Workers Safety Committees – Democrats, NLRB No
Friends of Labor

On the early morning of December 22, at the height of
the Xmas rush, some 30 Amazon workers walked out at
the DLN2 warehouse in Cicero, Illinois (above), along
with others in nearby Gage Park. The walkout,
organized by Amazonians United, demanded higher pay,
longer break time and the conversion of temporary
workers to permanent.
(Photo: Paul Goyette /
- Teamsters Launch Campaign
- Bessemer Gets a Re-vote
- Staten Island Re-files for Election
DECEMBER 28 – The fight to unionize
the e-commerce giant monopoly Amazon, a crucial
struggle for the workers movement, has heated up. In
June, the powerful International Brotherhood of
Teamsters (IBT) union resolved to carry out a
coast-to-coast campaign to organize Amazon workers,
starting with an effort at nine warehouses in Canada.
Then in November the National Labor Relations Board
(NLRB) threw out the results of the union recognition
vote held last spring in Bessemer, Alabama because of
Amazon’s dirty tricks and interference in the
election. And on December 22 in New York City, the
independent Amazon Labor Union (ALU) re-filed its
petition with the NLRB for a union recognition vote at
the JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island.
The burning need for unionization of Amazon was
brought home on December 12 when tornadoes tore
through an Amazon warehouse in Edwardsville, Illinois,
killing six workers inside and injuring others. One
worker who was killed had texted his girlfriend,
“Amazon won’t let us leave.” At the same time, an
Amazon driver was told that if she did not stay on the
road and make deliveries, even as warning sirens
blared, it would be considered a “refusal” to work and
she would be fired! This was industrial murder.
It is typical of Amazon’s brutal methods of
exploitation in which workers are injured – often
permanently – at a rate 80% higher than in other
warehouses, where workers are maimed at the “normal”
capitalist rate.
Amazon makes it very difficult to obtain insurance
coverage and compensation for on-the-job injuries. An
essential part of its model is to wear out and use up
workers quickly, resulting in a rapid turnover (which
makes union organizing very difficult). In NYC, at
Hurricane Ida approached, the warehouse remained open,
while workers travelling to and from the facility were
threatened by widespread flooding. Amazon carries out
minimal or no emergency preparedness. It should be
required to have hardened underground safe
rooms for tornados and hurricanes, and at
every facility and dispatch location, there should be
worker safety committees to enforce
safety protocols and assert their power to stop
production if working conditions are unsafe!

Six workers killed in Amazon warehouse hit by tornado
in Illinois, December 10.
(Photo: Drone Base / Reuters)
How can we do that? The tragedy in Edwardsville
underlines the urgent need to unionize the entire
Amazon empire. While demanding the most rigorous
safety standards be adhered to, one can’t rely on
Amazon or the NLRB, which is an agency of the bosses’
government. Nor will it be achieved by looking
to the Democratic Party, which is a capitalist
party, representing the owners of industry and
commerce as much as, or even more than, the
Republicans. As we have pointed out, in the 2020
election cycle Wall Street gave five times as much
money to the Democrats as to Republican candidates,
and in the case of Big Tech far more than that. Amazon
gave 13 times as much to the phony “friend of labor”
Democrats as to Trump and the Republicans.1
To unionize Amazon, it will be necessary to mobilize
the power of the workers movement in sharp class
struggle. The normal tactics of “business
unionism,” based on collaboration with management,
won’t cut it. To defeat the hard-nosed
union-busters at Amazon will take strikes and
walkouts, flying pickets, plant occupations – the
kind of class-struggle methods that built the
unions in the 1930s. Unionization must
include everyone from pickers and drivers to airline
pilots, nationally, and internationally. And it
requires independence from the bosses’ government and
parties, as we fight to build a class-struggle
workers party that defends black people,
women, immigrants and all the oppressed.
Solidarity is key. Unionizing Amazon will be more
like a revolt of the working people than your
run-of-the-mill piecemeal organizing campaign. It's a
tall order and a hard fight, but we – the workers and
oppressed – have the power. For all the automation at
Amazon, without the workers, nothing will move.
Amazon: Union-Buster, Pandemic
Profiteer, Industrial Murder Machine

