"All talk to the effect that
historical conditions have not yet
'ripened' for socialism is the product of
ignorance or conscious deception. The
objective prerequisites for proletarian
revolution have not only 'ripened,' they
have begun to get somewhat rotten.... The
historical crisis of mankind is reduced to
the crisis of the revolutionary
Welcome! The Internationalist Group,
section of the League for the Fourth
International, fights for international
socialist revolution, the conquest of power
by the working class, led by its Leninist
party, championing the cause of all the
oppressed. After a decade and a half in
which the ruling class trumpeted the
supposed "death of communism," the
imperialists are bogged down in losing wars
of colonial occupation in the Near East
while a global economic crisis shakes the
foundations of the capitalist order. With
mass unemployment, poverty and hunger
ravaging the planet, once again there is
talk of socialism and revolution. But as in
the past, the key question is that of
forging a vanguard to lead the struggle of
the workers and the oppressed. Read
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Defeat Israel / U.S.
War – For Workers Action Against Zionist
Slaughter Defend Gaza and
the Palestinian People – For
Arab-Hebrew Workers Revolution! All Settlers Out of the West
Bank! From Egypt to Turkey, Fight for
Workers Revolution!
Every two years since Israel’s rulers
“disengaged” from Gaza in late 2005, the
Israeli military has launched a
murderous attack on the 1.8 million
Palestinians confined in this narrow
strip along the Mediterranean. As of
July 29, over 1,200 Palestinians had
been killed, three-quarters of them
non-combatants and at least 250
children. This is a war to terrorize the
Arab population, but it has not worked.
Trotskyists call to defend Gaza against
the Zionist onslaught while fighting for
an Arab-Hebrew Palestinian workers
state. Israel is neither a
“colonial-settler state” nor an
“apartheid state,” but a client state
and junior partner of imperialism which
seeks to expel the Palestinian
population. Calls for “boycotts,
divestment and sanctions” (BDS) are at
bottom appeals to the imperialists and
will not bring down Zionist rule.
Instead, we call for international
workers solidarity action pointing to
workers revolution throughout the
region. Defend
Gaza and the Palestinian People – For
Arab-Hebrew Workers Revolution!
(29 July 2014)
Mobilize Workers Action
Against Police Terror!
NYPD Murder of Eric Garner
The racists in
blue uniforms of the New York
Police Department are at it again.
Eric Garner, 43, was standing on a
corner in Staten Island when he
was set upon by cops. When he
complained of harassment, they put
him in a chokehold. “I can’t
breathe, I can’t breathe” he said
over and over, but this didn’t
stop the killer cops. In the
aftermath, protesters have called
for the ouster of NYPD top cop
William Bratton, whose policy of
massive arrests for minor
infractions targeted Garner. But
liberals and reformist leftists
have given Bratton’s boss, liberal
Democratic NYC mayor Bill de
Blasio, a free pass. We said at
the time of his election last
fall, “De Blasio Will Be
‘Bloomberg Lite’.” And so he
has been. As a capitalist
Democratic Party politician, he
takes his orders from Wall Street
and Washington. The response to
heinous crimes like the murder of
Eric Garner should be to massively
mobilize NYC workers and the
oppressed in class-struggle
action. It
will take nothing less than
workers revolution to put an end
to this system of racist police
repression. Racist
NYPD Murder of Eric Garner (26
July 2014)
5-Month Platinum Strike, 200,000+ NUMSA
Members Walk Out
Revolt Continues to Shake South
African Capitalism Victory
to the Metal Workers Strike!
