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No. 21,
Summer 2005
Table of
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pdf version of complete issue.
the Class Line – What Program to Defeat the
Drive U.S. Imperialists Out of
United States imperialism has dug
itself into a big hole in Iraq, and keeps
digging deeper. Try as it might, the Pentagon
has been unable to defeat the growing
insurgency. Each new puppet government is as
discredited and impotent as its predecessor. As
the casualties mount, war weariness has been
growing in the U.S. population. The
Iraq war is clearly unpopular, but that hasn’t
stopped it.The “strategy” of the overwhelming
majority of the left is to build an
ever-larger popular-front antiwar movement, to
hook up with growing bourgeois defeatism. Liberal
reformist “peace” groups seek a different
foreign policy for imperialism and different
priorities “at home.” Revolutionaries seek to
defeat the imperialist system that produces
endless war, poverty and racism. The
Internationalist Group and League for the
Fourth International warn that pacifist
parades will not and cannot stop the
imperialist war machine. The capitalist
warmongers can be defeated, by mobilizing the
power of the international working class. Drive
Imperialists Out of Iraq! (15 July 2005)

Tail on “Out Now” Pop Front
Flack and “WMD” Fabricator Jailed in
Government Witchhunt
Judith Miller!
On July 6, a federal district court
sentenced New York Times reporter Judith
Miller to jail for refusing to divulge her
confidential sources to a grand jury
investigation supposedly investigating the “leaking”
of the identity of a CIA operative. Miller is notorious
as a purveyor of official
disinformation. She helped whip up war fever
to justify the U.S. imperialist invasion of
Iraq by reporting bogus “evidence” of Saddam
Hussein’s non-existent “weapons of mass
destruction” (WMD). She has served as a Near
East “expert” for Zionist lobbies. But the
jailing of the Times’ Miller
is an ominous attempt to throttle the press
and get the mass media to march in
ever-tighter lockstep with the mass murderers
in the White House and the Pentagon. Free
Miller! (11 July 2005)
Threats, Rightist Maneuvers vs. Calls for
“Workers to Power”
Explodes in Sharp Class Battle
Form Workers, Peasants and Soldiers
Build the
Nucleus of a Genuine Trotskyist Bolshevik
weeks of massive mobilizations, tens of
thousands of workers and peasants besieged
Bolivia’s central plaza seeking to shut down the
Congress. Tin miners, teachers and other sectors
chant “Obreros al poder” (workers
to power). In
the largest and fiercest protests since the “gas
war” of October 2003, protesters have demanded
nationalization of the country’s oil and gas
fields. Some peasant leaders have called for a
constituent assembly, hoping to divert the mass
unrest, while reformist union tops want a bourgeois populist
“civilian-military” regime. The need of the hour
is for genuinely revolutionary leadership. Bolivia
in Sharp Class Battle (1 June 2005)
Paz (recent articles from
the Bolivian capital)
LRP, PLP: Which
Side Are They On?
Opportunists Straddle the Class Line
Marx on the Sepoy Revolt
Lenin on the “Boxer
They Want to Take Away Our Driver’s Licenses,
And Tomorrow?
Mobilize the
Working Class Now to Resist!
ID”: Sinister Anti-Immigrant
A Step Toward Police State
Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants!
On May 11, the
Senate and House of Representatives in
Washington approved a draconian immigration law,
known as the “Real ID Act,” which purports to
establish uniform norms for driver’s licenses
issued by the 50 states. Although it is
presented as an “anti-terrorist” measure, in
fact its target is the 11 (or more) million
undocumented immigrants who live and work in the
United States. With this step we
are getting closer to a national identification
card, a police-state measure.
the face of the threat represented by the Real
ID Act, together with previous anti-immigrant
laws such as the U.S.A. Patriot Act and the
immigration “reform” of 1996, many immigrant
rights organizations have placed their hopes in
the capitalist courts and liberal bourgeois
politicians. In reality, the whole “debate” over
immigration is subordinate to the fundamental
issue of the imperialist “war without end,”
waged by both capitlaist parties, which like has
intensified anti-immigrant hysteria.
Internationalist revolutionaries
fight to defeat the imperialist war and for
full citizenship rights for all
ID”: A Step Toward Police State (20 May 2005)
Settling of Scores Among the Bourgeoisie
Pre-Election Battle Over
As the 2006 Mexican electoral race
gets off to an early start, a battle royal
erupted over the lifting of immunity of
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, head of the
Mexico City government. The maneuver by
the government of President Vicente Fox,
his National Action Party (PAN) and the
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
that ruled Mexico for 70 years was
transparent: they sought to prevent the
popular López Obrador from running as
candidate of the Party of the Democratic
Revolution (PRD) for president next year.
