its pretensions of
“independence,” the ISO takes its marching orders from Obama. The
WWP and ISO posture of “holding Obama accountable” is simple bourgeois
politics. Indeed, it is the same as the policy of a bevy of bourgeois
“progressives” and social democrats who signed an “Open Letter to
Barack Obama”
that appeared in The Nation (18 August). The signers include
liberal luminaries, writers and academics as Phil Donahue, Barbara
Eric Foner, Tom Hayden, Walter Mosley, Frances Piven, Gore Vidal,
Howard Zinn
and Nation editor/publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel. Taking up
campaign slogan, “Change We Can Believe In,” the signers wax
enthusiastic about
the enthusiasm his candidacy has awakened, call on him to “listen to
the voices
of the people who can lift you to the presidency and beyond,” and list
a series
of issues on which they beseech him not to “retreat.” These include
from Iraq on a fixed timetable” (not “immediate”? what a surprise!), “a
to the current economic crisis that reduces the gap between the rich
and the
rest of us” (i.e., not the gap between rich and poor, a nice touch,
since a
number of the signers are pretty well-off), an end to torture and abuse
civil liberties, an immigration system with a “path to citizenship”
(i.e., not
full citizenship rights now), and so on. The “progressives” then offer: “If
you win in November, we will work to support your stands when we agree
with you
and to challenge them when we don't. We look forward to an ongoing and
constructive dialogue with you when you are elected President.” The fondest hope of
the WWP and ISO is to be part of that
“constructive dialogue.” PSL: Working Class
Mobilization, or a Click of the
Computer Mouse The
task of Marxists in bourgeois elections is to combat the illusions that
people hold in capitalist “democracy.” When working people still
believe the
lie that their votes count for anything but an endorsement of the
rulers, a revolutionary party might run candidates to expose the
bankruptcy of
the capitalist system and its “democratic” façade.
Revolutionaries can also
offer critical support to candidates representing centrist or reformist
working-class parties or organizations, if such candidacies run
independently of all capitalist parties and represent a
sharp break with the bourgeoisie on fundamental issues. Critical
support does
not imply approval of their politics, and the Marxists would point to
the contradiction with their overall opportunist
politics. As Marxists we always draw a class line, to mobilize
the exploited
and oppressed against the exploiters and oppressors. The
Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), a split from WWP, is running
La Riva for president and Eugene Puryear for vice president. The PSL
the ANSWER anti-war group, which organizes popular-front “peace”
marches tying
leftists to bourgeois politicians like Jesse Jackson and Dennis
Kucinich under
the slogan “Fund People’s Needs, Not Militarism & Bank Bailouts!”
There is
no qualitative difference between the PSL’s endless variations on the
“jobs not
war, bring the troops home now” theme and the utopian prescriptions of
Green Party or Ralph Nader platforms: this is a bourgeois and not a
program. In a rehash of classic social-democratic minimum and maximum
PSL spokesmen talk “socialism” in a general sense (when they are not
their ANSWER hats and posing as simple “peace and justice” folks), but
program on the issues consists of calls for shaking up the budget,
“prosecuting” bankers for malfeasance, providing health care through
owned entities,” “elimination of the racist criminal ‘justice’ system,”
etc. One
has to ask, who exactly is supposed to carry out such demands?
propose a transitional program of class mobilization:
strikes against the war, labor-centered defense against police
brutality and
immigration raids, workers’ control of industries in response to
threats of
layoffs and capitalist economic sabotage. What is the PSL’s response to
economic crisis? Look behind the sloganeering about “socialism” in the
abstract, what the PSL actually proposes (at votenobailout.org) to
workers is
that they send an email to Congress asking the representatives of the
to do right by the working people. Before that they had votenowar.org,
votetoimpeach.org and similar gimmicks. They all worked equally well,
fostering democratic illusions. (For more on this question see, “Exchange
Transitional Demands” [26 September]) While
the PSL doesn’t come as close as their former comrades in WWP to
outright endorsing
Obama, the La Riva/Puryear campaign manifesto states “For many Black
people especially,
the prospect of simply having a Black president – regardless of his
politics –
is enough to arouse excitement. This is perfectly justifiable. The fact
there have been so few Black elected officials in this country is a
to the country’s deeply-rooted racism. Our campaign has absolutely no
with those who have devoted their time to righting this historic
wrong.” Yet
the election of Barack Obama will not right the historic and
wrongs that make the United States home to some of the most ugly and
racism on Earth. Like black Democratic mayors before him, an Obama
will preside over a system of racist mass imprisonment, legal
and imperialist war, which he has fulsomely supported throughout his
career. This is what revolutionary socialists would say to
those who
believe that “simply having a Black president – regardless of his
will bring longed-for “change.” A
“Socialist” Who Called for Racist Police Repression Among
the campaigns of various minor parties claiming to be socialist, the
one that
is on the most state ballots is the Socialist Party U.S.A. (SPUSA),
which is running Brian
Moore and Stewart Alexander for president and vice-president. In his
biography, Moore cites his role as an “advocate for small businesses
community’s civil rights in wake of riots; Wash. DC, 1991-92”
(www.votebrianmoore.com/background.htm). It turns out that this
presidential candidate was the spokesperson for a businessmen’s
“law and
order” vigilante group! In
May 1991, the heavily Latin American-immigrant neighborhood of Mount
in Washington, D.C. was shaken by crowds protesting a wanton police
shooting of
a Hispanic man celebrating the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo.