South African bosses are worried. No
sooner had the five-month platinum
miners ended, the longest in South
Africa’s history, than 220,000 members
of the National Union of Metalworkers of
South Africa, the largest union on the
continent, walked out. Bosses claimed
the NUMSA strike was costing them 30
million dollars a day. The miners strike
ended with a limited but real victory:
facing down police repression and
company attempts to starve them out,
strikers won a substantial wage
increase. Yet mine workers will still be
living in abject poverty. NUMSA has
declared its opposition to the ruling
African National Congress (ANC) and its
Tripartite Alliance which has held
workers down for two decades and led to
the 2012 Marikana massacre. But South
Africa’s system of white supremacy was
built on the bedrock of
superexploitation of black labor, and
has not changed under the black
capitalist regime. Freedom from
apartheid slavery for the impoverished
masses requires a sharp break from the
politics of class collaboration,
rejection of the reformist myth of a
“national democratic” (bourgeois)
revolution and a fight for a
black-centered workers government to
begin the international socialist
revolution. Worker
Revolt Continues to Shake South
African Capitalism (July 2014)
Victory for Workers Solidarity Flash: Wyatt
McMinn Not Guilty! At a
trial today, June 27, in Clark County
District Court in Vancouver,
Washington, Wyatt McMinn, the vice
president of Local 10 of the Painters
Union and a class-struggle trade
unionist, was found not guilty of
first degree criminal trespass. He
stood up to an anti-union lobbying
outfit which under the phony slogan of
“right to work” would take away
workers’ right to unionize. This is a
victory for labor rights, democratic
rights and workers solidarity. Wyatt
McMinn Not Guilty (27 June 2014)
s Back-to-Work Order Is a Trap
SEPTA Workers: Strike
Together to Win! Just
past midnight on Saturday, June 14,
over 400 unionized workers of the
Southeast Pennsylvania Transit
Authority walked off their jobs,
following four years of fruitless
contract negotiations with the SEPTA
administration. But within a matter of
hours, the Democratic administration
of Barack Obama issued an executive
order forcing the strikers back to
work and barring IBEW and BLET from
striking for 240 days. Obama s
back-to-work order was a body blow to
SEPTA unions. Yet it was hailed by the
leadership of the striking unions
(BLET/Teamsters and IBEW). The union
tops had repeatedly called for
increased government intervention in
negotiations with SEPTA. SEPTA workers
have enormous power in their hands,
but they are stymied by a leadership
that divides the workers and looks to
the bosses government rather than the
power of workers solidarity. To
overcome this, Philly mass transit
workers should elect a joint strike
committee and prepare for
industrial-strength action against
SEPTA and the federal straightjacket.SEPTA
Workers: Strike Together to Win!
(June 2014)
Proletarian Opposition to U.S./E.U./NATO
Imperialists Cold War Drive!
Bugbear of “Russian Imperialism”
In the
global crisis unleashed by the battle
over Ukraine, the imperialists are
preparing a new Cold War. Meanwhile,
quite a few social-democratic groups
echo the Western media, railing against
“Russian imperialism” for incorporating
Crimea and accusing Moscow of fomenting
unrest in eastern Ukraine. Many of these
outfits have repeatedly backed all sorts
of nationalists and ultra-reactionaries
sponsored by Western imperialism. Not
everyone on the left is repeating the
imperialist refrain over Ukraine, but
among those who don t there is little
clarity about the nature of the
capitalist states that arose out of the
counterrevolution that destroyed the
multinational Soviet Union. Is Russia
imperialist? A detailed analysis of
capitalist Russia and the other
post-Soviet states shows that the
relation of Russia and Ukraine today is
not one of imperial overlord and
semi-colonial vassal but of two
intermediate level capitalist states,
despite differences in their relative
power. Today, the main threat to working
people in the clash over Ukraine is the
imperialist-backed junta of
ethnic-nationalist fascists and
free-market rightists in Kiev, not
“Russian imperialism.” While
supporting the Crimea s exercise
of the right to self-determination
by joining Russia and the right of
eastern and southern Ukraine to
self-rule, Trotskyists
fight for proletarian internationalism
against all the capitalist exploiters,
and particularly against the
imperialists, their Ukrainian bourgeois
puppets and fascist attack dogs. The
Bugbear of “Russian Imperialism” (May 2014)
Get the
Hell Out of Afghanistan and Iraq
And Stay Out!