Amazon warehouses are built like a giant erector set
that could easily collapse under pressure. JFK8 in
Staten Island (above) is the size of 15 football
Hiroko Masuike / The New York Times)
Amazon’s founder and executive chairman Jeff Bezos is
a modern-day robber baron, using vicious anti-labor
methods to carry out savage exploitation of Amazon’s
1.5 million employees worldwide, with 1 million in the
U.S. Bezos has been a pandemic profiteer, with his net
worth now at $208 billion, even after his divorce
settlement has given his ex-wife a tidy fortune of $62
billion. In addition to its e-commerce monopoly (it
controls almost 50% of the U.S. market), Amazon has
many subsidiaries, including Whole Foods, the Washington
Post, and Amazon Web Services, the world’s
largest cloud computing platform, notable for its
recent outages.
Initially mainly relying on UPS, FedEx and the U.S.
Postal Service to make its deliveries, Amazon now
delivers most of the products it sells (and the
products of third-party vendors) with its own vast
fleet of 60,000 trucks and vans, with 100,000 more on
order, and its fleet of 80 large cargo aircraft. It is
estimated that the company now makes 20% of the
shipments in the U.S. That’s why a resolution at the
June 2021 Teamsters convention referred to Amazon as
an “existential threat” to the union, since with its
low wages and poor working conditions it exerts a
downward pressure on unionized trucking and delivery
No Amazon facility in the U.S. is unionized, and
while there are several unions at its European
operations, only in Italy have they won a contract –
by striking. In Germany, the Ver.di service workers
union forced some concessions through repeated
strikes. In spring 2020, French workers forced Amazon
to provide safety measures against COVID at six
warehouses. But in the U.S. and globally, Amazon was
notorious for providing little or no safety protocols
or PPE in the early stages of the pandemic. In
November, it was fined $500,000 by California for
failing to notify workers of outbreaks in its

No Amazon facilities in North America have been
unionized. In Europe, only in Italy have unions won a
contract. Above, Milan logistics center during
first-ever national strike against Amazon, 22 March
Vice magazine (23 November 2020) detailed the
company’s vast spy and surveillance network directed
against union activity, including the hiring of the
notorious Pinkerton detective agency. At its Global
Security Operations Center, “intelligence analysts
keep close tabs on how many warehouse workers attend
union meetings.” Recently Amazon started to apply
hi-tech methods to its hundreds of thousands of
drivers, requiring them to submit to biometric
monitoring, with “faceprinting” and video snooping on
their every action (including yawning or getting out
of the cab to relieve themselves) to ensure non-stop
labor. It also tells delivery drivers to turn off
safety apps monitoring vehicle speed in order to meet
production quotas.
Amazon workers have difficulty getting disability pay
and COVID leaves under the company’s automated “Human
Resources by App” system, which is subject to glitches
and provides no accountability. The Boston Globe
(24 July) reported how workers injured on the job got
the run-around in getting workers’ compensation to
cover medical treatment: “Employees alleged that the
trillion-dollar behemoth and the company it uses to
handle the cases made accessing the payments and
health care due to them under state law confusing and
difficult, leaving many languishing for weeks or
months with only minimal benefits.”
Lessons of Bessemer
On April 9, the National Labor Relations Board
announced results of the vote at the union election at
Amazon’s BHM1 warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama. The vote
was 1,798 against to 738 for the union, with some 500
ballots contested, mostly by the company. The result
was a victory for Amazon, which had waged a vicious
anti-union campaign, and a bitter defeat for the RWDSU
(Retail, Warehouse and Department Store Union). The
RWDSU blamed the defeat on unfair labor laws and the
illegal activities of Amazon, as well as “legal”
tactics such as requiring workers to attend “captive
audience” meetings with anti-union consultants (paid
$3,200 a day), threatening that bringing in a union
would mean a loss of benefits, and implying that it
could shut down the warehouse if workers voted to
unionize, as it did at a warehouse in Chicago where
workers had carried out protests.
On November 29, the NLRB ruled in favor of the RWDSU,
nullifying the results of the election and allowing a
re-vote, for which a date has not been set. The union
has maintained a base of supporters in the Bessemer
facility and recently posted on Facebook
(BAmazonUnion, 22 December) about how on November
28-29, two workers collapsed in the warehouse within
six hours of each other. Both died. One worker had
suffered a stroke while working, but his manager told
him he could not leave, and that since he had no
“unpaid time off” remaining, if he left he could be
fired. After the deaths the company told workers to
carry on working and not to talk about what had
happened. At least four other workers have died at
that warehouse this year.