Thousands of
youth held off the police for hours, torching more than a dozen police
cars, in
the course of which some local shops were damaged. The blame for these
desperate outbursts of rage rests squarely on the racist capitalist
force that even some in the bourgeois media recognized as the cause of
youths’ anger. At
the time we Trotskyists called for all charges to be dropped against
arrested protesters. The response of “Socialist” Brian Moore, who had
run for
D.C. mayor, was quite different: he was the spokesman for a merchant’s
association clamoring for more arrests! According to the Washington
(12 July 1991): “A
group of merchants, dissatisfied by official efforts to arrest looters
vandals from the Mount Pleasant disturbances, has begun soliciting
and photographs of the violence in order to pick out suspects and turn
names over to police.... “Aided
in part by advertisements with the headline, ‘Wanted: Photos/Videos of
which were placed in two neighborhood newspapers, the merchants have
several dozen photos and four videotapes of the unrest, said Brian
Moore, the
campaign’s coordinator and an independent candidate for D.C. mayor last
year. “Moore
and others supporting the merchants’ ‘Accountability Project’ said that
identifying and prosecuting those who burned buses and cars, broke
windows and
stole merchandise could help the District avoid a repetition of the
disturbances in Mount Pleasant, Adams-Morgan and Columbia Heights on
May 5 and
6. “‘You
can’t solve social injustices with other social injustices, and too
many times
people in the community are allowed to get away with murder,’ said
Moore, who
neither lives nor works in the Mount Pleasant area but said he got
because his Southwest neighborhood – or any other – might be next. “He
said many merchants believe the police have failed to pursue
aggressively those
involved in the May disturbances, much as they complained bitterly then
some officers had stood by and watched looting and vandalism occur.
About 230
people were arrested during the disturbances, many of them for
curfews imposed by Mayor Sharon Pratt Dixon. “‘There
were a large number of participants,’ Moore said, but the community has
indication from the police that many of those involved have been
arrested.” As a candidate for DC city council, Moore
called for a
9 p.m. curfew for youth and for warrants to be issued against
parents! We have to assume that the SPUSA is aware of
these facts. That
the Socialist Party USA would list this crime against the people,
without comment, as a qualification for their candidate means that
“socialists” take the side of the enemies of the workers and oppressed,
their candidate should be roundly denounced. SWP
and SEP: An Odd Reformist Sect and Some “Socialist” Scabs Among
the other groups running candidates, the Socialist Workers Party (SWP)
presenting Róger Calero and Alyson Kennedy for president and
vice president
this year, along with several local candidates. The SWP, which almost
half a
century ago (up to the early 1960s) was the revolutionary voice of
in the United States, has degenerated over the decades into a weird,
sect that insists that Russia and the eastern part of Germany are still
“workers states” and seeks to be the representatives of the Stalinist
bureaucracy in the United States (on which count it has a good deal of
competition). When the SWP had a significant following in the 1960s and
it was as the right-wing of the Vietnam anti-war movement that in order
court Democratic “doves” and labor bureaucrats for its “single-issue”
Now”) popular front excluded thousands of youth who
solidarized with the NLF from
its “peace parades” (in addition
to sometimes violently expelling
communists from its confabs). When the U.S. did pull the troops out,
movement built by the SWP, which had sought nothing else, soon
collapsed, U.S.