Ukraine to Middle East:
U.S. Imperialism Strikes Out Instigating
Ethnic/Religious War in the Name
of “Democracy After the
February coup d état
that installed a Ukrainian
nationalist/fascist junta in Kiev,
its U.S. and European backers were
thrown for a loop by Russia s swift
and bloodless takeover of Crimea, to
the applause of the local
population. Kiev s military
offensive against pro-Russian rebels
in eastern Ukraine provoked massive
popular opposition. Now with Ukraine
coming apart at the seams, suddenly
Iraq appears to be disintegrating as
well, as the sectarian Shiite regime
loses ground to Sunni Islamist
jihadis. The quagmire in which
Washington finds itself is of its
own making: U.S. rulers have pursued
a bipartisan policy of promoting
ethnic and religious war in order to
maintain world domination. The
arrogant Yankee imperialists sowed
the wind, and now they are reaping
the whirlwind. In Ukraine,
internationalist communists
recognize the right to autonomy and
self-determination of the
Russian-speaking regions and defend
the anti-Kiev rebellion while
opposing both Ukrainian and Russian
nationalism. In Iraq, U.S. troops
must be opposed while supporting
none of the contending factions.
Everywhere we fight for socialist
revolution. From
Ukraine to Middle East: U.S.
Imperialism Strikes Out (20
June 2014)
Organize Workers
Defense Committees to Defend the
Favelas, Protests and Social
Brazil: No
to the World Cup of
On the 50th anniversary of the
civilian/military coup that
overthrew the government of Jango
Goulanrt and began 21 years of
bloody military dictatorship, of
torture, of disappearances, of
epression against the working people
and poor, several of the favelas of
Rio de Janeiro were subjected to
occupation. This outright war
against the most impoverished
neighborhoods is intimately linked
to the preparations for the World
Cup of soccer, beginning on June 12,
when the local, state and federal
governments, and the bourgeoisie of
Brazil as a whole, want to put the
“Marvelous City” (nickname for Rio
de Janeiro) on display. Contrary to
the claims of many reformist
leftists, this escalation of
repression is not fascism but
bourgeois democracy, which was born
bathed in the blood of blacks,
indigenous peoples and the poor. The
Comitê de Luta Classista (Class
Struggle Committee) and the Liga
Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil
(Fourth Internationalist League of
Brazil) call on the entire workers
movement to mobilize its forces
against the bourgeoisie s
World Cup of Repression. In April,
the state-wide unions of teachers
(SEPE-RJ) and health workers
(SINDSPREV-RJ) approved motions put
forward by the CLC calling to
“Drive out the pro-imperialist
occupation troops from Haiti, the
favelas and social movements” and to
build workers defense committees to
unite the favela with the factory
and the protests in the streets. Brazil:
No to the World Cup of Repression!
(May 2014)
Don t Fall for
Democrats Campaign Promises
Fight Low-Wage
Slavery, Mobilize Workers
Power For Class
Struggle Against
Capitalism, Build a
Revolutionary Workers
Party! We are
well into the sixth year of a
capitalist economic crisis with
no end in sight. The bosses are
making money hand over fist,
while we the workers pay the
price low-wage workers most of
all. The fight against poverty
wages must be the fight of all
working people and it must be
waged first and foremost against
the Democratic Party. In recent
months there has been a
groundswell of calls to raise
the minimum wage to $15. That is
still a poverty wage. Beyond the
numbers, the rulers will use
every trick in the book to
whittle it down, delay it and
load it up with all sorts of
exemptions. Yet the various
campaigns all focus on
pressuring the Democrats. Even
when led by ostensible
socialists, they are basically
electoral gimmicks. The strikes
that have been called are purely
symbolic. What s needed isn t
appeals to elected officials but
to mobilize union power. A
class-struggle fight against
poverty wages would seek to
build fighting unions, beginning
with assemblies of low-wage
workers. It would insist on mass
mobilization and independence
from the Democrats and all
capitalist parties and
politicians, and would not limit
itself to narrow
bread-and-butter economic
demands. Fight
Low-Wage Slavery, Mobilize
Workers Power (June
Pogrom in Odessa, And the
protests that began last November
in Kiev were soon dominated by
right-wing Ukrainian ethnic
nationalists and outright
fascists. While Western
governments and many on the left
hailed the democratic uprising, we
and others warned that the
fascist/nationalist coup regime
backed by the U.S. and European
imperialists was a threat to the
Russian-speaking population in
East and South Ukraine. On May 2
came the indelible, horrific
proof. By official count, at least
48 people were murdered in the
heinous massacre and hundreds
injured. The stage was set as
paramilitary squads were brought
in for a march for Ukrainian
unity. This was a deliberate
provocation by the Kiev junta.