For its part, the PRD is
mounting a popular-front election campaign
in the guise of opposing the lifting of
immunity. Trotskyists
defend the democratic right of all parties
to present whatever candidates they wish
in the bourgeois electoral farce, but we
do not support the anti-democratic
provision of executive immunity. While
virtually the entire Mexican left has
climbed aboard the López Obrador
bandwagon, the Grupo Internacionalista
swims against the stream, calling to break
with the popular front and forge a
revolutionary workers party. Mexico:
Battle Over Immunity (25 April 2005)
a Trotskyist Nucleus in Philippines
Over a
Dozen Hacienda Luisita Strikers and Children
Massacre of Sugar Plantation
Workers in the Philippines
In the afternoon of
November 16, Filipino police and army units
carried out a brutal massacre of striking sugar
plantation workers at Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac
province north of Manila. Some 14 people were reported
killed, over 200 injured and 133 arrested. It
was the
worst slaughter of Filipino workers in recent
years. The
reformist Stalinists and social democrats with
their competing popular fronts call on the
Philippine Congress, that capitalist den of
corruption, for an “independent and
impartial investigation” of the imperialists.
In contrast, Trotskyists call to mobilize the
Filipino working class in solidarity strike
action, from the sugar plantations of Negros to
Metro Manila. Massacre
Sugar Plantation Workers in the Philippines
(7 December 2004)
When Filipino worker Angelo dela Cruz
was kidnapped in Iraq and held hostage, there
were numerous demonstrations in the
Philippines demanding that the government
withdraw its troops from Iraq. When President
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo agreed to pull out the
Philippines contingent, securing the release
of dela Cruz, the government launched a flood
of media propaganda claiming to defend the
interests of Filipino workers. What was needed
was for workers to undertake strike action
against the Iraq war, the Arroyo regime’s
anti-worker economic policies and the joint
U.S.-AFP (Armed Forces of Philippines)
offensive against rebels in the south.
Against the War! (26 July 2004)
Mobilize to Defeat the
Witchhunt! Basic Democratic Rights Under Attack
Lynne Stewart
Conviction Is Legal Terror
The conviction of radical
civil liberties lawyer Lynne Stewart along
with court interpreter Mohammed Yousry and
paralegal Ahmed Sattar is a major blow against
fundamental democratic rights in the United
States. Stewart, who is 65, could spend the
rest of her life behind bars, facing up to 30
years in jail for this bogus conviction. The
day after she was indicted, the New York Post
headlined “TRAITOR” and labeled her a “terror
lawyer.” Stewart was convicted of “conspiracy”
to violate “Special Administrative Measures”
imposed by the government to silence certain
prisoners. Such arbitrary measures and
frame-up convictions are part of the
imperialist imperialist war “at home,”
symbolized by the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act, by a
government that practices torture, sexual
assault and murder of prisoners, from
Guantánamo to Abu Ghraib, Iraq. The fight
against the frame-up conviction of Lynne
Stewart and her co-defendants must be part of
a working-class fight against imperialist war
and domestic repression. Lynne
Stewart Conviction Is Legal Terror
(February 2005)
Other articles in The
Internationalist No. 20
Persecution of Miguel Malo Continues
From Iraq to Brazil:
Women’s Liberation Through Socialist
Mexico: Pre-Election Battle Over
Ecuador: The “Rebellion of the
Outlaws” – A Marxist Analysis
Community College Students Drive Out Military
Opposition to military recruiters at
Bronx Community College is building, and over
the space of a month, students led by the
Revolutionary Reconstruction Club were able to
drive them of campus. Bronx
College Students Drive Out Military Recruiters
(25 March 2005)
Repression at City College
Students, Faculty,
Mobilize to Shut Down CCNY – Military Recruiters Out of
On the eve of the second
anniversary of the U.S.’ invasion of Iraq, the
administration of the City University of New
York is waging war on the “home front.” On
Wednesday, March 9, three City College students
were brutally arrested during a peaceful protest
against the presence of military recruiters on
campus. Two days later, an administrative
assistant in the theater department, was seized
by police at her workplace. The Internationalist Clubs
at Hunter College and Hostos Community College
and the Revolutionary Reconstruction Club at
Bronx Community College fight to drive military
recruiters off campus, for the defeat of U.S.
imperialism and to defend those victimized for
protesting the increasing militarization of the
campuses. Mobilize
Shut Down CCNY – Military Recruiters Out of
CUNY! (17 March 2005)
Militant Protest
Sinks BMCC “Homeland Security” Program
A firestorm
of protest by students and faculty at
the Borough of Manhattan Community College
defeated an ominous Homeland Security program
that campus administrators sought to sneak in.
Planned courses included “interrogation
techniques” and “technology
for surveillance.” The
sinister program was dropped because of the
campaign of protest and exposure initiated by
the CUNY Internationalist Clubs last fall. Militant
Sinks BMCC “Homeland Security” Program
(25 March 2005)
Abu Ghraib 101 at
“Fatherland Security” Hits CUNY
version of the article that originally
appeared in Revolution
No. 2 (October 2004). “Fatherland
Hits CUNY (January