imperialism rearmed and the SWP fell apart, expelling thousands of
members in a
series of bureaucratic purges and ossifying as an irrelevant sect. Today,
in response to the economic crisis, “Calero and Kennedy demand that the
government launch a public works program to build schools, hospitals,
affordable housing and to rebuild deteriorating infrastructure” (The
Militant, 10 November). Responding to the Great Depression, Leon
called for “a broad and bold organization of public works” in the
Program. But in the very next sentence he emphasizes that such a
program can
only have “a progressive significance for society” as part of a
national plan under
workers control: “The working out of even the most elementary
economic plan
– from the point of view of the exploited, not the exploiters – is
without workers’ control...” Without this crucial element the SWP
platform is
nothing more than liberal wish lists dressed up as “socialism.” Last
and very much least among the “socialist” contenders for the presidency
is the
Socialist Equality Party (SEP), which emerges from its cyberspace haunt
at the
World Socialist Web Site every election year to run candidates. A fair
of leftists follow news on the WSWS site without knowing much about the
politics of the SEP led by David North. This is not surprising since in
part the articles rewrite the bourgeois press with only the most
“class-angling.” This year the SEP is not on any ballot but is calling
for a
write-in vote. In its election statement it presents social-democratic
such as calling for “the transformation of the giant banks and
into democratically controlled utilities,” “vastly expanded resources
social programs, jobs, health care, housing and education,” “repeal of
anti-democratic legislation,” and the like, always clad in
garb, plus a ritual reference that capitalism “must be overthrown.” But
the SEP is not its ostensible reformist “socialist” program. More
North & Co. use the sellouts of the labor bureaucracy to write off
unions entirely as supposedly no longer workers organizations in any
sense. When workers are given the chance to vote for union
representation, the SEP campaigns
for an anti-union vote, thereby joining with the bosses (see
article, “SEP/WSWS: Scab ‘Socialists’” [22 December
2007]). And that is no
accident, for David North is the same person as David Green, who is the
CEO of
a non-union (i.e., scab) print shop, Grand River Printing &
near Detroit which according to its website rakes in $25 million a
year. These scab
socialists, whose long and sordid political history includes
a New York City police “strike” in 1971 and supplying photographs of
communists to the murderous, U.S.-supported regime of Saddam Hussein a
years later, shouldn’t get a single worker’s vote. “The
Emancipation of the Working Class Must Be the Act of the
Workers Themselves”
capitalism, elections are a mechanism of bourgeois class dictatorship.
step of the process, from the grooming of the politician caste, to the
primaries, to the general election is rigged to give absolute advantage
to the
owners of capital. The bourgeois media machine generates “public
opinion.” Even
when it gets past the elaborate requirements to register a candidate,
thousands of signatures, no workers party, much less a revolutionary
could possibly come up with the oodles of dollars needed to buy
time. When the year-long electoral circus reaches its grand finale with
November’s ritual act of “democracy,” the voters (those not entirely
disenfranchised by the racist “justice” system and immigration laws)
are left
to choose among representatives of the ruling capitalist class. And the
decisions are seldom decided by elections, or even Congressional votes.
perfect example was the recent bailout. Both Obama and McCain endorsed
rescue of the banks, which has already cost hundreds of billions of
more than the entire cost of the Iraq war: no choice there. When
responded to the popular uproar against the bailout and voted it down,
bankers (through President Bush and the Democratic Congressional
simply told the Congressmen to go back and vote again, this time the
way. Then when it was all over, it turned out that the Wall Street
banker who
runs the Treasury Department had decided to use the hundreds of
billions of
dollars in an entirely different manner, and on no account to aid
homeowners facing eviction. This is how bourgeois “democracy” works.
The capitalist state rests not on
popular sovereignty but on police departments, prison cells and
military power.
It is the institution through which the capitalists exercise their
class rule
over the workers and oppressed. Today
as several “third party” and “socialist” candidates seek the votes of
those rightly disgusted with the twin parties of imperialist war and
anti-labor attacks, none of these campaigns represents a significant
section of
the working class moving toward class independence. The alternative
offer, at best, a utopian wish list for the capitalist government,
not a program to fight for a workers government. The task of the
workers revolutionary
vanguard is not to organize the biggest “protest vote” for a bourgeois
or reformist petty-bourgeois candidate. We seek to intervene in the
spectacle to bring revolutionary communist consciousness to the working
For as Marx and Engels insisted, “the emancipation of the working class
must be the
act of the workers themselves.” ■
To contact the Internationalist Group and the League for the Fourth International, send e-mail to: internationalistgroup@msn.com |