After clashes with anti-Kiev
militia members, neo-Nazis of
Pravy Sektor along with other
fascists burned tents of
pro-Russian protesters, then
set fire with gasoline bombs
to the House of Trade Unions
where they had fled for
safety. The Ukrainian
nationalist crowd sang the
national anthem as they
watched dozens being
incinerated. Police did
nothing to stop this, then
arrested the survivors of this
pogrom. The Odessa massacre of
May 2 is the ugly face of
Ukrainian fascism backed by
state power. Fascist
Pogrom in Odessa, And
the Aftermath (May
Union Anti-Russia Drive Backfires Self-Determination for Crimea
Oppose Sanctions! Down with the
Fascist/Nationalist Coup in
Ukraine! Against
Russian and Ukrainian Nationalism
and Anti-Semitism
For Workers Revolution!
Since late November, Ukraine has
been convulsed by a right-wing
nationalist and pro-imperialist
mobilization culminating in a coup d
état that drove out the widely
despised president Viktor Yanukovich
and has split the country in two.
Within hours of seizing power, the
usurpers decreed that Russian would
no longer be accepted as an official
language, enraging the
Russian-speaking east and south of
the country. The mobilization,
falsely portrayed in the Western
media as nothing but peaceful
pro-democracy demonstrators, from
early on was led by ethnic
nationalists, fascists and outright
Nazis. The U.S. and European Union
were up to their necks in financing
and backing these sinister
putschists. Russian president
Vladimir Putin correctly saw the
coup as a blow aimed at Moscow by
the Western imperialists, and struck
back swiftly, taking over the
Crimean peninsula, home of the
Russian Black Sea fleet, to the
applause of the majority Russian
local population. Now Washington and
the E.U. are sputtering, with the
U.S. threatening economic sanctions
and worse. The League for the Fourth
International calls for
self-determination for Crimea and would oppose any
attempt to prevent or undermine
that, whether imperialist sanctions,
military threats or cutting off
vital supplies. We demand that the
U.S./EU/NATO imperialists get out of
Ukraine and call for close
collaboration by Ukrainian and
Russian workers fighting for
international socialist revolution.
with the Imperialist-Backed
Fascist/Nationalist Coup in
Ukraine! (12 March 2014)
Break with the
Tripartite Alliance Popular
Front Build a Revolutionary
Workers Party!
Africa: Workers Slam
ANC Neo-Apartheid Regime
The August 2012 massacre of mine
workers at Marikana marked a turning
point in South African history,
intensifying class struggle and
opening what could become a
revolutionary period. If the
Sharpeville massacre of 1960 drove
home the murderous nature of the
apartheid regime of white supremacy,
Marikana laid bare the deadly
reality of its successor, the
neo-apartheid regime presided over
by the African National Congress
(ANC), which is still based on the
super-exploitation of black labor.
Its role as guarantor of racist
capitalism exposed, the ANC s
governing alliance is beginning to
come undone in the face of massive
discontent among the vast black and
non-white majority over the
continued poverty, police brutality
and exclusion. In December, the
National Union of Metalworkers of
South Africa (NUMSA), the largest
union on the African continent, held
a special congress which officially
declared its break with the ANC, and
with the Tripartite Alliance a
nationalist popular front which also
includes the Congress of South
African Trade Unions and the South
African Communist Party. NUMSA
called for a political organization
to lead the struggle for a socialist
South Africa. The question is, what
is meant by socialism, and how do
you get there? As South African
workers direct their anger at their
black capitalist rulers, the key to
the outcome will be to forge a
revolutionary workers party to fight
for international socialist
revolution. for international
socialist revolution. South
Africa: Workers Slam ANC
Neo-Apartheid Regime (7
January 2014)
Nelson Mandela,
South Africa has lost
Nelson Mandela, one of the
most decisive men in that
country s life over the
last hundred years. He
suffered every sort of
persecution and came to be
the biggest personal
symbol of resistance in
the political struggle
against racist apartheid.
But history will also
register that Mandela, the
South African Communist
Party and the ANC did
everything possible to
keep the struggle against
racism in that country
confined to the framework
of capitalism and
bourgeois democracy,
preventing the socialist
revolution that was
entirely possible to
achieve. As a consequence,
the black and coloured
population today still
lives in poverty. Nelson
Mandela, 1918-2013
(6 December 2013)
Labor Activist
Faces Jail for Protesting Right
to Work Union-Busting Defend
Wyatt McMinn, Defeat Right to
Slave ! No More
Wisconsins! Defend Our Unions!