Trade-union supporters of the Internationalist Group
during unionization campaign at BHM1 warehouse in
Bessemer, Alabama, 27 March 2021.
(Photo: Elijah Nouvelage /
Getty Images)
The Bessemer campaign, carried out by a mainly black
workforce in the deep South, if successful would be
the first union victory against Amazon in the U.S. As
word of the campaign spread last spring, many Walmart
workers, Whole Foods workers and unorganized workers
around the country looked to the Bessemer struggle as
their own. In the wake of the defeat in that election,
now annulled, there were many post-mortems from the
left, and other unions, mostly focusing on tactical
issues. For example, that the RWDSU should not have
proceeded with the vote after Amazon won a broad
definition of warehouse employees to include seasonal
and temporary workers; or that the union should have
pushed for workers to wear pro-union buttons or
otherwise go “public.” (The RWDSU said it didn’t do so
because of Amazon’s history of firing pro-union
The campaign was also criticized for being too rushed
– the vote was held less than a year after the
warehouse was opened in March 2020. Workers in BHM1,
many of whom had been active in the massive wave of
protests against racist cop terror that summer,
approached the RWDSU in July of that year. The union
felt it had to act quickly and forge ahead because of
the high turnover at Amazon warehouses. It was also
criticized for relying on phone banking to convince
workers to vote for the union instead of visiting them
at home. The Internationalist objected that in
response to Amazon’s harping about union dues, the
RWDSU said workers wouldn’t have to pay because
Alabama is a “right-to-work” state where requiring
union membership is outlawed!
The real lesson of the Bessemer defeat is that it
showed the limits of playing by the bosses’ rules.
NLRB-supervised representation elections are so rigged
in favor of the companies, and unions are so hamstrung
by anti-labor laws, that it is extremely difficult,
often next to impossible to win by going that route
alone. A fighting union would have mobilized workers
in action to demand a big wage increase, union safety
committees, slowing down the breakneck line speed,
etc. The RWDSU leaders wouldn’t do that, because like
the rest of labor officialdom they are chained to the
capitalist system. Besides, wages in RWDSU-organized
poultry plants in the South are no higher than
Amazon’s, and the union tops never shut down those
plants in the pandemic despite hundreds of COVID
Teamsters vs. Amazon

Teamsters in Los Angeles. Turn the tough talk into
Creative Commons)
Going back to their 2016 convention, Teamsters union
leaders have made general statements about wanting to
organize Amazon. In 2020, the IBT formed a division to
oversee organizing at Amazon, headed by Randy Korgan,
president of a Teamster local in San Bernardino,
California. That is in the heart of the Inland Empire,
the corridor along Interstate 10 where endless
warehouses stock and deliver goods coming through the
ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. This area should
be a ripe target for a massive organizing campaign – a
serious struggle starting at a few locations could
spread quickly among these heavily immigrant workers,
join with the hard-pressed, mainly Latino port
truckers and hook up with the powerful ILWU longshore
union. If the bosses are worried about the supply
chain now, consider what a warehouse-trucker-port
strike would do.
On June 24, the IBT national convention passed a
“Special Resolution: Building Teamster Power at
Amazon.” Citing how Amazon posed “an existential
threat to the standards we have set” in UPS, parcel
delivery, freight, etc., it vowed that “helping
[Amazon] workers achieve a union contract is a top
priority” for the Teamsters. Korgan has said that “the
NLRB is not the only way” and written that Teamsters
have “fought for workers' rights to organize and build
power any way we could, including shop floor strikes,
city-wide strikes and actions in the streets. Building
genuine worker power at Amazon will take shop-floor
militancy by Amazon workers and solidarity from
warehousing and delivery Teamsters” (Salon,
14 June 2021).
Talking the tough talk has to be put into practice.
Organizing Amazon was an issue in the national
Teamsters election this fall, in which the ruling
Teamster Power faction of the bureaucracy of retiring
president James Hoffa Jr. was pitted against the
Teamsters United faction, led by Sean O’Brien and Fred
Zuckerman, much of whose base came from Teamsters for
a Democratic Union (TDU). The history of this grouping
is important. The TDU originated in the 1970s and
notoriously sued the Teamsters in the capitalist
courts in the name of “union democracy,” a betrayal of
working-class principle. Having invited the capitalist
government in to run the union elections, Ron Carey, a
TDU-supported candidate, won the IBT presidency in
1991. But after a strike at UPS in 1997 won, the
government ousted Carey. Bring in the feds and
they own you.
So the chickens came home to roost, and James Hoffa
Jr. led the union for the next 24 years. Now a
TDU-backed coalition has won the union election with
almost 70% of the vote. A big issue was the rotten
2018 UPS contract agreement, which the Hoffa
leadership pushed through even after the membership
voted it down. That contract created a new “22.4” job
category in which workers were paid less and worked
“flexibly” (with ever-changing hours) while keeping
part-time workers at poverty-level wages. O’Brien
broke with Hoffa Jr. over that contract and UPS
workers, notably in the powerhouse Local 804 in New
York City, are a key base of support to the TDU. Now
the Teamsters are proclaiming a mandate of
But the leadership of the Teamsters, whether Teamster
Power or Teamsters United, is not based on militant
class struggle. For more than half a century, the
entire U.S. labor bureaucracy has been committed to
class collaboration – Hoffa Sr. included, although the
feds went after him for achieving the first-ever
national Master Freight Agreement. While the IBT has
had training sessions on engaging Amazon drivers and
warehouse workers, a central activity has been
lobbying local governments to stop Amazon from
building facilities because it treats workers
unfairly, causes pollution, etc. This is a worthless
strategy: what’s needed to promote workers’ rights and
social benefit is to organize Amazon, not look to
local capitalist governments to pressure Amazon.
O’Brien and the TDU have said that a key part of
their strategy is to show Amazon workers the benefits
of a union by fighting for “strong contracts” when the
UPS contract expires in 2023 and the DHL contract
expires next year. Winning major gains from the
shipping bosses won’t come easy – it will take an
all-out nationwide strike. But to show Amazon that the
Teamsters mean business, solidarity action
will be vital. Instructing Teamster drivers to NEVER
cargo” (refuse to handle) struck goods anywhere
will send a clear message to union activists at Amazon
that the Teamsters have got their backs.
Organize JFK8 with Class

