Labor's Gotta Play
Hardball to Win!

Showdown on West Coast Docks: The Battle
of Longview
(November 2011).
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Chicago Plant Occupation Electrifies Labor
(December 2008).
click on photo for article
May Day Strike Against the War Shuts
U.S. West Coast Ports
(May 2008)
click on photo for article
November 2022
Yes on Illinois
“Workers’ Rights Amendment”!
Amendment 1 on the Illinois state ballot on November 8
would amend the Illinois state constitution, banning any
law that “interferes with, negates, or diminishes the
right of employees to organize and bargain collectively.”
The measure is backed by the state AFL-CIO and individual
unions, as well as Democratic politicians, including
Governor J.B. Pritzker (member of the fabulously wealthy
family that owns the Hyatt hotel chain), posing as
“friends of labor.” It is opposed by the state Chamber of
Commerce, the Association of Manufacturers, as well as the
Illinois Association of School Boards (which has
insistently sought to restrict teachers’ right to bargain
and to strike) and the state Republican Party.
This measure amending the state’s Bill of Rights is meant
to prevent the enactment of any “right to work” law that
bans unions from requiring fees to be collected from
non-union members covered by collective bargaining
agreements. Long promoted by the racist, labor-hating
rulers of the states of the former Confederacy, “right to
work” laws have spread in the last decade to Midwest
states where the labor movement has been weakened through
union-busting and significant deindustrialization:
Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, West Virginia.
The amendment also states that workers have a
“fundamental right to organize and bargain collectively
through representatives of their own choosing for the
purpose of negotiating wages, hours, and working
conditions, and to protect their economic welfare and
safety at work.” Thus, anti-labor laws such as Act 10 in
Wisconsin, enacted in 2011, which severely restricted the
rights of public sector workers, including by limiting
bargaining only to wages and requiring annual
recertification of unions, would be presumed
unconstitutional. Unions in Wisconsin have been pummeled
by that law.
Under capitalism, rights (including constitutional
rights) are conditioned by the class struggle, and the
only real guarantee of labor rights is the exercise of
workers’ social power through strikes and other forms of
workers’ mobilization. In 2011, Wisconsin’s Act 10, pushed
by Republican governor Scott Walker, was met with massive,
militant opposition by workers, but the labor bureaucrats
recoiled from calling a general strike that could have
defeated the law, instead pushing to recall Republican
legislators (i.e., vote for Democrats).
Meanwhile in Illinois, that same year the
Democrat-controlled state legislature overwhelmingly
passed a law (SB7) seeking to make teachers strikes nearly
impossible, requiring among other restrictions that 75% of
the entire union membership vote to walk out.
Outrageously, this anti-labor law was supported by Chicago
Teachers Union then-president, the late Karen Lewis.
Militant class struggle is crucial when it comes to
gaining and holding onto essential rights for the workers
and oppressed. At the same time, class-conscious workers
should support measures which simply provide some degree
of legal protections, however partial or minimal, against
union-busting. The straightforwardly worded Amendment 1 is
clearly supportable.
While fighting against the sellout bureaucracy for a
class-struggle program in the unions, opposing the
capitalist Democratic Party and calling for a workers
party to fight for a workers government, we
strongly urge all defenders of labor rights in
Illinois to vote yes on Amendment 1! ■