This past September 5,
Cross Trade Solidarity, a labor
group in the Portland, OR/Vancouver,
WA area, called a rally to protest a
meeting of the union-hating Freedom
Foundation, which has launched a
drive to enact deceptively named
right-to-work laws in the Pacific
Northwest in an attempt to strip
away basic union rights. The
labor-haters showed their idea of
freedom by calling the police to
kick the union protesters out, and
within seconds Wyatt McMinn, vice
president of Local 10 of the
International Union of Painters and
Allied Trades (IUPAT), was arrested
on charges of trespassing in this
public meeting. Instead of
forthrightly opposing the
right-to-slave forces, the AFL-CIO
officialdom has sought refuge in
lobbying and pressuring Democratic
politicians. The way to stop the
union-busting assault is to organize
the unorganized by using workers
power to withhold their labor,
defying anti-labor laws and
defeating outfits like the Freedom
Foundation. With a trial coming up
early next year, we urge all
supporters of union rights to take
up the defense of Wyatt McMinn. Defend
Wyatt McMinn, Defeat Right to
Slave ! (November 2013)
Top Local
Democrats Back Kshama Sawant
Elected in Seattle on
Platform of
Liberal/Populist Reforms
In November, voters in Seattle,
Washington elected Kshama
Sawant, candidate of Socialist
Alternative, to an at-large seat
on the City Council, preferring
her to the incumbent Democrat.
The bulk of the left cheered in
unison. The big business press,
however, was remarkably
nonchalant about the victory for
a nominally Marxist, socialist
working-class party. In reality,
Sawant is a social democrat who
campaigned on a straight
liberal/populist platform that
was hardly to the left of
candidates of minor capitalist
parties. Her signature issue, a
$15/hour minimum wage, was
endorsed by both major
(Democratic) mayoral candidates.
The election of Sawant has been
linked, both by the bourgeois
media and by various left groups
to the election of Democrat Bill
de Blasio as mayor of New York.
Indeed, the liberal Democrat and
the democratic socialist
campaigned on similar themes,
and Sawant was endorsed by
former top Seattle Democrats.
While reformists talk vaguely
about change, they only promote
illusions in bourgeois
democracy. The struggles for the
immediate needs of workers and
the oppressed must be linked to
the fight to forge a
revolutionary workers
Socialist Elected in Seattle
on Platform of
Liberal/Populist Reforms
(December 2013)
Free Abortion on
Populist President Correa
Attacks Women s Right to
Abortion For Women s
Liberation Through Socialist
There is an onslaught against
women s right to abortion
underway, extending from the
U.S. to Central and South
America. This is notably the
case in Nicaragua, El Salvador
and now Ecuador, all three
countries under supposedly
leftist governments. Ecuador s
president Rafael Correa, a
bourgeois populist who came to
office in 2007, recently let
loose a tirade to squelch any
talk of reform on abortion. He
thundered, accusing women
legislators of his own party of
disloyalty and treason for
daring to the minimal reform of
permitting abortion in cases of
rape. Correa s tirade was
immediately saluted by some of
the most reactionary anti-women
forces. This onslaught against
women s rights reflected the
increasingly authoritarian
character of Correa s
presidency, in which all manner
of left-wing dissent is
subjected to state repression.
Against the unholy alliance of
right and populist left against
women s rights, the League for
the Fourth International call
for the repeal of all laws
penalizing or restricting
abortion, and fight for free
abortion on demand, in safe,
high-quality medical facilities.
Populist President Correa
Attacks Women s Right to
Abortion (December 2013)
Drive Out the
MINUSTAH! Workers to Power! Haiti:Women
Workers Strike Against
Starvation Wages U.S.
Unions Must Join the Battle
This week the anger of workers
in Haiti s export garment
industry over their miserable
wages finally boiled over. On
December 10, hundreds of workers
gathered at the industrial park
outside the capital to demand,
as they have for months, a
minimum wage of US$11.50 per
day. They cannot live on their
present pay of $5 a day. As the
workers, mostly young women,
marched into the city
brandishing tree branches, their
numbers swelled. The next day
they were blocked by riot police
when they tried to march on the
upscale town where Haitian
president Michel Martelly lives.