Supporter of Amazon Labor Union and his son leafleting
warehouse workers and drivers at JFK8 facility in
Staten Island, New York, May 2021.
(Photo: Dave Sanders for The
New York Times)
Defying defeatist moods that set in after the defeat
at Bessemer, an organizing campaign was launched last
April at Amazon’s JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, New
York City by activists who formed the Amazon Labor
Union (ALU). The ALU asserted it would win because it
was “worker-led” and not affiliated with an existing
union. However, the ALU’s strategy has been remarkably
similar to the RWDSU’s in Bessemer: rapid gathering of
authorization cards to meet the NLRB threshold for an
election, while holding solidarity rallies and seeking
the support of politicians and celebrities. So far
only a small number of workers have come out openly as
union supporters. In response to the ALU, Amazon
followed its Bessemer playbook, churning out
anti-union propaganda and holding “captive audience”
union-bashing meetings with workers. Pro-union
activists have countered the company stooges in those
The ALU is led by Chris Smalls, who was a supervisor
at JFK8 until he was fired in March of 2020 for
bravely protesting against the lack of COVID safety
protocols in the warehouse. On October 25, the ALU
turned in over 2,000 authorization cards at the NLRB
office in Brooklyn, declaring its intention to
organize not only JFK8 but three smaller Amazon
warehouses on Staten Island. The ALU said 5,600
workers work there, Amazon claimed 9,660 workers at
those four facilities. On November 12, the ALU
withdrew its election petition after the NLRB said
that its initial check found almost half the workers
who signed authorization cards no longer worked at the
warehouse, reflecting the massive turnover. On
December 22, now with 3,000 cards in hand, the ALU
resubmitted its request for an election vote at JFK8
Smalls has stated that things will be different than
in Bessemer, because “New York is a union town.” That
is certainly a major factor, but it’s not enough
unless NYC unions actively mobilize to aid the
organizing drive in Staten Island. At a December 22
Times Square rally, Smalls called for the NLRB to “do
the right thing” and “use remedies that go around the
30%” rule – that 30% of the workforce must sign cards
to get an election – because the annual turnover rate
at JFK8 is 150%.” There should be no illusions in the
Labor Board, which was set up in 1935 to enforce government
control of unions not to build them. The NLRB
is no ally but an enemy of labor. As we have written
before, while union activists may have to make use of
its procedures:
“Genuine Marxists (i.e., Trotskyists) oppose
any mechanisms of government control of labor, whether
by card check or NLRB-supervised ‘elections.’ A real
union organizing drive would rest on mobilizing the
workers’ strength in action, including possible strike
Marxists Oppose All Government Intervention in the
Unions,” The Internationalist No 28,
March-April 2009
Co-organizing the Times Square rally was the Workers
Assembly Against Racism (WAAR), led by the Workers
World Party (WWP). WAAR and WWP have latched onto the
ALU effort, promoting rallies outside Bezos’ Manhattan
penthouse rather than pushing for class struggle. They
call for Amazon to voluntarily “Stop Union Busting!
Recognize the Union & Negotiate Now!” Lots of luck
with that one. Begging the union-busters to turn into
union promoters is a liberal delusion. Similarly,
after the defeat in Bessemer, Workers World launched a
petition to “Tell Biden to Pass the PRO Act by
Executive Order!” Instead of calling to break with the
Democrats and oppose government control, this only
promoted illusions in Biden and phony “friend of
labor” Democrats.2