On December 12, the bosses
locked them out. The workers
face bitter opposition not only
from the profit-gouging factory
owners, but also from Haiti s
bourgeois government, their
imperialist patrons in the U.S.
embassy and the MINUSTAH
mercenary troops occupying the
country since 2004. What s
needed is the mobilization of
workers power in class struggle,
but not just Haitian workers. To
prevent manufacturers from
simply shifting production to
even lower-wage countries, it
would require active support
action by U.S. unions. Against
the solid wall of capital, the
only road out of grinding
poverty for the Haitian masses
is an international struggle for
socialist revolution, together
with Dominican workers and
peasants next door and with
workers in the U.S. imperialist
heartland. Haiti:
Women Workers Strike Against
Starvation Wages (12
December 2013)
Throw Back CCNY s Racist
Defend the
Morales/Shakur Center!
On October 20, the City College
administration at the City University of
New York sealed off the Morales/Shakur
Community and Student Center, carrying
out their longtime goal of evicting the
many students who use the space as a
center for radical organizing. Formed in
1989, the Center was won through
struggle by activists who successfully
mobilized against a tuition hike and
named the center after Puerto Rican
independence fighter Guillermo Morales
and former Black Panther Assata Shakur.
The eviction of the Morales/Shakur
Center was clearly linked to the
struggle by students and faculty at CUNY
to drive out war criminal David Petraeus
and the recently reinstated Reserve
Officer Training Corps (ROTC), also
headquartered at CCNY. Hundreds of
students came out the next day to
protest CCNY’s racist eviction. The
Internationalist Clubs call on students
to join in the struggle to defeat and
uproot imperialism through world
socialist revolution. Throw
Back CCNY s Racist Eviction Defend the
Morales/Shakur Center(21 October 2013)
Outrage! Unprovoked
Police Attack on Peaceful
Protest by CUNY Students and
Faculty Against Ex-Gen. David
There has been a mounting
outcry at the City University of New York
ever since CUNY authorities announced last
April that they had appointed former
General David Petraeus, ex-head of the
Central Intelligence Agency and
ex-commander of U.S. occupation forces in
Iraq and Afghanistan, as a “distinguished
visiting professor” at the elite Macaulay
Honors College. At the same time, the
university announced it was reinstituting
the Reserve Officer Training Corps, which
had been driven out of CUNY over 40 years
ago. With the beginning of the fall
semester, the Ad Hoc Committee Against the
Militarization of CUNY called protests
against ROTC and Petraeus. At the fourth
protest, on September 17, police staged an
unprovoked attack on peaceful
demonstrators outside Macaulay College,
brutally beating and arresting six
students. This attack on basic democratic
rights has been met by widespread outrage,
at CUNY, elsewhere in New York City and
around the country. We reprint here the
press release by the Ad Hoc
Committee. UnprovokePolice
Attack (17 September 2013)
Video: Police Attack CUNY
Protest Against War Criminal
Along with other powerful
videos, this Internationalist
video shows, in an extended
uncut segment, how students,
faculty and supporters were
peacefully demonstrating; how
police forced protesters into
the street and then charged,
singling out individuals; and
how police officers and
supervisors brutally beat one of
those arrested. (Other videos,
linked below, show the savage
beating of a different protester
and other aspects of he police
attack.) Internationalist
Video: Police Attack CUNY
Protest Against War Criminal
Petraeus (22 September
Striking Mexican
Students Send Solidarity to
CUNY Protesters
In Mexico City, tens of
thousands of teachers have
been on strike since
mid-August against a
government assault on public
education. On September 13,
police drove strikers out of
Mexico City’s main square.
That night, students at the
National School of
Anthropology and History
(ENAH) occupied their campus
in solidarity with the
teachers, and continued to
do so for the next week.