December 22 rally in Times Square after Amazon Labor
Union re-filed with the NLRB for a union-recognition
The same day as the rally (December 22), the NLRB
announced it had reached a settlement with Amazon on
dozens of complaints that had been filed since the
start of the pandemic, under which the company would
post signs saying that it had violated workers’ right
to organize by prohibiting employees from being on the
property more than 15 minutes before or after a shift
and banning union supporters from advocating in
lunchrooms and other non-work areas, as has happened
at JFK8, Chicago and elsewhere. Amazon was required to
notify all of its employees nationally that they have
the right to organize and that Amazon will not
interfere with that right. Want to bet on how
seriously Amazon will abide by this settlement? And
keep in mind that black workers at JFK8 are almost 50%
more likely to be fired than white co-workers.3
The key to winning a union at JFK8 and Amazon
locations around the country is to build a core
of class-struggle unionists in the
warehouses and among drivers; to bring out
supporters in a show of strength at key
moments (Black Friday, Amazon Prime Day, May Day),
including in shift-change rallies and job
actions building up to walkouts when the
union is strong enough to make them real; to raise
concrete demands now ($5 an hour raise,
union safety committees, slower line speed,
longer lunch and bathroom breaks,
end cellphone ban and firing by apps,
etc.); and to mobilize mass labor solidarity,
with hundreds of unionists outside the warehouses.
Union supporters must see they are not alone. The
bottom line is that a substantial core of committed
class-struggle militants must be cohered in order to
win broad backing for the union in action rather than
relying on the bosses’ government.

Worker at JFK8. Speed-up causes injuries. For workers
safety committees with the power to shut it down.
(Photo: Chang W.
Lee / New York Times)
What Does Class Struggle
Unionism Look Like?
Also on December 22, about 70 workers Amazon workers
at two delivery stations in Chicago and Cicero,
Illinois walked off the job demanding raises, longer
breaks and better staffing to reduce overwork. These
workers are led by Amazonians United, which also
carried out a walkout last April in response to the
implementation of brutal “megacycle” shifts. That
walkout won a $2 shift differential for that shift.
Such job actions show it is possible to struggle
against Amazon. They raise the need for the kind of
militant actions that built the unions in the 1930s.
The organizing drives that created the industrial
unions were not won in government-run elections. The
mass, militant 1934 Minneapolis strikes that forged
the Teamsters were led by Trotskyists, who stopped
scab trucking with flying picket squads and ran off
sheriff’s deputies and auxiliaries in the streets.
They then used these militant tactics to organize
Midwest over-the-road truckers and unemployed workers
in Minnesota. Also in 1934, the ILWU established its
hold in the West Coast longshore and warehouse
industry as a result of the San Francisco general
strike, also led by “reds.” The great Flint, Michigan
sit-down strike of 1936-37 was won by occupying the GM
plants, fighting off an attempt by city cops to retake
the key plant in the “Battle of Running Bulls,” and
seizing an additional plant with the aid of an
Emergency Brigade formed by the Women’s Auxiliary, led
by a Trotskyist activist.
These battles paved the way for the founding of the
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO),
large-scale unionization of key industries and the
consolidation of the union shop. Yet even then, the
leaders of the CIO, including the reformist Communist
Party, hitched the unions to the New Deal coalition of
Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt. And a decade
later, in the late 1940s, the Democratic Party
spearheaded the “red purge” that expelled communists
from most of the labor movement. Then and now, what
was and is needed is to break with the Democrats and build
a workers party to fight for a workers government!
Class struggle independent of the bosses isn’t just a
nice idea: it’s the only way workers can fight back
effectively and win, at Amazon and everywhere. ■