While on the barricades the
ENAH students voted a motion
of solidarity with the
student proteters against
militarization at CUNY who
had just been attacked by
NYC police. Striking
Mexican Students Send
Solidarity to CUNY Protesters
(18 September 2013)
Video Exposes NYPD Brutalizing
Students in Protest Against Petraeus
In this report and interview, Denise Ford,
one of the six arrested students, explains
why the appointment of war criminal
Petraeus has provoked angry protest at
Video Exposes NYPD Brutalizing Students
in Protest Against Petraeus (21
September 2013)
Macaulay War College? War
Criminal Petraeus, Out of CUNY!
The City University of
New York has just announced the
appointment of ex-general David
Petraeus ex-commander of the
Iraq/Afghanistan wars and former CIA
chief as a visiting professor in the
university s Macaulay Honors
College. News of this sparked
widespread outrage at CUNY. Petraeus
is a certified war criminal, who
oversaw torture centers and the
collateral murder of civilians in
Iraq, bombings of wedding parties in
Afghanistan and Obama s campaign of
targeted killings by drones which
has murdered over 200 children in
Pakistan alone. The Internationalist
Clubs call on students, faculty,
staff and campus workers to drive
war criminal Petraeus out of CUNY
with protest and exposure. War
Criminal Petraeus, Out of CUNY!
(25 April 2013)
Defend North
Korea and China Against
Imperialism and
War Provocations Push
Korea to the Brink For the
Reunification of Korea,
North and South!
Over the last
month and a half, the
United States and South
Korea have engaged in an
escalating series of
military provocations
against North Korea.
Simultaneous war games
have simulated a nuclear
aerial bombing of the
North, a ground invasion
from the South,
annihilation of the
leadership and the
“insertion of tens of
thousands of U.S. troops
searching for nukes. While
the imperialist media are,
as usual, strenuously
demonizing the North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un
and playing up blustering
statements coming out of
the North Korean capital
of Pyongyang, the Pentagon
has been laying the basis
for a military strike
against the North. The
whole operation is part of
detailed plan elaborated
by the Obama
administration, dubbed
“the playbook,” for U.S.
shows of force. But this
is no football game. The
Internationalist Group and
League for the Fourth
International defend North
Korea, a bureaucratically
deformed workers state,
against the war
provocations, economic
blockade and any attack by
U.S. imperialism and its
South Korean junior
partners, no matter how it
starts. We also defend
North Korea s development
of nuclear weapons, its
main deterrent against a
war by the power which
laid waste to the North in
the Korean War. U.S.
War Provocations
Push Korea to the
Brink (13
April 2013)
Stop the Zionist Witch
Free Speech at
The CUNY Internationalist Clubs denounce the
campaign of
slander and
bearing down
on Brooklyn
College over a
discussion on
the campaign
for Boycott,
Divestment and
(BDS) of
supporters of
Israel and its
(Zionism) have
engaged in
witch hunting
reminiscent of
the notorious
Joe McCarthy
on campuses
around the
country, and
Joining this
hue and cry
were 19
officials and
ten members of
the New York
City Council,
whose leader
went so far as
threatening to
cut off
funding for
the public
university. As
we defend the
people. We see
the working
people of the
entire region
Arabs and
Jews, Kurds,
Turks and of
all other
national and
ethnic group
as tthe power
that is key to
Zionism as
well as the
regimes that
rule with
blood and
iron. Thus our
strategy is
very different
from that of
the BDS
which is
ultimately an
appeal to the
(the biggest
and most
dangerous mass
killers on the
planet) to get
tough on their
Israeli junior
partners. At
the same time,
we militantly
defend the
right of BDS
supporters to
hold events
free of
and threats
from Zionist
hoodlums and
Stop the
Zionist Witch
Hunt! Defend
Free Speech at
College! (7
February 2013)
To contact the League for the Fourth
International write to: Internationalist
Group, Box 3321, Church Street Station,
New York, NY, 10008, U.S.A. Tel (212)
460-0983. Fax (212) 614-8711
E-mail: internationalistgroup@msn.com
To contact the Grupo
Internacionalista/México write to:
Apartado Postal 12-201, Admón. Postal
Obrero Mundial, CP 03001, México D.F,
To contact the League for the Fourth
International in Germany, write to:
Postfach 74 06 41, 22096 Hamburg,
We would like
to hear from you. If you are
interested in learning more
about the Internationalist
Group and the League for the
Fourth International, contact
us at: